Items where Subject is "02. Economic impact of heritage"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 80.


Bonacini, Elisa (2012) Cultura e Internet: il patrimonio culturale siciliano e la sua visibilità sul web. StrumentiRes, 4 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2279-6851 [Article]

Ruiz Lanuza, Agustin and Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio (2015) El impacto del Turismo en los Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Una revisión de las publicaciones científicas de la base de datos Scopus / The impact of tourism on the World Heritage Sites. A review of scientific publications Scopus database. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13 (5). pp. 1247-1264. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Conference or Workshop Item

Al Adarbeh, Nizar and Haron, Jehad (2018) Sustainable Cultural Heritage through Engagement of Local Communities. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Amer, Mohamed (2017) Urban Architectural Heritage and Social Interaction: Rashid-Open Air Museum. In: Workshop "Urban Architectural Heritage and Social Interaction", 4 - 8 October 2017, Rashid, Historic Quarter. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Baycan, Tüzin and Girard, Luigi Fusco (2011) Heritage in socio-economic development: Direct and indirect impacts. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bhattacharya, Ananya (2011) Developing sustainable tourism destinations offering authentic folk experiences. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Binan, Can and Çelebioğlu, Banu (2011) Une histoire de développement avec le patrimoine : la région de Cappadoce, aspects positifs et négatifs. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cissé, Lassana (2012) Patrimoine et développement local: le role des collectivités territoriales dans la gestion du site des falaises du Bandiagara (Mali). In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Clarke, Nicholas J. and Corten, Jean-Paul (2011) Regenerating Pretoria's historical core: heritage as an asset for inner city development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dawans, Stéphane and Houbart, Claudine (2012) Le patrimoine à l’état gazeux : comment le tourisme détourne notre conception de l’authenticité. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dinçer, Yüksel and Dinçer, İclal (2005) Historical heritage - conservation - restoration in small towns and question of rural gentrification in Turkey. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Diogo, Érica and Magalhães Corrêa, Sandra Rafaela (2011) The role of private buildings in the preservation and development of historical cities in Brazil. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dosker, Mireille (2012) Country residences and peat meadows: Spatial and financial relationships between these landscapes on the one hand and urbanization on the other. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dávila, Fernando Michaels (2012) La Mojana, Colombie: Territoire de l'eau. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Graz, Christophe (2011) Réflexions autour des inventaires, manuels et méthodes. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Greffe, Xavier (2011) L'économie politique du patrimoine culturel: de la médaille au rhizome. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Guiraud-Chaumeil, Stéphanie (2011) L'émotion collective au service du projet économique albigeois. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Hanachi, Pirooz and Yadollahi, Solmaz (2011) Tabriz Historical Bazaar in the context of change. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Haspel, Jörg (2011) Built heritage as a positive location factor - economic potentials of listed properties. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kaufman, Ned (2012) When cities shrink: redefining roles for conservation, development and investment. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Koziol, Christopher (2011) Assembling and presenting Chicago's architectural heritage: Lessons and cautions. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leite, Edson, Torquato Chotil, Mazé, Caponero, Maria Cristina and Perez, Simone (2011) Le développement du patrimoine culturel immatériel brésilien : la culture qui enrichit l'économie ou l'économie qui peut détruire la culture. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Licciardi, Guido (2011) Supporting economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries: The contribution of historic city rehabilitation and cultural heritage conservation. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Luengo, Mónica (2012) Looking ahead: The olive grove cultural landscape. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Luxen, Jean-Louis (2011) Les conditions de retombées économiques favorables. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Martorell, Alberto (2012) The Peruvian northern coast as a heritage driver development process. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Muñoz, Guillermo (2009) Museo de Museos de arte rupestre: Un Proyecto para el Estudio de la Historia de las Investigaciones en Arte Rupestre. In: Global rock art, 29 junio - 3 julio 2009, San Raimundo Nonato Brasil. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Mze Hamadi, Toiwilou (2011) L'appropriation du patrimoine par les communautés, outils pour la durabilité du développement du tourisme à Ngazidja, union des Comores. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Park, Sohyun (2012) Precautions for heritage to be a driver for regional development: A critical review of related principles manifested in the ICOMOS charters from a development perspective. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Pinto-Guillaume, Ezequiel M. (2012) Heritage assessment and regional development: A challenging dialogue. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Prats, Michèle (2011) Les retombées économiques du patrimoine culturel en France. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Reap, James K. (2012) Tools and techniques for preserving agricultural landscapes in the United States. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ribeiro Sampaio, Julio Cesar (2011) The economics of development in Brazilian conservation policy with special reference to the city of Rio de Janeiro conservation areas. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rietsch, Dorothée (2012) Sulina, ville dans le delta du Danube, Roumanie. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Robert, Yves (2012) Réflexions autour des interactions entre patrimoine et développement: à partir de l'exemple de la patrimonialisation de l'architecture coloniale en République Démocratique du Congo. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rypkema, Donovan and Cheong, Caroline (2012) Heritage conservation: The real sustainable development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rypkema, Donovan and Cheong, Caroline (2011) Measurements and indicators of heritage as development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shchory, Nili and Shamir-Shinan, Leah (2011) Integrating the conservation of the built heritage urban site into the local economic development (LED) policy and management processes: Outline for an interface program. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Shipley, Robert and Reeve, Alan (2011) Does investment in the built fabric of historic towns drive economic recovery? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Silberman, Neil (2011) Heritage as a driver of development? Some questions of cause and effects. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Skłodowski, Marek (2011) Quantitative modelling of cultural heritage economic behaviour. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sobha Turaga, Vasanta (2012) Conservation of historic human settlements and cultural industries: From urban and regional development perspective. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sow, Abdoul (2018) Colonial heritage against local heritage: a duel between the State and the local population in the lower valley of the river Senegal? In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sow, Abdoul (2012) Saint-Louis du Sénégal: l'île ou la ville? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sumanov, Lazar (2011) Cultural heritage and community development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sunara, Sagita Mirjam (2011) Historic core of Split and the peristyle of Diocletian's palace: Economic impact of cultural heritage preservation. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Suntikul, Wantanee (2011) Linkages between heritage policy, tourism and business. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tonkin, Ray (2011) The conversion of Melbourne. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Truscott, Marilyn C. (2011) Continuity and identity in Canberra: Can tourism development sustain intangible cultural heritage. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Venturini, Edgardo J. (2012) Tourisme culturel et développement durable: le patrimoine au-delà du spectacle. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vincent, Jean-Marie (2012) Le patrimoine rural, vecteur d'aménagement durable des territoires ruraux français. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Vourch, Anne (2005) Le tourisme dans les grands sites de patrimoine : quel impact économique ? Le bilan des grands sites de France. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wang, Chun-Hsi and Fu, Chao-Ching (2012) The sustainable development of the cultural landscape of Jianan irrigation system in Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yousif, Anita (2012) Brooks terrace, Kanahooka (Dapto), NSW, Australia: Residential development within the ruins of the former Dapto Smelter. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

