Items where Subject is "05. Heritage and sustainable development"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 237.


Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2019) The moral philosophy of nature: Spiritual Amazonian conceptualizations of the environment. Open Journal of Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 149-190. ISSN 2612-6966 [Article]

Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2019) The rethinking and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the cultural landscapes: the case of Sečovlje and Janubio saltpans. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 17 (4). pp. 671-693. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Carvajal Mahecha, Jhon Alejandro (2019) La pesca tradicional en Honda. Un oficio ancestral antecedentes precolombinos - Colonia. Esempi di architettura, 3 (16). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Culture2030Goal campaign, - (2020) Ensuring Culture Fulfills its Potential in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ensuring Culture Fulfills its Potential in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic . pp. 1-5. [Article]

Dominguez, Virginia R., Silverman, Helaine, Reuben, Grima, Assaad, Seif, Webber, Ndoro, Lilley, Ian, Lertcharnrit, Thanik, Higueras, Alvaro, Moyer, Teresa S., Gadsby, David A. and Morris, Stephen (2017) World Anthropologies. Special section on Cultural Heritage/Management. American Anthropologist, 119 (1). pp. 122-140. ISSN 1548-143 [Article]

Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda (2003) O sistema de visita e a preservação da arte rupestre em dois sítios de ar livre do Nordeste português: O Vale do Côa e Mazouco. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 6 (2). pp. 4-45. ISSN 0874-2782 [Article]

ICOMOS, - (2020) ICOMOS Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights on Cultural Rights and Climate Change. ICOMOS Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights on Cultural Rights and Climate Change . pp. 1-10. [Article]

Lerski, Martha (2022) A call for the library community to deploy best practices toward a database for biocultural knowledge relating to climate change. Journal of Documentation . pp. 1-30. ISSN 0022-0418 [Article]

Nigro, Lorenzo, Ripepi, Gaia, Hamdan, Iyad and Yasine, Jehad (2015) The Jericho Oasis archeological Park - 2015 Interim report italian-palestinian cooperation for protection and valorization of archaelogical heritage. Vicino Oriente (19). pp. 215-243. ISSN 0393-0300 [Article]

Osorio, Katti (2014) El valor universal excepcional del Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá; una ciudad junto al mar. Conmemorando 495 años de fundación de la Ciudad de Panamá La Vieja (suplemento) . pp. 12-13. [Article]

Ruiz Lanuza, Agustin and Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio (2015) El impacto del Turismo en los Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Una revisión de las publicaciones científicas de la base de datos Scopus / The impact of tourism on the World Heritage Sites. A review of scientific publications Scopus database. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13 (5). pp. 1247-1264. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Vidargas, Francisco (2012) De la Coatlicue a Spencer Tunick: rostros de la Ciudad de México. América Patrimonio (4). pp. 125-137. [Article]

Wong, See Huat (2015) Cultural Landscape in Asian Modernity. Sociology and Anthropology, 3 (8). pp. 379-388. ISSN 2331-6187 [Article]

Zupančič, Domen (2010) VIDOVIČI AND THE CULTURE OF SPACE DESIGN. AR Architecture, Research, XI (1). pp. 28-37. ISSN 1581-6974 [Article]

Conference or Workshop Item

Delanghe, Philippe, Peou, Hang , Lloyd, Georgina , Mackay, Richard and Sullivan, Sharon (2012) Tourism and Development: Angkor’s Away. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Abdulac, Samir (2008) Identité, patrimoine et projets de territoire dans le Perche - Quand souffle l'esprit du lieu…. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Abdulac, Samir (2012) Les maisons à patio: Continuités historiques, adaptations bioclimatiques et morphologies urbaines. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Agarwal, Sharmishtha (2018) Heritage for Peace. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Airaldi, Estefanía and Mareque, Gabriela Beatriz (2011) Residential consolidation, preservation and rehabilitation programme: Buenos Aires historic city centre. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Aita, Dexell and Menzies, Diane H. (2019) Panel 8. Paper 8.3: Address flood threats to protect rural landscape heritage and enhance cultural tourism. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Alessandri, Raphaël (2012) Un terrain d'application privilégié pour mettre en cohérence protection du patrimoine et développement durable. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ambroise, Régis (2019) Panel 1 Paper 1.3: Le paysage rural patrimonial, outil et projet au service de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Amer, Mohamed (2017) Urban Architectural Heritage and Social Interaction: Rashid-Open Air Museum. In: Workshop "Urban Architectural Heritage and Social Interaction", 4 - 8 October 2017, Rashid, Historic Quarter. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Arroyo Duarte, Silvia (2023) El urbanismo y la arquitectura tradicional de la región de Azuero en Panamá: un ejemplo de sostenibilidad y patrimonio vivo. In: ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2021 - Living heritage and climate change, 9-10 November 2021, online. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Azharunnisa, Saeed Anisa and Gupta, Sumana (2018) A sustainable model for reviving crafts integrating with pilgrimage along corridor connecting Puri. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Badry Kamel Basuny Amer, Mohamed (2019) Panel 5 Paper 5.1 Egyptian Rural Practices: Living Heritage and Musealization. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bari, Abdul (2018) Development in the Heritage City, Case Studies from Historic Delhi. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Barrett, Brenda and Mitchell, Nora J. (2012) The Pennsylvania wilds: the role of cultural and natural heritage in landscape scale development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bernbaum, Edwin and Verschuuren, Bas (2019) The Cultural and Spiritual Significance of Nature in the Management and Governance of Protected Areas and World Heritage Sites. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bernbaum, Edwin and Verschuuren, Bas (2019) Incorporating Nature and Culture into the Daily Management of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Betül Kurtuluş, Vacide and Şahin Güçhan, Neriman (2019) Panel 2 Paper 2.3: A Discussion on Rural Transformation in Turkey. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bicheron, Gauthier (2012) Art de bâtir et développement: un cercle vertueux: Deux exemples de restauration de monuments en terre crue au Mali. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bonacchi, Chiara and Burtenshaw, Paul (2012) Archaeology for Development: The need for holistic planning, case studies from Jordan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bose, Kamalika (2018) Revival of Kolkata’s Chinatown: Democracy and its Role in Safeguarding the Heritage of Ethnic Minorities in India. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bourdin, Gwenaëlle, Buckley, Kristal and Wigboldus, Leanna (2019) Panel 4 Paper 4.3: Rural Landscape Case Study from ICOMOS/IUCN Connecting Practice Project: Learning about resilience and sustainability from practical experience. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Buckley, Kristal, Bourdin, Gwenaëlle, Pelletier, Maureen, Wigboldus, Leanna, DeMarco, Luisa and Badman, Tim (2019) Connecting Practice: operationalizing concepts and strategies for integrating natural and cultural heritage in the World Heritage Convention. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2017) Crossing Boundaries: Linking Intangible Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, and Identity. In: Pagtib-ong: UP Visayas International Conference on Intangible Heritage, May 25-26, 2017, Iloilo City, Philippines. [Conference or Workshop Item] (In Press)

