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(2011) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011 = Approche de la sauvegarde du patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle: Document de Madrid 2011 = Criterios de conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX: Documento de Madrid. Other. ICOMOS 92p. Madrid Document, Multilingual. [Book]
(2011) XX. mendeko arkitektura-ondarea iraunarazteko irizpideak: Madrideko dokumentua 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Basque version]. Other. ICOMOS 6p. Madrid Document, Basque. [Book]
(2017) Zurez eraikitako ondarea kontserbatzeko printzipioak: ICOMOSen onartuak Delhin (India) 2017ko abenduan egin 19. Batzar Orokorrean [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Basque version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]