van Emstede, Charlotte (2012) Expired experiment-modern monument: The heritage significance of the Justus van Effen housing complex as driver for urban regenaration and social sustainability. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

(2023) إعلان باريـس حول التّراث كمحفِّزٍ للتّنمية (2011) [The Paris declaration on heritage as a driver of development. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 92-95. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Parisit mbi trashëgiminë si motor zhvillimi: miratuar në Paris, selia e UNESCO-s, e enjte më 1 dhjetor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

Amer, Mohamed (2020) Interactive-relationship between Cultural Identity and Heritage Branding. In: Advances in Cultural Heritage Studies, Year 2020. Contributions of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage. Mazu Press, Oeiras, pp. 161-177. ISBN 978-989-54519-8-2 [Book Section]

Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda (2005) Dinâmicas de desenvolvimento sustentado fomentadas pela criação do parque arqueológico do Vale do Côa. In: Conservar para Quê? CEAUCP, Porto and Coimbra, pp. 183-197. [Book Section]


(2021) From vernacular to World Heritage. Other. Firenze University Press, Firenze, Italy, 248p. ISBN 978-88-5518-293-5. [Book]

(2015) Getting cultural heritage to work for Europe: Report of the Horizon 2020 expert group on cultural heritage. Documentation. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 28p. ISBN 978-92-79-46046-3. [Book]

IX World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities: Kazan, 19-23 June 2007 / IX congrès mondial des villes du patrimoine mondial : Kazan, 19-23 juin 2007/IX congreso mundial de la organizacíon de la ciudades patrimonio mundial : Kazan, 19-23 juin 2007 / IX Congreso Mundial de la Organización de las Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial: Kazan, 19-23 junio 2007. Conference Volume. Getty conservation institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90p. [Book]