Cazabat, Anne (2014) Délimitation et hiérarchie des territoires. In: Les biens en série du patrimoine mondial : nouvel enjeu, nouveaux critères, 17-18 December 2012, Poitiers, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cesar, Julio and Sampaio, Ribeiro (2018) The contribution made by mobilization of residents associations in the conservation of urban areas: the case of the Protected Areas of the Cultural Environment (APACs) of Rio de Janeiro city in the 1980s. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chang, Michael, Kennard, Haley and Nelson, Laura (2019) Makah Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Resource Assessment: A Preliminary Framework to Utilize Traditional Knowledge into Climate Change Planning. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chifos, Carla (2019) Panel 8. Paper 8.1 Tourism, Dams and Greed: Lessons from the destruction of a rural cultural landscape in Crete. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cho, In-Souk (2012) The past for the future: Seoul Design Intervention and Heritage Conservation towards an Era of U-cities. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cipriani, Luca and Ballaben, Massimo (2012) Models of urban development: Examples in Bologna. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cissé, Lassana (2012) Patrimoine et développement local: le role des collectivités territoriales dans la gestion du site des falaises du Bandiagara (Mali). In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cleere, Henry (2012) The impact of world heritage listing. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Comer, Douglas C. and Willems, Willem J. H. (2012) Tourism and the Archaeological Heritage: Driver to Development or Destruction? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cornu, Claire (2012) Maintien des paysages de pierre sèche, pratique durable pour nos territoires. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cottenceau, André and Durand, Didier (2012) L’éloge des règles de l'art: Restaurer durablement le patrimoine: La qualité sans le poids des normes ? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Crowther, Kathleen H. (2018) Local Cultural Heritage Development Supports Community Sustainability. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DETRY, Nicolas (2011) « Patrimoine urbain, restauration et écologie : exemples en Rhône-Alpes ». In: Bâti ancien & développement durable, vivre en centre ancien, 9 & 10 juin 2011, Cahors. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Daneels, Annick and Guerrero, Luis Fernando (2012) La construction en terre crue dans les tropiques humides: Un cas archéologique exceptionnel au Véracruz, Mexique. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Deya, Bartomeu (2019) Panel 8. Paper 8.2 Responsible Tourism at a Rural Cultural Landscape: Opportunity or threat? In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DiStefano, Lynne D., Lee, Ho-Yin and Cummer, Katie (2012) Hong Kong style urban conservation. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dinçer, Yüksel and Dinçer, İclal (2005) Historical heritage - conservation - restoration in small towns and question of rural gentrification in Turkey. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dosker, Mireille (2012) Country residences and peat meadows: Spatial and financial relationships between these landscapes on the one hand and urbanization on the other. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dupont, William, Guerra, Claudia and Shea Miller, Shanon (2019) Protection of Living Heritage: Implementing New Tools for Heritage Resilience. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dávila, Fernando Michaels (2012) La Mojana, Colombie: Territoire de l'eau. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

El Harrouni, Khalid (2018) Sustainable Urban Conservation of Historical Cities Come Back to Thirty-Five Years of Observation in Fez Medina, Morocco. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fajardo Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, Marcia (2019) Linking Agrobiodiversity and Culture: The Dissemination of Agroforestry Practices by Indigenous Agents in Brazil. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Farmer, Carly (2018) Regenerating the Heart of Rural Ontario: New Life for Old Mills. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ferreira, Teresa (2012) Heritage or theme park? Some reflections from Portuguese experiences. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fleming, Arlene K. and Campell, Ian L. (2005) Joining the mainstream: A practical approach to safeguarding cultural heritage in a changing world. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fukushima, Ayako (2012) Examination of the effect of building construction policies on the conservation of vernacular building techniques: Policies adopted after World War II in Japan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Furlong, Wesley James (2019) “That Chuitt River is Ours”: Traditional Cultural Landscapes and the National Historic Preservation Act. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fusco Girard, Luigi and Nocca, Francesca (2018) Integrating cultural heritage in urban territorial sustainable development. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ganiatsas, Vassilis (2011) Heritage as ethical paradigms of balancing identity and change amid socio-cultutal development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ganiatsas, Vassilis (2018) Heritage as the democracy of the dead, the living and the unborn: The role of dialogue with monuments in integrating commonalities. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Garvey, Angela, Hong, Sharon, McGeough, Gerry, Prosper, Lisa, Taylor, Tatum and Wertheimer, Ève (2018) Canada's National Conversation on Cultural Landscapes. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gillot, Laurence, Del, André, Cohen, Marianne, Vallat, Jean Pierre, Goumézianne, Nabila and Janty, Gwenaëlle (2012) Patrimoine et développement local: Pratiques institutionnelles et pratiques sociales. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gonzalez Muzzio, Claudia, Rozas Vidal, Claudio and Flores Ortiz, Álvaro (2018) Reconquering democracy through cultural and natural heritage in Chile. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hotes, Robert J. (2012) From continuity to contrast: Diverse approaches to design: In historic contexts. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hsiao-Wei, Lin (2018) The Reconnections and Rebrandings of Lioujia Irrigation Cultural Landscape by Educational Application in Hsinchu, Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ishizawa, Maya, Inaba, Nobuko and Yoshida, Masahito (2019) Linking nature and culture through capacity building: lessons learned and challenges ahead. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jacob, Jean-Paul and Lavendhomme, Marie-Odile (2012) La construction de la ville "durable" : l'archéologie, un regard nouveau. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Joffroy, Thierry (2012) Une meilleure efficacité des programmes d’habitat par la prise en compte des cultures constructives locales. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Johnson, Christopher E. and Germano, Vida (2019) Incorporating Local Knowledge into Vulnerability Assessments for Cultural Landscapes: Case Studies from the Pacific West Region, National Park Service. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kamalapurka, Shubhada and Natu, Abhijit (2018) Understanding Development Preferences of Visitors and Local Communities for Sustenance of World Heritage Sites : A Case of Ellora caves. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ketz, Anne and Ketz, David (2008) The Cherokee Cultural Tourism Program: Seeking a Balance Between Authenticity and Economic Development. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kigadye, Fabian S. (2012) Adaptive re-use of historic building and community development: the case of Mikindani Old Boma - Tanzania. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kuang-Chung, Lee (2019) Panel 3 Paper 3.1: Participatory planning and monitoring of protected landscapes: a case study of an indigenous rice paddy cultural landscape in Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kuo, Chijeng and Li, Chocheng (2018) Real Illustration of Continuity in Human Fishing/Hunting Cultures from Past to Present - introduction about the conservation of stone tidal weirs at Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Landorf, Chris (2012) Heritage and the governance agenda: can historic urban environments survive the devolution of development control? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lapa, Tomas de Alburquerque and Melo, Raphael Ferraz Almeida de (2008) La menace voilée du développement économique à la conservation de l'esprit des lieux. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Larsen, Peter Bille, Franceschini, Nicole and Kari, Susanna (2016) Scaling up partnerships on rights-based and equitable World Heritage conservation. In: Scaling up Partnerships on Rights-Based and Equitable World Heritage Conservation: Report of the session held at the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016, 4 September 2016, Hawai'i USA. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Submitted)

