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Dorge, Valerie and Jones, Sharon L. (1999) Building an emergency plan: a guide for museums and other cultural institutions. Manual. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 272p. ISBN 0-89236-529-3. [Book]
Doehne Eric, Eric and Price, Clifford A. (2010) Stone conservation: An overview of current research. Technical Report. Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 158p. ISBN 978-1-60606-046-9. [Book]
MacDonald, Susan, Myers, David, Smith, Stacoe Nicole, Johnston, Chris, Hernandez Llosas, Maria Isabel, Loh, Laurence, Radachowsky, Jeremy, Castellanos, Bayron, Ševčenko, Liz, Yunis, Eugenio and Christina, Cameron (2009) Consensus building, negotiation, and conflict resolution for heritage place management. Conference Volume. The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 210p. ISBN 978-1-937433-30-7. [Book]