(2015) Siem Reap Declaration on Tourism and Culture - Building a New Partnership Model / Déclaration de Siem Reap Tourisme et culture - Construire un nouveau partenariat / Declaración de Siem Reap sobre turismo y cultura: Construyendo un nuevo modelo de cooperación. Other. UNWTO/UNESCO 5p. [Book]

(2000) The economic impact on financing conservation and restoration: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the International Committee of ICOMOS on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues, Brijuni, Croatia, May 3-6, 2000. Conference Volume. ICOMOS International Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues (ICLAFI) [Book]

Abdulac, Samir, Adams, Jeffrey, Airaldi, Estefanía, Akin, Nur, Al Adarbeh, Nizar, Alessandri, Raphaël, Al-Maiyah, Sura, Amarilla, Beatriz, Amendoeira, Ana Paula, Arredondo Zambrano, Celia Esther, Arsenault, Daniel, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Babics, Florence, Balhade, Héloïse, Ballabeni, Massimo, Bandarin, Francesco, Barré, Hervé, Barrett, Brenda, Baycan, Tüzin, Benquet, Lucie, Beazley, Olwen, Béhèran, Ricardo, Bélaval, Philippe, Bellanger, Chloé, Benavides Barrera, Bianca Elena, Bergeron, Louis, Bertagnin, Mauro, Bhattacharya, Ananya, Bicheron, Gautier, Binan, Can Sakir, Binder, Regina, Blay, Jean-Pierre, Bonacchi, Chiara, Bouchenaki, Mounir, Bouton, Aurélie, Brooks, Graham, Brown, Sharon, Brown, Stephen, Buckle, Robert J., Burtenshaw, Paul, Burke, Sheridan, Caballero, Antoni, Cambas, Graciela, Cantu Delgado, Julieta de Jesús, Caponero, Maria Cristina, Çelebioğlu, Banu, Chabbi, Amel, Chedouki, Jihane, Cheng, Min-Tsung, Cheong, Caroline, Chiron, Benoit, Cho, In-Souk, Choi, Jae-Heon, Chotil, Maria José, Cipriani, Luca, Cirvini, Silvia Augusta, Cissé, Lassana, Clark, Kate, Clarke, Nicholas J., Cleere, Henry, Cloux, Anaïs, Coben, Lawrence, Cohen, Marianne, Comer, Douglas C., Cooke, Louise, Cornu, Claire, Corten, Jean-Paul, Cossons, Neil, Cotte, Michel, Cottenceau, André, Cummer, Katie, Daneels, Annick, Dauge, Yves, David, Gabriel-François, Dawans, Stéphane, de Antoni, Désirée, de Caraffe, Marc, de Kuna, Graciela, de Merode, Éléonore, Del, André, Delanghe, Philippe, Demesvar, Kenrick, Diamant, Rolf, Dicaire, Linda, Diogo, Érica, DiStefano, Lynne D., Dosker, Mireille, Dumas, Yves, Dupuy, Jean-Jacques, Durand, Didier, Dürrenmatt, Jean-Baptiste, Duyker, Susan, Élie, Daniel, Elkadi, Hisham, El-Khalili, Mohammad, Fernandes, Maria, Ferreira, Teresa, Fontaine, Michel, Fu, Chao-Ching, Fukushima, Ayako, Fusco Girard, Luigi, Ganiatsas, Vassilis, Garcia, Emmanuel, Gårdstedt, Hanna, Gartner-Negrin, Julia, Ghafouri, Mehdi, Gillot, Laurence, Gómez Voltan, José Alejandro, Gondran, François, Gong, Xuelan, Gottfried, Cédric, Goumézianne, Nabila, Gravari-Barbas, Maria, Gras, Louise Noelle, Graz, Christophe, Greffe, Xavier, Guerrero Baca, Luis Fernando, Guiraud-Chaumeil, Stéphanie, Han, Feng, Hanachi, Pirooz, Hang, Peou, Hankey, Donald, Harder, Susann, Haspel, Jörg, Herbin, Carine, Hörenz, Marlen, Hotes, Robert J., Houbart, Claudine, Hurd, John, Jackson, Rachel, Jacob, Jean-Paul, Janty, Gwenaëlle, Jeanneret, Jean-Daniel, Jerome, Pamela, Joffroy, Thierry, Jigyasu, Rohit, Jones, Samantha, Judson, Ellis