Leder, Francesca and Torelli, Valentina (2018) A Tool for a Shared Decision-making about Urban Developments on Historic Areas. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lewis, Miles (2005) Townscapes in their setting. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lin, Szu-Ling (2008) Martial art or modern coffee shop: Argument of Spirit Preservation in Reusing of Budokuten in Southern Taiwan. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Liu, Xuanlin (2019) Panel 5 Paper 5.2: Reconceptualising Intangible heritage: The case of the Mongolian Ger. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lobko, Joe (2012) Toronto Brownfield Redux: Artscape Wychwood Barns and Evergreen Brick Works. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Luengo, Mónica (2012) Looking ahead: The olive grove cultural landscape. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Luijendijk, Erik (2012) How climate changes the historic water management approach in the Netherlands. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Maheshwari, Deepa and Priyesh Shah, Divya (2019) Landscape Approach Addressing Alternative Realities of a Rural Realm. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mananghaya, Joycelyn B. (2011) Heritage, driver for development and the case of the rice terraces of the Philippine cordilleras. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mathisen, Bente, Robinson, Laura and Paulus, Ave (2018) Knowledge café Our Common Dignity: training world heritage professionals in human rights-based approaches. In: ICOMOS 2018 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium, 7 December 2018, La Plata, Argentina. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Minguez Garcia, Barbara and Newman, James (2018) Connecting developing countries and international experts for more resilient cultural heritage in development projects: lessons from a World Bank technical deep dive. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mota Botello, Graciela Aurora (2023) City of Knowledge-Wisdom: handling sustainable routes for heritage safeguard. In: ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2021 - Living heritage and climate change, 9-10 November 2021, online. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mrda, Ana, Caric, Hrvoje and Bojanic Obad Scitaroci, Bojana (2018) Models of Heritage Tourism Sustainable Planning: The Case of the Island of Mljet. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Musteață, Sergiu (2019) Panel 7. Paper 7.1: Rural heritage on the World Heritage List: The case of villages with fortified churches from Romania. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Norov, Urtnasan (2018) Ulaanbaatar Ger area Cultural Heritage Tourism and Community Enhancement. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O'Donnell, Patricia (2019) Panel 2 Paper 2.1: Rural Landscapes: Farm and Forest Heritage in the 21st century. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Orstin, Georges (2019) Panel 4 Paper 4.2: Resiliency of rural socio-ecological landscapes: Case study of the Black Volta and Weto Landscapes of Ghana. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pallot, Éric (2012) La ferme des Planons dans l'Ain : études et restauration d'un patrimoine vernaculaire fragile. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Paradiso, Michele, Costantini, Greta, Milani, Paolo, Bucelli, Sara, Del Sere, Marta and Cascella, Noemi (2018) Sustainable and participative management strategies for the historical center of Leon-Nicaragua. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Park, Sohyun (2012) Precautions for heritage to be a driver for regional development: A critical review of related principles manifested in the ICOMOS charters from a development perspective. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Patel, Purvi and Tayal, Shobhit (2018) Examining the decision making community in Government of India's HRIDAY (Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana) scheme. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pillias, Anne-Françoise and Thibault, Jean-Pierre (2012) Les grands sites et leur territoire : un fil méthodologique en 13 étapes pour un patrimoine paysager dynamique. Comment passer d'une opération de réhabilitation patrimoniale au projet de développement durable d'un territoire? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pinto-Guillaume, Ezequiel M. (2012) Heritage assessment and regional development: A challenging dialogue. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Prats, Michèle (2012) Les paysages culturels viticoles. In: Les biens en série du patrimoine mondial : nouvel enjeu, nouveaux critères, 17-18 December 2012, Poitiers, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reap, James K. (2012) Tools and techniques for preserving agricultural landscapes in the United States. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Requena, Gustavo, Garcia, Christina and Vasquez, Marvin (2019) Building Resilient Communities in Belize through Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rietsch, Dorothée (2012) Sulina, ville dans le delta du Danube, Roumanie. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Robert, Yves (2012) Réflexions autour des interactions entre patrimoine et développement: à partir de l'exemple de la patrimonialisation de l'architecture coloniale en République Démocratique du Congo. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Romaine, Suzanne and Gorenflo, L.J. (2019) Special Opportunities for Conserving Cultural and Biological Diversity: The Co-occurrence of Indigenous Languages and UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rouhani, Bijan Development and cultural heritage in Iran: Policies for an ancient country. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ruffner, Jennifer and Barbery Smith, Ennis (2019) Healing the Broken Spine: A Community-led Conservation Initiative in Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ruffner, Jennifer and Barbery Smith, Ennis (2019) Stewarding Places and Stories: Maryland Heritage Areas Program as a Framework for Conservation. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rypkema, Donovan and Cheong, Caroline (2011) Measurements and indicators of heritage as development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Salavessa,, Eunice , Fernandes, Lisete and Duarte, Ana Maria (2012) Eco-plasters revive the plasterwork techniques of the past. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Santiago, Nizza (2011) Une collectivité face à la mise en valeur de son patrimoine architectural. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sayagh, Shahinaz (2012) La pierre naturelle : un matériau écologique? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sevan, Olga (2012) Culture of wood: Yesterday and today. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Silberman, Neil (2011) Heritage as a driver of development? Some questions of cause and effects. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sobha Turaga, Vasanta (2012) Conservation of historic human settlements and cultural industries: From urban and regional development perspective. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Solar, Giora (2012) A win-win case: SAMITAUR project in Culver city. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sollien, Silje Erøy (2012) The macuti house, traditional building techniques and sustainable development in Ilha de Moçambique. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sow, Abdoul (2018) Colonial heritage against local heritage: a duel between the State and the local population in the lower valley of the river Senegal? In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sow, Abdoul (2012) Saint-Louis du Sénégal: l'île ou la ville? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Su, Junjie (2019) Panel 5 Paper 5.3 Rural Intangible Cultural Heritage and Ethnic Tourism: Experiences of Yunnan, China. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Su, Junjie, Badry Kamel Basuny Amer, Mohamed and Liu, Xuanlin (2019) Panel 5 Rural Intangible Cultural Heritage. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Trompert, Michel and Van Den Berch Van Heemstede, Helen (2012) Nouvelle réflexion sur l'isolation. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tsilimigkas, Giorgos (2008) Questions sur la diffusion de l'esprit du lieu : le cas des routes culturelles en Europe du Sud-Est. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vallis, Stacy, Orchiston, Caroline and Ingham, Jason (2018) Safeguarding an Identity Carved in Stone: Heritage Conservation of the Oamaru Historic Are in Otago, New Zealand. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Venturini, Edgardo J. (2012) Tourisme culturel et développement durable: le patrimoine au-delà du spectacle. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vincent, Jean-Marie (2012) Le patrimoine rural, vecteur d'aménagement durable des territoires ruraux français. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vourch, Anne (2005) Le tourisme dans les grands sites de patrimoine : quel impact économique ? Le bilan des grands sites de France. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wang, Chun-Hsi and Fu, Chao-Ching (2012) The sustainable development of the cultural landscape of Jianan irrigation system in Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wang, Jing (2018) Heritage sharing in the Communities of Historic Waterfront Towns in south China: A Way to Sustainable Development of Human Settlements on Polder Land. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wilmer, Hailey, Porensky, Lauren M., Derner, Justin D., Augustine, David J., Fernández-Giménez, María E., Ritten, John P., Briske, David D. and Peck, Dannele E. (2019) Practicing a New Natureculture of Hope for Multifunctional Great Plains Rangelands. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Xie, Shuyi (2018) Challenges to authenticity: Exploring the social transformations of historic Chinatowns in United States for sustainable urban development through the case of San Francisco. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yapeng, Ou (2018) Emerging Civic Engagement in the Revitalization of Minor Historic Centers, Cases from Reggio Calabria, Italy. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yetkin, Aylin Alisan and Clements, Terry (2019) Identifying Tangible and Intangible Cultural Relationships in a Rapidly Changing Region of Turkey. In: 2018 US/ICOMOS Symposium "Forward Together: A Culture-Nature Journey Towards More Effective Conservation in a Changing World", November 13-14, 2018, San Francisco, California. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yousif, Anita (2012) Brooks terrace, Kanahooka (Dapto), NSW, Australia: Residential development within the ruins of the former Dapto Smelter. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zerouali, Hayat, Mouna, Loubna, Guenoun, Hicham, El Gaieb, Mouna and Merah, Aissa (2019) Panel 6 Paper 6.2: Communication, qualité et innovation touristiques en zones « arides » du Sud tunisien: cas du village berbère de Chenini. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zerouali, Hayat, Mouna, Loubna, Guenoun, Hicham, El Gaieb, Mouna, Smati, Nozha and Merah, Aissa (2019) Panel 6 Paper 6.1: Ksar Ait Ben Haddou : quelle démarche pour le développement social durable d'un site patrimoine mondial ? In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zhao, Zhongshu (2005) How ton conserve the Old Town of Lijian and its settings. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zhou, Xiang and Kubota, Aya (2018) Between Family and State: Discussion on the Segmentation and Unification of Public Space within Shanghai Historic Lane Neighborhood. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

van Emstede, Charlotte (2012) Expired experiment-modern monument: The heritage significance of the Justus van Effen housing complex as driver for urban regenaration and social sustainability. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

