Browse by International Scientific Committee

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Number of items: 31.


Alatalu, Riin (2017) DEVELOPMENT OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION AND INSTITUTIONS IN ESTONIA. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 16-19. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Alatalu, Riin (2017) Effective enforcement of legislation. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 7-11. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Adlercreutz, Thomas (2017) THE ROYAL PLACAT OF 1666. BRIEFLY ABOUT BACKGROUND AND FURTHER IMPORTANCE. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia, pp. 6-15. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Adlercreutz, Thomas (2017) What an abstention might lead to: A critical analysis of Sweden's attitude to the Underwater Heritage Convention. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 30-42. [Book Section]

Adlercreutz, Thomas (2017) Which is more effective: General rules or specific decisions? Some remarks prompted by the Swedish heritage legislation. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 69-75. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]


Bandula Mandawala, Prashantha (2017) Protection of the underwater cultural heritage of Sri Lanka through international cooperation. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 50-80. [Book Section]


Clément, Etienne (2017) The elaboration of the UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 5-12. [Book Section]


Draye, Anne Mie (2017) LEGISLATION AND COMMON VALUES: A REPORT FROM BELGIUM/ THE FLEMISH REGION. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 34-38. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Gök, Tamer (2017) CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN TURKEY: DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL RULES AND INSTITUTIONS. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 39-42. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Göhner, Wolfgang Karl (2018) Comparative Perspectives – Contemporary Issues on Law, Religion, Heritage and Conservation. In: PRERICO-ICLAFI Joint Symposium and ICLAFI Annual Meeting 2019, October 16th-20th, 2018, Lotte City Hotel Jeju, Jeju City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province of the Republic of Korea. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Gök, Tamer (2017) Conservation of cultural heritage in Turkey. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 36-41. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Gaillard, Bénédicte (2017) HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ON THE TRANSPOSITION OF THE 1972 UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION IN THE NATIONAL LEGISLATIONS OF ITS STATES PARTIES. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 57-63. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Haapala, Matleena and Virtala, Satu-Kaarina (2017) Wrecks of the WWI become officially cultural heritage in Finland. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 43-45. [Book Section]


Janusauskaite, Vilte (2017) LITHUANIA – THE STANDARD SETTER FOR URBAN HERITAGE PROTECTION IN THE FORMER USSR? In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 30-33. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Koren, Gideon (2017) Cultural Heritage Protection in Israel-Centralization Vs Decentralization of the Heritage Management. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 1-6. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Kono, Toshiyuki (2017) Foreword. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 16-19. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Kowalski, Wojciech (2017) HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN POLAND. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 64-67. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Kowalski, Wojciech (2017) Legal Framework of Protection of Monuments under Polish Law. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 49-55. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]


Lee, Jack Tsen-Ta (2017) SENCE OF PLACE: THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN BUILT HERITAGE AND INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SINGAPORE. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 43-51. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Marta Rae, María (2017) Analysis and diagnosis of how the right of damage acts in the theory of legal order that leads to the study of software: Heritage coefficient, which is inserted within the methodology of economic valorization underwater heritage. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 88-112. [Book Section]

Mandawala, Prashantha B (2017) Heritage Management in Sri Lanka: In Legal, Administrative and Financial Perspective over 125 Years. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 56-68. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Mailong Isberto, Lucille Karen (2017) The Legal Framework for Philippine Heritage Preservation. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 76-84. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]


O'Rourke, Mona (2017) THE EVOLUTION OF A LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR PROTECTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE IN IRELAND. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 22-29. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Pirkovic, Jelka (2017) Concept of cultural heritage protection and management in Slovenia. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 12-19. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]


Rae, Maria Marta (2017) Legal and administrative framework for the protection of heritage in Argentina. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 20-35. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Reap, James K. (2017) United States law on underwater cultural heritage: Can it support the goals and objectives of the UNESCO Convention? In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 13-22. [Book Section]


Staniforth, Mark (2017) Factors affecting the ratification of the UNESCO Convention 2001 in the Asia and the Pacific region. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 81-87. [Book Section]


Trützschler von, Werner (2017) THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF MONUMENTS IN GERMANY. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 20-21. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


Virtala, Satu-Kaarina and Haapala, Matleena (2017) THE EVOLUTION OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION IN FINLAND. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 68-70. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]

Von Trützschler, Werner (2017) The protection of underwater cultural heritage in Germany. In: The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, pp. 27-29. [Book Section]


Wiffen, Graeme, Anne, Mie Draye, Georgiev, Svetoslav, Etienne, Clement, Amaya, Irarrazaval Z., Satu-Kaarina, Virtala, Katri, Nuuja, Roberto, Nunez and Ernesto, Becerril ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues (ICLAFI) Annual Conference Warsaw, September 2010. Conference Volume. ICLAFI 69p. [Book]

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