P., Kanan, Isabel, Kaufman, Ned, Kelley, Stephen J., Kigadye, Fabian S., Kim, Sungwoo, Kitamura, Maïe, Koren, Gideon, Koziol, Christopher, Labato, Graciela Isabel, Lacombe, Marion, Landorf, Chris, Laroche, Florent, Laruë-Charlus, Michèle, Lavendomme, Marie-Odile, Le Cieux, Laurence, Lee, Ho-Yin, Lee, Kyungah, Leite, Edson, Lemesle, Isabelle, Lempereur, Françoise, Li, Yanan, Licciardi, Guido, Lloyd, Georgina, Loewe, Sonia, Lobko, Joe, Lombart, Céline, Luengo, Mónica, Luijendijk, Erik, Luxen, Jean-Louis, MacDonald, Susan, Mackay, Richard, Maclaren, Fergus, Magalhães Corrêa, Sandra Rafaela, Magnant, Anne, Mahdy, Hossam, Mananghaya, Joycelyn B., Manawadu, Samitha, Marcel, Odile, Mareque, Gabriela Beatriz, Martines, Giacomo, Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Martorell Carreño, Alberto, Mason, David, Menzies, Diane H., Michaels Davila, Fernando, Millar, Sue, Mitchell, Nora J., Mo, Daiho, Mok, Keng Kio, Moniot, Anne-Laure, Montalbano, Calogero, Morvant, Maëla, Mouaki, Amira, Mourisard, Christian, Mouton, Benjamin, Myrin, Malin, Mze Hamadi, Toiwilou, Nagaoka, Masanori, Naggay, Said, Ndoro, Webber, Nikšic, Goran, Nomeikaite, Laima, Normandin, Kyle C., Oliver, Alan, Ost, Christian G., Pallot, Éric, Park, Sohyun, Perez, Simone, Petruccioli, Attilio, Phillips, Peter, Pillias-Prunières, Anne-Françoise, Pinto-Guillaume, Ezequiel M., Pitte, Jean-Robert, Pontois, Maria-Teresa, Prats, Michèle, Prunet, Régis, Raines, Shanna C., Ramírez Magallanes, Yolanda, Ramsay, Juliet, Reap, James K., Rebanks, James M., Reeves, Alan, Rezaei, Naimeh, Ribeiro Sampaio, Julio Cesar, Rietsch, Dorothée, Riganti, Patrizia, Rivero, Ángela Beatriz, Robert, Yves, Robinson, Laura, Rocha Queiroz, Kléber, Rojas, Ángela, Roubiou du Pont, Gabrielle, Rouhani, Bijan, Rypkema, Donovan, da Costa Salavessa, Maria Eunice, Sanabra, Marc, Santana Quintero, Mario, Santiago, Nizza, Savalluard, Guy, Sayagh, Shahinaz, Schäfer, Rolf, Schulman, Michel, Senatore, Maria Ximena, Sevan, Olga, Sheehan, Ailyn, Shinan, Leah Shamir, Shipley, Robert, Silapacharanan, Siriwan, Silberman, Neil, Skłodowski, Marek, Smith, Stuart B., Snelgrove, Catherine, Sobha Turaga, Vasanta, Solar, Giora, Sollien, Silje Erøy, Sow, Abdoul, Steinberg, Florian, Stolk, Deborah, Subercaseaux, María Inés, Sullivan, Sharon, Sumanov, Lazar, Sunara, Sagita Mirjam, Suntikul, Wantanee, Takács, Katalin, Thibault, Jean-Pierre, Toeschi, Paolo, Tonkin, Ray, Toussaint, Philippe, Tropert, Michel, Truscott, Marilyn C., Vallat, Jean-Pierre, van Balen, Koen, van Emstede, Charlotte, Varum, Humberto, Veale, Sharon, Venturini, Edgardo J., Vileikis, Ona, Vincent, Jean-Marie, Vinton, Nathalie, Wan, Tingting, Wang, Chun-Hsi, Wang, Jia, Wang, Yuan, Willems, Willem J. H., Woynar, Marion, Wu, Ping-Sheng, Yadollahi, Solmaz, Yang, Minja, Yang, Pei-Yao, Yen, Shih-Hua, Yousif, Anita, Zarankin, Andrés, Zhukovskaya, Natalia and Zouain, Georges S. (2012) Le patrimoine, moteur de développement : actes du symposium de la XVIIème assemblée générale de l'ICOMOS = Heritage, a driver of development: proceedings of the 17th ICOMOS general assembly symposium. Conference Volume. ICOMOS & ICOMOS France, Paris, France, 1406p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2011, 17th. ISBN 978-2-918086-11-6. [Book]