(2023) إعلان باريـس حول التّراث كمحفِّزٍ للتّنمية (2011) [The Paris declaration on heritage as a driver of development. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 92-95. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2016) Caux call for action on rights-based approaches in World Heritage. In: Larsen, Peter Bille, (ed.) Understanding rights practices in the World Heritage system: lessons from the Asia-Pacific and the global arena. University of Lucerne & ICOMOS & IUCN, Lucerne, Switzerland & Charenton-le-Pont, France & Gland, Switzerland, pp. 2-3. [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Parisit mbi trashëgiminë si motor zhvillimi: miratuar në Paris, selia e UNESCO-s, e enjte më 1 dhjetor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2018) Egyptian Intangible Heritage between Preservation Management and Sustainable Development Pattern: Analysis of the Popular Craft of Manufacturing Mats. In: Trafford, A. De, Tassie, G. J., Wetering, J. van and Daly, O. El, (eds.) A River Runs through It: Studies in Honour of Prof. Fekri A. Hassan. Golden House Publications, London, pp. 226-242. ISBN 978-1-908137-37-3 [Book Section]

(2017) ICOMOS Norway: report on training course. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) The Advisory Body “Our Common Dignity Initiative” on rights-based approaches in World Heritage: taking stock and looking forward. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, Norway, pp. 16-18. [Book Section]

Aktürk, G. and Fatorić, Sandra (2021) Roundtable III: Climate Change Adaptation of Cultural Heritage. In: LDE Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals Proceedings. TU Delft Open, Netherlands, pp. 521-523. ISBN 978-94-6366-356-4 [Book Section]

Amer, Mohamed (2020) Cultural identity: concept and heritage review. In: Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, Year 2020. Contributions of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage. Mazu Press, Oeiras, pp. 89-105. ISBN 978-989-54519-8-2 [Book Section]

Amer, Mohamed (2020) Interactive-relationship between Cultural Identity and Heritage Branding. In: Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, Year 2020. Contributions of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage. Mazu Press, Oeiras, pp. 161-177. ISBN 978-989-54519-8-2 [Book Section]

Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda (2005) Dinâmicas de desenvolvimento sustentado fomentadas pela criação do parque arqueológico do Vale do Côa. In: Conservar para Quê? CEAUCP, Porto and Coimbra, pp. 183-197. [Book Section]

Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda and Pinto, Fernando Maia (2006) Changing stakeholders and community attitudes in the Côa Valley, Portugal. In: Of the Past, for the Future: Integrating Archaeology and Conservation. Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, pp. 136-142. [Book Section]

Luxen, Jean-Louis (2002) Information relative to the project: European commission, directorate general "research". EESD-Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 306-307. [Book Section]

Ventura, Anne, Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane, Röck, Martin, Hecht, Torben, Roy, Vincent, Higuera, Paula, Lecompte, Thibaut, Faria, Paulina, Hamard, Erwan, Morel, Jean-Claude and Habert, Guillaume (2021) Environmental Potential of Earth-Based Building Materials: Key Facts and Issues from a Life Cycle Assessment Perspective. In: Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements. Springer, pp. 261-296. ISBN 978-3-030-83297-1 [Book Section]

Vidargas, Francisco (2015) Tres bienes mexicanos patrimonio mundial en América Latina. In: El Patrimonio Moderno en Iberoamérica. Protección y coordinación internacional. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, México, pp. 94-109. ISBN 978-607-605-374-4 [Book Section]


(2017) The Advisory Body “Our Common Dignity Initiative” on rights-based approaches in World Heritage: taking stock and looking forward. Project Report. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, Norway, 28p. [Book]

(2017) Case studies carried out within the ‘Our Common Dignity Initiative 2011-2016: Rights-Based Approaches in World Heritage’. Technical Report. ICOMOS Norge, Oslo, 28p. [Book]

(2016) Culture: Urban future. Global report on culture for sustainable urban development. Manual. UNESCO, Paris France, 303p. ISBN 978-92-3-100170-3. [Book]

(2015) Forum international Patrimoines et risques en Europe et en Méditerranée. Conference Volume. Alliance de Villes Européennes de Culture (A.V.E.C.) et l'Union internationale des Associations et Organismes scientifiques et techniques (U.A.T.I.) 85p. [Book]

(2015) Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe: Report of the Horizon 2020 expert group on cultural heritage. Documentation. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 28p. ISBN 978-92-79-46046-3. [Book]

(2022) ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group - Report 1 (15 May 2022). Technical Report. ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 251p. [Book]

(2023) ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group - Report 2 (15 June 2023). Technical Report. ICOMOS Malaysia 340p. [Book]

IX World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities: Kazan, 19-23 June 2007 / IX congrès mondial des villes du patrimoine mondial : Kazan, 19-23 juin 2007/IX congreso mundial de la organizacíon de la ciudades patrimonio mundial : Kazan, 19-23 juin 2007 / IX Congreso Mundial de la Organización de las Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial: Kazan, 19-23 junio 2007. Conference Volume. Getty conservation institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90p. [Book]

(2018) Innovative solutions for Cultural Heritage - From EU funded R&I projects. Working Paper. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 52p. ISBN 978-92-79-96742-9. [Book]

(2015) Siem Reap Declaration on Tourism and Culture - Building a New Partnership Model / Déclaration de Siem Reap Tourisme et culture - Construire un nouveau partenariat / Declaración de Siem Reap sobre turismo y cultura: Construyendo un nuevo modelo de cooperación. Other. UNWTO/UNESCO 5p. [Book]

(2015) Tangible risks, intangible opportunities: long-term risk preparedness and responses for threats to cultural heritage. 2013 theme: reducing risks to cultural heritage from uncontrolled development in a globalized world. Conference Volume. ICOMOS International 200p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2013 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. ISBN 978-2-918086-16-1. [Book]

(2017) Urban heritage and sustainability. Conference Volume. ICOMOS CIVVIH 356p. ISBN 979-11-950076-1-5. [Book]

(2014) VerSus: lessons from vernacular heritage to sustainable architecture. Project Report. CRAterre éditions, Grenoble, France, 74p. ISBN 978-2-906901-78-0. [Book]

