A general outline of economics from the viewpoint of inventing spatial forms
Zupančič, Domen (2011) A general outline of economics from the viewpoint of inventing spatial forms. AR Architecture, Research, XII (3). pp. 15-22. ISSN 1581-6974 [Article]
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Abstract (in English)
The field of architecture is closely connected with the invention of fresh shapes which objectify new interrelations. These relations exist either between materials, building blocks or between the users of shapes. Inventing shapes is directly linked to the totality of actions. The perfection of something stems from a good knowledge of problems and a clear definition of a problem. The theme of economics from the viewpoint of the invention of spatial forms originates in vernacular architecture, which is often associated with the term cultural heritage. This contribution presents some selected shapes or spatial structures which go beyond the notion of the local environment. All the examples contain a marked component of so-called economics in architecture. Spatial structures are presented analytically in their architectural and operational aspects. An analytical presentation of a structure ensures and enables a critical assessment which begins with the whole, shifts to details, and then returns to the whole. It is not unusual for a highly idealised view of heritage or a landscape to be an impediment to making decisions about the spatial values of individual structures or larger units. Conclusive findings underscore the function of identifying living environment values by using the methods of architectural analysis of space and the function of spatial structures.
SPLOŠNI ORIS EKONOMIKE Z VIDIKAIZUMLJANJA PROSTORSKIH OBLIK Področje arhitekture je povezano z izumljanjem novih oblik. Ti medsebojni odnosi so bodisi med gradivi, gradniki bodisi med uporabniki oblik. Izumljanje oblik je neposredno povezano s celovitostjo delovanja. Drug brez drugega ne moreta obstajati. Izpopolnjevanje izhaja iz dobrega poznavanja problematike in jasno opredeljenega problema. Predstavljena tematika ekonomike z vidika izumljanja prostorskih oblik izhaja iz vernakulane arhitekture, ki jo mnogokrat povezujem še z izrazom kulturna dediščina. Prispevek predstavlja nekaj izbranih oblik ali prostorskih struktur, ki presegajo pojem lokalno okolje. Navkljub svoji bazičnosti v izvedbi in ideji, so te prostorske strukture stvarni nosilci identitete omejenega grajenega okolja. Vsi primeri imajo izrazito komponento t.i. ekonomike v arhitekturi. Prostorske strukture so analitično redstavljene z vidika arhitekture in delovanja. Analitična predstavitev objekta zagotavlja in omogoča kritično presojo od celote do detajla in ponovno do celote. Tak način obravnave arhitekturnih podatkov zagotavlja treznejše opredmetenje problematike ravnanja z arhitekturno dediščino. Nemalokrat je prav idealiziran pogled na dediščino ali krajino, ovira pri odločanju o prostorskih vrednostih posameznih objektov ali večjih enot. Zaključne ugotovitve poudarjajo vlogo prepoznavanja vrednot bivanjskega okolja z uporabo metode arhitekturne analize prostora in delovanja prostorskih struktur.
Item Type: | Article |
Authors: | Authors Email Zupančič, Domen domen.zupancic@fa.uni-lj.si |
Languages: | Slovenian |
Keywords: | spatial design; identit; architectural heritage; economics; original shapes; structures of buildings; analysis of structures; architectural heritage |
Subjects: | A. THEORETICAL AND GENERAL ASPECTS > 12. Theory of conservation C. ARCHITECTURE > 04. Building materials C. ARCHITECTURE > 06. Structures of buildings E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 07. Management F. SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGIES OF CONSERVATION > 41. Photographic surveys F. SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGIES OF CONSERVATION > 42. Qualitative analysis F. SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGIES OF CONSERVATION > 52. Structural surveys H. HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 27. Vernacular architecture J. HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 03. Economic values of heritage P. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS > 05. Europe |
Name of monument, town, site, museum: | Shibam, Yemen; Iceland; Čigoč, Croatia |
Volume: | XII |
Number: | 3 |
ISSN: | 1581-6974 |
Depositing User: | dr. Domen Zupancic |
Date Deposited: | 23 May 2013 09:47 |
Last Modified: | 23 May 2013 09:47 |
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URI: | https://openarchive.icomos.org/id/eprint/1370 |
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