Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Site(s): a Case Study on Saladin Citadel
Amer, Mohamed (2015) Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Site(s): a Case Study on Saladin Citadel. Masters thesis, Helwan University (Egypt) and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany). [Thesis]
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Abstract (in English)
Dissertation aims to develop a marketing plan in order to augment the visitation rate at Egyptian heritage sites which had inscribed in UNESCO WH List. Heritage, either tangible or intangible, is considered a tool for conserving the inherited past, which forms the present identity, into the distant future for the new generations. Regarding the current socio-cultural needs, the word "heritage" contributes to the promotion of the image of cultural heritage sites, landscapes, and museums. Heritage destinations are the places where the people can realize the past and their memories; moreover, to communicate emotionally with the heritage area. Research views the concept of heritage marketing as a process which augments the visitation of heritage attractions. This process is considered an operation of strengthening the visitor's satisfaction, within the appropriate offered programs, via selecting the exact target audience. Marketing deals with heritage sites, landscapes or museums through two factors “value for money” and “edutainment”. Through the literature review, it has been asserted that heritage marketing is focused on promoting heritage sites or landscapes. On the other hand, there is not a main structure or framework developed for the marketing plan of cultural heritage sites. Consequently, the research fills in this gap explaining the main steps of the heritage marketing plan. It applies the developed structure for a heritage marketing plan to one of the components of the Egyptian World Heritage Site “Historic Cairo”, Saladin Citadel as a case study where is occupied a high significance architecturally, historically, and militarily.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Authors: | Authors Email Amer, Mohamed |
Corporate Authors: | Prof. Ping Kong, former visiting professor in heritage economic (BTU-Cottbus); Prof. Mayada Belal, Tourism Studies Professor, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan Uni. |
Languages: | English |
Keywords: | Egyptian WHSs; Heritage Visitors; Heritage Marketing |
Subjects: | C.ARCHITECTURE > 01. Generalities D.URBANISM > 04. Rehabilitation E.CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 09. Social and economic aspects of conservation F.SCIENTIFIC TECHNIQUES AND METHODOLOGIES OF CONSERVATION > 42. Qualitative analysis H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 06. Cultural landscapes H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 09. Historic buildings H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 11. Historic landscapes H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 17. Intangible cultural heritage I.CULTURAL TOURISM > 04. Sustainable tourism I.CULTURAL TOURISM > 05. Tourism impact J.HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 02. Economic impact of heritage J.HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 03. Economic values of heritage J.HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 05. Heritage and sustainable development L.PRESENTATION AND TRANSMISSION OF HERITAGE > 02. Interpretation L.PRESENTATION AND TRANSMISSION OF HERITAGE > 03. Presentation M.WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION > 03. World Heritage List |
Name of monument, town, site, museum: | Saladin Citadel, Egypt |
UNESCO WHC Number: | 89 |
Number of Pages: | 144 |
Depositing User: | Mr. Mohamed Amer |
Date Deposited: | 03 Sep 2019 12:19 |
Last Modified: | 05 Sep 2019 16:40 |
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