Abdulac, Samir, Adams, Jeffrey, Airaldi, Estefanía, Akin, Nur, Al Adarbeh, Nizar, Alessandri, Raphaël, Al-Maiyah, Sura, Amarilla, Beatriz, Amendoeira, Ana Paula, Arredondo Zambrano, Celia Esther, Arsenault, Daniel, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Babics, Florence, Balhade, Héloïse, Ballabeni, Massimo, Bandarin, Francesco, Barré, Hervé, Barrett, Brenda, Baycan, Tüzin, Benquet, Lucie, Beazley, Olwen, Béhèran, Ricardo, Bélaval, Philippe, Bellanger, Chloé, Benavides Barrera, Bianca Elena, Bergeron, Louis, Bertagnin, Mauro, Bhattacharya, Ananya, Bicheron, Gautier, Binan, Can Sakir, Binder, Regina, Blay, Jean-Pierre, Bonacchi, Chiara, Bouchenaki, Mounir, Bouton, Aurélie, Brooks, Graham, Brown, Sharon, Brown, Stephen, Buckle, Robert J., Burtenshaw, Paul, Burke, Sheridan, Caballero, Antoni, Cambas, Graciela, Cantu Delgado, Julieta de Jesús, Caponero, Maria Cristina, Çelebioğlu, Banu, Chabbi, Amel, Chedouki, Jihane, Cheng, Min-Tsung, Cheong, Caroline, Chiron, Benoit, Cho, In-Souk, Choi, Jae-Heon, Chotil, Maria José, Cipriani, Luca, Cirvini, Silvia Augusta, Cissé, Lassana, Clark, Kate, Clarke, Nicholas J., Cleere, Henry, Cloux, Anaïs, Coben, Lawrence, Cohen, Marianne, Comer, Douglas C., Cooke, Louise, Cornu, Claire, Corten, Jean-Paul, Cossons, Neil, Cotte, Michel, Cottenceau, André, Cummer, Katie, Daneels, Annick, Dauge, Yves, David, Gabriel-François, Dawans, Stéphane, de Antoni, Désirée, de Caraffe, Marc, de Kuna, Graciela, de Merode, Éléonore, Del, André, Delanghe, Philippe, Demesvar, Kenrick, Diamant, Rolf, Dicaire, Linda, Diogo, Érica, DiStefano, Lynne D., Dosker, Mireille, Dumas, Yves, Dupuy, Jean-Jacques, Durand, Didier, Dürrenmatt, Jean-Baptiste, Duyker, Susan, Élie, Daniel, Elkadi, Hisham, El-Khalili, Mohammad, Fernandes, Maria, Ferreira, Teresa, Fontaine, Michel, Fu, Chao-Ching, Fukushima, Ayako, Fusco Girard, Luigi, Ganiatsas, Vassilis, Garcia, Emmanuel, Gårdstedt, Hanna, Gartner-Negrin, Julia, Ghafouri, Mehdi, Gillot, Laurence, Gómez Voltan, José Alejandro, Gondran, François, Gong, Xuelan, Gottfried, Cédric, Goumézianne, Nabila, Gravari-Barbas, Maria, Gras, Louise Noelle, Graz, Christophe, Greffe, Xavier, Guerrero Baca, Luis Fernando, Guiraud-Chaumeil, Stéphanie, Han, Feng, Hanachi, Pirooz, Hang, Peou, Hankey, Donald, Harder, Susann, Haspel, Jörg, Herbin, Carine, Hörenz, Marlen, Hotes, Robert J., Houbart, Claudine, Hurd, John, Jackson, Rachel, Jacob, Jean-Paul, Janty, Gwenaëlle, Jeanneret, Jean-Daniel, Jerome, Pamela, Joffroy, Thierry, Jigyasu, Rohit, Jones, Samantha, Judson, Ellis P., Kanan, Isabel, Kaufman, Ned, Kelley, Stephen J., Kigadye, Fabian S., Kim, Sungwoo, Kitamura, Maïe, Koren, Gideon, Koziol, Christopher, Labato, Graciela Isabel, Lacombe, Marion, Landorf, Chris, Laroche, Florent, Laruë-Charlus, Michèle, Lavendomme, Marie-Odile, Le Cieux, Laurence, Lee, Ho-Yin, Lee, Kyungah, Leite, Edson, Lemesle, Isabelle, Lempereur, Françoise, Li, Yanan, Licciardi, Guido, Lloyd, Georgina, Loewe, Sonia, Lobko, Joe, Lombart, Céline, Luengo, Mónica, Luijendijk, Erik, Luxen, Jean-Louis, MacDonald, Susan, Mackay, Richard, Maclaren, Fergus, Magalhães Corrêa, Sandra Rafaela, Magnant, Anne, Mahdy, Hossam, Mananghaya, Joycelyn B., Manawadu, Samitha, Marcel, Odile, Mareque, Gabriela Beatriz, Martines, Giacomo, Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Martorell Carreño, Alberto, Mason, David, Menzies, Diane H., Michaels Davila, Fernando, Millar, Sue, Mitchell, Nora J., Mo, Daiho, Mok, Keng Kio, Moniot, Anne-Laure, Montalbano, Calogero, Morvant, Maëla, Mouaki, Amira, Mourisard, Christian, Mouton, Benjamin, Myrin, Malin, Mze Hamadi, Toiwilou, Nagaoka, Masanori, Naggay, Said, Ndoro, Webber, Nikšic, Goran, Nomeikaite, Laima, Normandin, Kyle C., Oliver, Alan, Ost, Christian G., Pallot, Éric, Park, Sohyun, Perez, Simone, Petruccioli, Attilio, Phillips, Peter, Pillias-Prunières, Anne-Françoise, Pinto-Guillaume, Ezequiel M., Pitte, Jean-Robert, Pontois, Maria-Teresa, Prats, Michèle, Prunet, Régis, Raines, Shanna C., Ramírez Magallanes, Yolanda, Ramsay, Juliet, Reap, James K., Rebanks, James M., Reeves, Alan, Rezaei, Naimeh, Ribeiro Sampaio, Julio Cesar, Rietsch, Dorothée, Riganti, Patrizia, Rivero, Ángela Beatriz, Robert, Yves, Robinson, Laura, Rocha Queiroz, Kléber, Rojas, Ángela, Roubiou du Pont, Gabrielle, Rouhani, Bijan, Rypkema, Donovan, da Costa Salavessa, Maria Eunice, Sanabra, Marc, Santana Quintero, Mario, Santiago, Nizza, Savalluard, Guy, Sayagh, Shahinaz, Schäfer, Rolf, Schulman, Michel, Senatore, Maria Ximena, Sevan, Olga, Sheehan, Ailyn, Shinan, Leah Shamir, Shipley, Robert, Silapacharanan, Siriwan, Silberman, Neil, Skłodowski, Marek, Smith, Stuart B., Snelgrove, Catherine, Sobha Turaga, Vasanta, Solar, Giora, Sollien, Silje Erøy, Sow, Abdoul, Steinberg, Florian, Stolk, Deborah, Subercaseaux, María Inés, Sullivan, Sharon, Sumanov, Lazar, Sunara, Sagita Mirjam, Suntikul, Wantanee, Takács, Katalin, Thibault, Jean-Pierre, Toeschi, Paolo, Tonkin, Ray, Toussaint, Philippe, Tropert, Michel, Truscott, Marilyn C., Vallat, Jean-Pierre, van Balen, Koen, van Emstede, Charlotte, Varum, Humberto, Veale, Sharon, Venturini, Edgardo J., Vileikis, Ona, Vincent, Jean-Marie, Vinton, Nathalie, Wan, Tingting, Wang, Chun-Hsi, Wang, Jia, Wang, Yuan, Willems, Willem J. H., Woynar, Marion, Wu, Ping-Sheng, Yadollahi, Solmaz, Yang, Minja, Yang, Pei-Yao, Yen, Shih-Hua, Yousif, Anita, Zarankin, Andrés, Zhukovskaya, Natalia and Zouain, Georges S. (2012) Le patrimoine, moteur de développement : actes du symposium de la XVIIème assemblée générale de l'ICOMOS = Heritage, a driver of development: proceedings of the 17th ICOMOS general assembly symposium. Conference Volume. ICOMOS & ICOMOS France, Paris, France, 1406p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2011, 17th. ISBN 978-2-918086-11-6. [Book]

Abdulac, Samir, Adetunji, Olufemi, Afsharpour, Maryam, Ahmed, Ifte, Angjeliu, Grigor, Assal, Hisham, Badillo, Hiram, Bastida Munoz, Mindahi, Beloyarskaya, Irina K., Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz, Boyd, Noni, Cazamir, Constantin, Cheng, Chin-Fang, Chiou, Bor-Shuenn, Deya, Bartomeu, Doganer, Sedef, Donnelly, Jacqui, Du Cros, Hilary, Elsaid Shaheen, Rasha Ahmed, Esteban, Miguel, Florentin, Kevin, Forbes, Catherine, González Muzzio, Claudia, Gurr, Lynette, Haas, Franziska, Holtorf, Cornelius, Ilayan, Jamal Shafiq, Iwasaki, Yoshinori, Jariwala, Vrinda, Jo, Sangsun, Kelley, Stephen J., Khaksar Dehnavi, Mona, Kim, Dowon, Kıvılcım Çorakbaş, Figen, Knaggs, Maryam, Li, Chao-Shiang, Li, Tsung-Hung, Lin, Queenie, Lintott, Bryan, Lione, Brian Michael, Liviu-Costin, Gruia, MacKee, Jamie, Marrion, Chris, Martynova, Anastasia, Meneses Camacho, Grissel, Millar, Sue, Motta, Paolo, Nakayabu, Tomotaka, Nakhaei Ashtari, Masoud, Niroumand, Hamed, Okubo, Takeyuki, Onuki, Motoharu, Orbaşlı, Aylin, Paca, Barbara, Pearce, Victoria, Rab Kirchner, Samia, Rice, Jean, Riddett, Robyn, Rihal, Satwant, Rinaudo, Fulvio, Rojas, Ángela, Segarra Lagunes, María Margarita, Sen, Sukrit, Shakya, Lata, Sharma, Antara, Shih, Ku-Shan, Shimizu, Hiroki, Smith, Moira, Sofronie, Ramiro, Strelbitsky, Ivan, Stylianidis, Efstratios, Tevzadze, Manana, Vileikis, Ona, Wei, Yin-Chun, Yen, Alex, Yıldırım, Özge Ceylin and Yıldırım Esen, Sibel (2020) Advancing risk management for the shared future: 2020 ICOMOS 6 ISCs joint meeting proceedings. Conference Volume. Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Taichung, Chinese Taipei, 332p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2020, 6 ISCs Joint Meeting. ISBN 978-986-5321-64-2. [Book]