Arezki, Rabah, Caschili, Simone, Cherif, Reda, Medda, Francesca Romana, Modelewska, Marta, Nijkamp, Peter, O'Brian, John, Ost, Christian G., Piotrowski, John, Rama, Martin, Rojas, Eduardo, Rypkema, Donovan and Throsby, David (2012) The economics of uniqueness: investing in historic city cores and cultural heritage assets for sustainable development. Documentation. World Bank, Washington, D. C., United States, 298p. ISBN 978-0-8213-9650-6 [print] & 978-0-8213-9706-0 [electronic]. [Book]

De Vries, Bren, Van Marrewijk, Dré and Reith, Maarten (2017) Werken aan werelderfgoed; zes uitdagingen in de praktijk. Manual. Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort, 82p. [Book]

Galicia Isasmendi, Erika, Quiles García, Fernando and Ruiz Romero, Zara (2017) Acervo Mexicano. Legado de culturas. Other. E.R.A. Arte, Creación y Patrimonio Iberoamericano en Redes 454p. ISBN 978-84-697-7608-7. [Book]

Labadi, Sophia (2011) Evaluating the socio-economic impacts of selected regenerated heritage sites in Europe. Project Report. European Cultural Foundation; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 129p. ISBN 9789062820542 (EAN). [Book]

Labadi, Sophia (2022) Rethinking heritage for sustainable development. Other. UCL Press, London, UK, 244p. ISBN 978-1-80008-194-9 (Hbk), 978-1-80008-193-2 (Pbk), 978-1-80008- 192-5 (PDF), 978-1-80008-195-6 (epub). [Book]

Lykogianni, Elissavet, Airaghi, Elisabetta, Krohn, Christin and Vanhoutte, Christine (2019) Material Cultural Heritage as a Strategic Territorial Development Resource: Mapping Impacts Through a Set of Common European Socio-economic Indicators. Working Paper. ESPON EGTC, Luxembourg, 14p. ISBN 978-99959-55-98-4. [Book]

Pickard, Robert, Roter Blagojević, Mirjana, Nikolić, Marko, McMoghan, Mary, Ifko, Sonja, Đukić, Aleksandra, Špirić, Ana, Vujičić, Tijana, Idrizbegović Zgonić, Aida, Čakarić, Jasenka, Hughes, Stephen, Arčabić, Goran, Dizdarevič, Tatjana, Peljhan, Martina, Stamatović Vučković, Slavica, Spahija, Blerta, Aliu, Ramadan, Veliu, Safete and Pirkovič, Jelka (2018) Protection and reuse of industrial heritage: dilemmas, problems, examples. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 147p. Monographic Publication of Icomos Slovenia, 2. ISBN 978-961-288-673-8. [Book]

Potts, Andrew European Cultural Heritage Green Paper “Putting Europe’s shared heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal”. Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]

Potts, Andrew Libro Verde del Patrimonio Cultural Europeo "Poniendo el patrimonio compartido de Europa en el centro del Pacto Verde Europeo". Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]

Potts, Andrew Livre vert sur le patrimoine culturel européen "Placer le patrimoine européen partagé au cœur du pacte vert pour l’Europe". Discussion Paper. Europa Nostra 100p. [Book]


UNSPECIFIED (2013) América Patrimonio. , 5. 121p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2015) América Patrimonio, 7 (2015). , 7. 163p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

ICOMOS (1993) Les cahiers de la section française de l'ICOMOS. , 14. 105p . [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (1996) Les cahiers de la section française de l'ICOMOS. , 16. 223p . [Journal]


Amer, Mohamed (2015) Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Site(s): a Case Study on Saladin Citadel. Masters thesis, Helwan University (Egypt) and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany). [Thesis]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 09:51:01 2025 UTC.