Abdulac, Samir, Akin, Nur, Assi, Eman, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Béjaoui, Faïka, Campos, João, Christie, Robin, Colletta, Teresa, Cordeiro, Paula, Dimitrova, Elena, Echter, Claus-Peter, Fukukawa, Yuichi, Giliberto, Francesca, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Gondran, François, Gorbatenko, Sergey, Haak, Torsten, Horáček, Martin, Kłosek-Kozłowska, Danuta, Nagy, Gergely, Stanganelli, Marialuce, Stensson, Pål Anders and Zhang, Jie (2018) 2018 CIVVIH annual meeting, scientific symposium « heritage & sustainable city »: history, archeology, antiques and sustainable city / rencontre annuelle du CIVVIH 2018, symposium scientifique « patrimoine & ville durable » : histoire, archéologie, antiquités et ville durable. Conference Volume. CIVVIH 62p. [Book]

Acabado, Stephen, Angelakis, Andreas N., Blond, Olivier, Calzolaio, Francesco, Comer, Douglas C., Daly, Kate, de Grenade, Rafael, Dunkley, Mark, Ezzell, Pat Bernard, Han, Mooyoung, Hang, Peou, Harle, Michaelyn, Haut, Benoît, Hofman, Corinne L., Hoogland, Menno L. P., Irvine, Kenneth, Jigyasu, Rohit, Juuti, P. S., Katko, T. S., Kim, Jisoo, Labanca Corrêa de Araújo, Evelyne, Lemaistre, Anne, Lieske, Heiko, Martin, Marlon, Mays, Larry, Okamura, Katsuyuki, Ota, Shinsuke, Pangare, Ganesh, Pangare, Vasudha, Passchier, Cees, Peterson, John A., Pietilä, P. E., Pritchard, Erin, Rajala, R. P., Riedel, Alexandra, Rii, Hae Un, Sato, Yohei, Schmidt, Erika, Sheng, Xiao Yung, Steenhuis, Marinke, Sugiura, Mikiko, Sung, Hyo Hyun, Tyagi, Avinash Chand, van der Valk, Michael, van Schaik, Henk, Varady, Robert G., Will, Thomas, Willems, Willem J. H. and Yamaoka, Kazumi (2015) Water and heritage: material, conceptual and spiritual connections. Documentation. Sidestone Press, Leiden, Netherlands, 429p. ISBN 978-90-8890-278-9 (printed) & 978-90-8890-279-6 (PDF). [Book]

Agarwal, Mukul, Banerjee, Kakoli, Banerjee, Santanu, Banerji, Haimanti, Basu, Sanghamitra, Beg, Saleem, Bhattacharya, Ananya, Bhowmik, Puja, Bhowmik, Rinkoo, Borkakoti, Sanjib Kumar, Bose, Kamalika, Burman, Sromona, Chakraborti, Manish, Chakraborty, Bikramjit, Chakravarty, Sumona, Chatterjee, Ranit, Chaudhuri, Amiot, Das, Partha Ranjan, Dasgupta, Shalini, Dudhoria, Darshan, Dutta, Madhura, Gupta, Sumana, Jain, Shikha, Jigyasu, Rohit, Joshi, Nikhil, Kalamdani, Kiran, Kanji, Repaul, Kapur, G. M., Karforma, Anindya, Khan, Sandeep, Kuriakose, Benny, Maharjan, Monalisa, Mandeen, Sunaina, Menon, A. G. K., Mitra, Anjan, Mitra, Soumen, Mitra, Sukanya, Mohta, Sushil, Mukerji, Arjun, Nanda, Ratish, Nayak, Debashish, Pawar, Shama, Ravindran, K. T., Ray, Dhriti, Rypkema, Donovan, Sanyal, Saptarshi, Sen, Rajesh, Sen, Sukrit, Trambadia, Ashish, Unwalla, Kirtida, Virmani, Sandeep and Wolff, Bente (2023) Resilient and sustainable development of historic precincts and areas: focus West Bengal. Documentation. ICOMOS India, New Delhi, India, 233p. ISBN 978-81-936722-0-0. [Book]

Akin, Nur, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Béjaoui, Faïka, Colletta, Teresa, Fukukawa, Yuichi, Fusco Girard, Luigi, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Kłosek-Kozłowska, Danuta, Laconte, Pierre, Lamei Mostafa, Saleh, Maistrou, Eleni and Sevan, Olga (2013) The role of the integrated conservation of cultural heritage for a creative, resilient and sustainable city: acta of the ICOMOS-CIVVIH Symposium, Naples 2012. Conference Volume. FrancoAngeli, Naples, Italy, 152p. ISBN 978-88-204-5079-3. [Book]

Al Adarbeh, Nizar, El Khalili, Mohammed, Al Bawab, Abeer, Abdullah, Ramadan and Bianchini, Carlo (2019) Roman Nymphaeum in Amman - Restoration and Rehabilitation. Project Report. Deanship of Academic Research [1/2019]- The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 95p. ISBN 978-9957-420-09-3. [Book]

Alba Julieta, Elizaga (2019) Presentaciones del Seminario Internacional 'Experiencias de Chile y México para la gestión y conservación de sitios del Patrimonio Mundial', Santiago 7 y 8 Mayo 2018. Conference Volume. Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, Santiago, 151p. ISBN 9789562444507. [Book]

Albert, Marie-Theres, Bernecker, Roland, Cave, Claire, Prodan, Anca Claudia, Ripp, Matthias, Avigliano, Esteban, Barrett-Casey, Kristen, Barrientos García, Juan Carlos, Bassa, Lia, Bello, Akeem O., Benavides Castillo, Antonio, Bhatta, Sushma, Boustead, Robin, Cameron, Christina, Capdepon de Bigu-Poirrier, Caroline, Choi, Boyoon, Daly, Cathy, De Maeyer, Philippe, Elcheikh, Zeina, Erkan, Yonca, Fogarty, Irene, Fouseki, Kalliopi, Franceschini, Nicole, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Grünberg, Claudia, Gustafsson, Christer, Hansell, Friederike, Hernández, Mario, Hisari, Lorika, Iakovoglou, Valasia, Ikeda, Mariko, Jones, Zachary M., Kloos, Michael, Koch-Weser, Maritta, Korinth, Elisabeth, Küver, Jan, Lozano, Claudia, Luger, Kurt, Maclaren, Fergus, Manchanda, Pankaj, Megarry, William, Meskell, Lynn, Negredo Fernández, Roger, Olaniyan, Azeez, Ringbeck, Birgitta, Rodwell, Dennis G., Rohde, Michael, Rupp, Isabelle, Schenone, Nahuel, Schipper, Friedrich, Schmedt, Eike Tobias, Schmitt, Thomas M., von Schorlemer, Sabine, Siegmund, Alexander, Tomasi, Giulia, Wallenwein, Fabienne, Webber, Ndoro, Willhalm, Tanja, Zaimes, George N., Zehbe, Klaus-Christian and Zwartjes, Luc (2022) 50 years World Heritage Convention: shared responsibility – conflict and reconciliation. Conference Volume. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 504p. ISBN 978-3-031-05659-8 (print) & 978-3-031-05660-4 (electronic). [Book]

Alonso Campanero, José Alberto, Villalba Montaner, Clara and Enríquez Traba, Camino (2023) Guidelines for the installation of renewable energy-related infrastructures and equipment and their potential impact on cultural heritage. [English translation of: Guía de buenas prácticas para la instalación de infraestructuras y equipamientos relacionados con las energías renovables y su potencial afección al patrimonio cultural]. Manual. ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain, 85p. [Book]

Alonso Campanero, José Alberto, Villalba Montaner, Clara and Enríquez Traba, Camino (2022) Guía de buenas prácticas para la instalación de infraestructuras y equipamientos relacionados con las energías renovables y su potencial afección al patrimonio cultural. Manual. ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain, 67p. [Book]

Alonso Campanero, José Alberto, Villalba Montaner, Clara and Enríquez Traba, Camino (2024) Wytyczne dotyczące infrastruktury energii odnawialnej w kontekście jej wpływu na dziedzictwo kulturowe [Polish translation of: Guía de buenas prácticas para la instalación de infraestructuras y equipamientos relacionados con las energías renovables y su potencial afección al patrimonio cultural]. Manual. Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa, Warsaw, Poland, 66p. [Book]

Arezki, Rabah, Caschili, Simone, Cherif, Reda, Medda, Francesca Romana, Modelewska, Marta, Nijkamp, Peter, O'Brian, John, Ost, Christian G., Piotrowski, John, Rama, Martin, Rojas, Eduardo, Rypkema, Donovan and Throsby, David (2012) The economics of uniqueness: investing in historic city cores and cultural heritage assets for sustainable development. Documentation. World Bank, Washington, D. C., United States, 298p. ISBN 978-0-8213-9650-6 [print] & 978-0-8213-9706-0 [electronic]. [Book]

Beccan Dávila, Nahuel, Chang, Yu-Chuan, Chen, Xi, Centeri, Csaba, Daamen, Tom A., de Boer, Hildebrand P. G., Delgado, Martin, den Boer, Arie, Egberts, Linde, Eiter, Sebastian, Ertsen, Maurits, Gaillard, Bénédicte, Hein, Carola, Hsu, Wenyao, Hunter Burkett, Meisha, Kermani, Azadeh Arjomand, Kitao, Yasunori, Kolen, Jan (J. C. A.), Kruse, Alexandra, Kučera, Zdeněk, Kuroishi, Izumi, Law, Andrew M., Lin, Chung-Hsi, Loen, Suzanne, Madrazo, Felix, Mager, Tino, Meyer, Han, Nijhuis, Steffen, Pagés Sánchez, José M., Paulowitz, Bernd, Puschmann, Oskar, Renes, Hans, Rojas, Araceli, Roth, Michael, Saavedra Bruno, Sofia, Salek, Arash, Sanaan Bensi, Negar, Six, Diederik, Slámová, Martina, van Alphen, Sander, van der Toorn Vrijthoff, Wout, van Schaik, Henk, Verschuure-Stuip, Gerdy, Wu, Hsiaoen and Yu, Sinite (2020) Adaptive strategies for water heritage: past, present and future. Other. Springer Open, Cham, Switzerland, 435p. ISBN 978-3-030-00267-1 (print) & 978-3-030-00268-8 (PDF). [Book]

Bennoune, Karima (2020) Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies Promotion et protection des droits de l’homme : questions relatives aux droits de l’homme, y compris les divers moyens de mieux assurer l’exercice effectif des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales Le domaine des droits culturels Rapport de la Rapporteuse spéciale dans le domaine des droits culturels, Karima Bennoune. Conference Volume. Nations Unies 27p. ISBN 20-10595 (F). [Book]

Blom, Anita, Stegmeijer, Eva, Buchner, Frank, Baarveld, Marlijn and Pekaar, Renate (2017) Wederopbouw, een kansrijke erfenis. Handreiking bij transformatieopgaven. Technical Report. Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed 100p. [Book]

Blume, Hartwig, Buschmann, Walter, Ganser, Karl, Grunsky, Eberhard, Haagenrud, Svein, Hassler, Uta, Hettler, Achim, Keohan, Thomas G., Kleineberg, Karl, Kohler, Niklaus, Kornwachs, Klaus, Lange, Susanne, Lipp, Wilfried, Lorenz, Werner, Memmesheimer, Paul Artur, Petzet, Michael, Pursche, Jürgen, Rapp, Friedrich, Real, Willi, Schenkel, Werner, Schmidt-Bleek, Friedrich, Stahel, Walter R., Weinmann, Arno and Zlonicky, Peter (1996) Das Denkmal als Altlast? Auf dem Weg in die Reparaturgesellschaft. Conference Volume. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 159p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 21. ISBN 3-87490-629-9. [Book]

Bostenaru Dan, Maria and Panagopoulos, Thomas (2014) Digital modeling of the impact of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Project Report. "Ion Mincu" Publishing House, Bucharest, 118p. ISBN 978-606-638-085-0. [Book]

Bros Williamson, Julio, Currie, John, Stinson, Jon and Jonnard, Marie Thermal assessment of internal shutters and window film applied to traditional single glazed sash and case windows. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED ISBN 9781849171748. [Book]

Burke, Sheridan, Cox, Peter, Daly, Cathy, Downes, Jane, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Flores-Roman, Milagros, Lefèvre, Roger-Alexandre, Markham, Adam, Megarry, William, Odiaua, Ishanlosen, Potts, Andrew and Rockman, Marcy L'avenir de notre passé : Engager le patrimoine culturel dans l'action pour le climat. Documentation. ICOMOS (Conseil international des monuments et des sites), 11 rue du Séminaire de Conflans, 116p. [Book]

Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Working Group International, - (2019) The Future of Our Pasts: Engaging cultural heritage in climate action Outline of Climate Change and Cultural Heritage. Technical Report. International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS, ICOMOS Paris, 62p. [Book]

De Vries, Bren, Van Marrewijk, Dré and Reith, Maarten (2017) Werken aan werelderfgoed; zes uitdagingen in de praktijk. Manual. Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort, 82p. [Book]

Engel Purcell, Caroline (2018) Deep energy renovation of traditional buildings: addressing knowledge gaps and skills training in Ireland. Project Report. Heritage Council / ICOMOS Ireland. 154p. [Book]

Fernandez, Agnès, Cloux, Anaïs, Lastiri, Marion, Monge, Claudette and Pincent, Guillemette (2014) Quartiers anciens, quartiers durables. Manual. ANVPAH&VSSP, Bayonne, France, 76p. [Book]

Gutiérrez, María de la Luz, Cruz, Sandra, Chán, Rosa María, Hernandez Llosas, Maria Isabel, Escalante, Paloma, Margotta, Andrea, Maquedano, Bienvenido, Hernández, Miguel Ángel, Newell, Gillian, Pérez, Enrique, Lacarrieu, Mónica, Boasso, Florencia, Subeiza, Claudia, Pérez, Yesenia and Hernández, Lilia (2020) Patrimonio en Emergencia: alternativas locales a problemáticas globales. Other. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, 144p. ISBN 978-607-539-5. [Book]

Han, Junhi (2015) From the Past and For the Future : Safeguarding the Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan – Jam and Herat. Project Report. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, 105p. ISBN 978-92-3-100093-5. [Book]

Ifko, Sonja, Potts, Andrew, Japelj, Anže, Didzarević, Tatjana, Pesaro, Giulia, Crotti, Daniele, Trif, Andreea, Hohnec, Tanja, Žarnić, Roko, Vodopivec, Barbara, Stegnar, Gašper, Merše, Stane, Gostič, Samo, Tomšič, Miha, Šijanec Zavrl, Marjana, Montero Vilar, Pilar, Gómez Tejedor, Jorge García, Silapacharanan, Siriwan, Ugljen Ademović, Nina and Turkušić Jurić, Elša (2022) Resilient heritage = Dediščina, ki kljubuje. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Slovenia & Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 190p. Monographic Publication of Icomos Slovenia, 4. ISBN 978-961-94851-4-9. [Book]

Labadi, Sophia (2011) Evaluating the socio-economic impacts of selected regenerated heritage sites in Europe. Project Report. European Cultural Foundation; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 129p. ISBN 9789062820542 (EAN). [Book]

Labadi, Sophia (2022) Rethinking heritage for sustainable development. Other. UCL Press, London, UK, 244p. ISBN 978-1-80008-194-9 (Hbk), 978-1-80008-193-2 (Pbk), 978-1-80008- 192-5 (PDF), 978-1-80008-195-6 (epub). [Book]

Labadi, Sophia, Giliberto, Francesca, Rosetti, Ilaria, Shetabi, Linda and Yildirim, Ege (2021) Heritage and the sustainable development goals: policy guidance for heritage and development actors. Other. ICOMOS 134p. ISBN 978-2-918086-87-1. [Book]

Labadi, Sophia, Giliberto, Francesca, Rosetti, Ilaria, Shetabi, Linda and Yildirim, Ege (2023) التراث وأهداف التنمية المستدامة :السياسات الإرشادية للعاملين في مجال التراث والتنمية [Heritage and the sustainable development goals: policy guidance for heritage and development actors. Arabic translation]. Other. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 134p. ISBN 978-2-918086-95-6. [Book]

Labadi, Sophia, Giliberto, Francesca, Rosetti, Ilaria, Shetabi, Linda and Yildirim, Ege (2022) Patrimoine et objectifs de développement durable : Orientations stratégiques à l’intention des acteurs du patrimoine et du développement [Heritage and the sustainable development goals: policy guidance for heritage and development actors. French translation]. Other. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 134p. ISBN 978-2-918086-88-8. [Book]

Labadi, Sophia, Giliberto, Francesca, Rosetti, Ilaria, Shetabi, Linda and Yildirim, Ege (2023) Património e objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável: orientações estratégicas para os atores do património e do desenvolvimento [Heritage and the sustainable development goals: policy guidance for heritage and development actors. Portuguese translation]. Other. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 134p. ISBN 978-2-918086-89-5. [Book]

López Morales, Francisco Javier, Vidargas, Francisco, Rocha, Mauricio, Nordenflycht, José de, Rojas, Ángela, Andrade, Nivaldo, Osipova, Elena, Martínez, Dolores, Zegarra, Gabriela and Aparicio, Esther (2015) Usos del Patrimonio: Nuevos Escenarios. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, 187p. ISBN 978-607-484-748-2. [Book]

Oglethorpe, Miles, Ifko, Sonja, Palinić, Nana, Stamatović Vučković, Slavica, Kocevska, Ivana, Draganić, Anica, Arčabić, Goran, Veljković, Tijana and Pličanić, Maja (2024) Perspektive industrijskog naslijeđa = Perspectives on industrial heritage. Documentation. ICOMOS Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 187p. ISBN 978-9926-8463-4-3. [Book]

Ost, Christian G. (2009) A guide for heritage economics in historic cities: values, indicators, maps, and policies. Manual. [s.n.], [s.l.], 107p. [Book] (Unpublished)

Potts, Andrew European Cultural Heritage Green Paper “Putting Europe’s shared heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal”. Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]

Potts, Andrew Libro Verde del Patrimonio Cultural Europeo "Poniendo el patrimonio compartido de Europa en el centro del Pacto Verde Europeo". Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]

Potts, Andrew Livre vert sur le patrimoine culturel européen "Placer le patrimoine européen partagé au cœur du pacte vert pour l’Europe". Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]

Prieto Hernández, Diego, Maillet Aránguiz, Carlos, Bahamondez Prieto, Mónica, Herbert Pesquera, Luz de Lourdes, Carrillo Cubillas, Laura Elena, Soledad Lucero, María, Vidargas, Francisco, Rojas, Ángela, Elizaga Coulombié, Julieta, Landa, Mikel, Ochandiano, Alazne, Calderón Martín del Campo, Rosana, Robles García, Nelly, Morales Gamarra, Ricardo, García Medina, Gauri Ivette and Sáinz Lara, Rodrigo (2020) Aproximaciones a una metodología en planes de conservación de sitios Patrimonio Mundial. Conference Volume. Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial, Mexique, 219p. ISBN 978-607-539-463-3. [Book]

Shepherd, Nick, Cohen, Joshua Benjamin, Carmen, William, Chundu, Moses, Ernsten, Christian, Guevara, Oscar, Haas, Franziska, Hussain, Shumon T., Riede, Felix, Siders, A. R., Singh, Chandni, Sithole, Pindai and Troi, Alexandra (2022) ICSM CHC White Paper III: The role of cultural and natural heritage for climate action: Contribution of Impacts Group III to the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS & ISCM CHC, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Paris, France, 91p. ISBN 978-2-918086-73-4. [Book]

Yildirim, Ege, Baltà Portolés, Jordi, Pascual, Jordi, Perrino, Massimo, Llobet, Marta, Wyber, Stephen, Phillips, Peter, Gicquel, Laurent, Martínez, Raquel, Miller, Shanon and Guerra, Claudia (2019) Culture in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Project Report. Culture2030Goal campaign, Paris, 105p. [Book]


UNSPECIFIED (2012) América Patrimonio. , 4. 139p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) América Patrimonio. , 5. 121p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2015) América Patrimonio, 7 (2015). , 7. 163p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Blue papers. , 1, 1. 171p . ISSN 2950-1466 (print) & 2950-1423 (online) [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2022) Blue papers. , 1, 2. 177p . ISSN 2950-1466 (print) & 2950-1423 (online) [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2023) Blue papers. , 2, 1. 181p . ISSN 2950-1466 (print) & 2950-1423 (online) [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2013) Conservation bulletin. , 71, Winter. 57p . ISSN 0753-8674 [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2016) Hereditas. , 25/26. 100p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2020) Hereditas 31. , 31. 87p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

Dirección del Patrimonio Mundial (2021) Hereditas 32. , 32. 80p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Les cahiers de la section française de l'ICOMOS. , 16. 223p . [Journal]


Amer, Mohamed (2015) Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Site(s): a Case Study on Saladin Citadel. Masters thesis, Helwan University (Egypt) and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany). [Thesis]

Berton, Mathieu (2011) La prise en compte des populations locales dans la mise en valeur et la gestion touristique des sites culturels l’exemple du site du Pont du Gard. EngD thesis, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne. [Thesis]

Pedrosa, Patrícia (2011) Cultural significance as a criterion for the conservation of World Heritage. Masters thesis, Federal University of Pernambuco. [Thesis]

Woynar, Marion (2012) Gestion du patrimoine culturel et nouvelle vision du développement : enjeux et défis dans la dynamique historique du Mexique. PhD thesis, CREDESPO - Université de Bourgogne, France. [Thesis]


(2017) Resolutions of the 19th General Assembly of ICOMOS (extract). ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Submitted)

(2022) Response by ICOMOS through the Our Common Dignity Initiative/Rights-Based Approaches Working Group to the UN special rapporteur in the field of cultural rights: call for inputs for a report on cultural rights and migration. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Unpublished)

(2023) UNHCR special rapporteur in the field of cultural rights. Call for contributions: cultural rights and the governance of development - submission by ICOMOS 28 April 2023. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Unpublished)

Esposito, Alessandra, Mubaideen, Shatha, Smithies, James, Bala’awi, Fadi and Flohr, Pascal (2020) MaDiH (مديح) Mapping the Digital Cultural Heritage in Jordan Project. Datasets Identification and Publication Protocol. Zenodo, Zenodo. [Other]

Loopesko, Lydia and Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2021) Integration of climate action and the Sustainable Development Goals in World Heritage sites. ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Working Group. [Other] (Unpublished)

Mubaideen, Shatha, Esposito, Alessandra and Yousef, Arzaq (2020) MaDiH (مديح) Instance on CKAN: User Guide (Arabic version). Zenodo, Zenodo. [Other]

Mubaideen, Shatha, Esposito, Alessandra and Yousef, Arzaq (2020) MaDiH (مديح) Instance on CKAN: User Guide (English version). Zenodo, Zenodo. [Other]

This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 16:34:40 2025 UTC.