Resilient heritage = Dediščina, ki kljubuje
Ifko, Sonja, Potts, Andrew, Japelj, Anže, Didzarević, Tatjana, Pesaro, Giulia, Crotti, Daniele, Trif, Andreea, Hohnec, Tanja, Žarnić, Roko, Vodopivec, Barbara, Stegnar, Gašper, Merše, Stane, Gostič, Samo, Tomšič, Miha, Šijanec Zavrl, Marjana, Montero Vilar, Pilar, Gómez Tejedor, Jorge García, Silapacharanan, Siriwan, Ugljen Ademović, Nina and Turkušić Jurić, Elša (2022) Resilient heritage = Dediščina, ki kljubuje. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Slovenia & Slovensko nacionalno združenje za spomenike in spomeniška območja, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 190p. Monographic Publication of Icomos Slovenia, 4. ISBN 978-961-94851-4-9. [Book]
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Abstract (in English)
(Introduction by Sonja Ifko) The 4th ICOMOS Slovenia International Scientific Symposium, held in September 2021, focused on questions related to increasing the resilience of cultural heritage. This is a topic encountered practically at every turn in the current cultural heritage protection practice. The current situation calls for immediate action in the field of cultural heritage, nature, built environment, and lifestyle – in short, in all areas of our lives. The monograph at hand presents the contributions from the symposium, addressing various themes that are directly or indirectly related to the improvement of the state of cultural heritage in the circumstances of the increasingly intense impacts of climate change and conflicts with a broad range of backgrounds. In this context, we are also confronted with the frequently overlooked contribution of cultural heritage to the Sustainable Development Goals and people’s well-being – both, of individuals and various communities. This was experienced by all during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thematically, the monograph is divided into three sections and an introductory plenary section, which highlights the comprehensive and multifaceted role of cultural heritage in ensuring greater resilience of the planet and quality of life for everyone. The transcript of the lecture by Andrew Potts, one of the world’s leading experts on cultural heritage and climate change, highlights the global climate situation and the role of cultural heritage in addressing it. It also focuses on the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper. The first section, titled “What Is the Situation and How Prepared Are We”, presents the contributions that focus on analysing and listing threats to the individual heritage areas and sites due to climate change, inappropriate land use, and politically-driven urban development, as described by Andrea Triff . Tanja Hohnec’s contribution sums up the Slovenian experience in dealing with climate change in the field of cultural heritage, describing the results of the international CHEERS project. It is vital that the experience with organising interdisciplinary cooperation is presented. The second section presents the key challenges. Here, the authors focus on the various approaches to increasing the resilience of heritage and, on the other hand, balancing the investments in energy efficiency measures, which is one of the society’s funadamental priorities in the current crisis. The third section, titled Cultural Heritage as an Example, presents the experience and examples of successful implementations and projects that increase the resilience of heritage and thus its contribution to sustainable development. The authors from Madrid outline the PROCOERS Plan of protecting the collections kept in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. The article on the development of heritage resilience in the Mae Klong river basin presents lessons learned in Thailand, while the contribution on the revitalisation of the medieval fortress of Bijela Tabija describes the efforts of the experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(Uvod Sonja Ifko) Četrti mednarodni znanstveni simpozij ICOMOS Slovenija, ki je potekal septembra 2021, smo posvetili iskanju odgovorov na vprašanja, povezana s povečanjem odpornosti kulturne dediščine. Gre za temo, s katero se v aktualni praksi varstva kulturne dediščine srečujemo praktično na vsakem koraku. Razmere, ki smo jim priča v zadnjem času, namreč narekujejo takojšnje ukrepanje tako na področju kulturne dediščine kot tudi narave, grajenega okolja in načina življenja, skratka, na vseh področjih našega življenja. V monografi ji so zbrani prispevki s simpozija, ki obravnavajo različne teme, neposredno in posredno povezane z izboljšanjem stanja kulturne dediščine v razmerah vedno bolj intenzivnih vplivov podnebnih sprememb in konfl iktnih situacij z najrazličnejšimi ozadji. Ob tem se soočamo tudi z velikokrat spregledanim prispevkom kulturne dediščine za uresničevanje ciljev trajnostnega razvoja in za dobrobit ljudi – tako posameznikov kot različnih skupnosti. O pomenu tega prispevka smo se vsi prepričali v času pandemije covida-19. Vsebinsko je monografi ja razdeljena na tri tematske sklope in uvodni plenarni del, kjer je izpostavljena celovita in večplastna vloga kulturne dediščine pri zagotavljanju večje odpornosti planeta in kakovosti življenja za vse. Predavanje Andrewa Pottsa, enega vodilnih svetovnih strokovnjakov na področju kulturne dediščine in podnebnih sprememb, izpostavlja svetovne podnebne razmere in vlogo kulturne dediščine pri reševanju tega problema. Osredotoča se na Evropski zeleni dokument kulturne dediščine (European Cultural Heritage Green Paper). V prvem sklopu, z naslovom Kakšno je stanje in kako smo pripravljeni, so predstavljeni prispevki, ki se osredotočajo na analizo in evidentiranje ogroženosti posameznih območij in enot dediščine. Gre tako za ogroženost zaradi podnebnih sprememb in neustrezne rabe prostora kot tudi zaradi politično usmerjanega urbanega razvoja, kot stanje opisuje Andreea Trif. V prispevku Tanje Hohnec so povzete slovenske izkušnje pri soočanju z obvladovanjem podnebnih sprememb na področju kulturne dediščine; predstavljeni so rezultati mednarodnega projekta CHEERS. Pomembna je predstavitev izkušenj pri organizaciji interdisciplinarnega sodelovanja. V drugem sklopu so predstavljeni ključni izzivi. Avtorji se osredotočajo na različne pristope za povečanje odpornosti dediščine in po drugi strani na uravnoteženje vlaganj v ukrepe za doseganje energetske učinkovitosti, kar je v trenutnih kriznih razmerah ena od temeljnih družbenih prioritet. V tretjem sklopu, naslovljenem Kulturna dediščina kot zgled, so predstavljene izkušnje in primeri uspešnih realizacij in projektov za povečanje odpornosti dediščine ter s tem prispevek dediščine k trajnostnemu razvoju. Avtorji iz Madrida predstavljajo načrt PROCOERS za zbirke, ki jih hrani Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Prispevek o gradnji odpornosti dediščine v porečju reke Mae Klong prinaša izkušnje s Tajske, primer revitalizacije srednjeveške trdnjave Bijela tabija pa predstavlja prizadevanja strokovnjakov iz Bosne in Hercegovine.
Item Type: | Book (Conference Volume) |
Authors: | Authors Email Ifko, Sonja UNSPECIFIED Potts, Andrew UNSPECIFIED Japelj, Anže UNSPECIFIED Didzarević, Tatjana UNSPECIFIED Pesaro, Giulia UNSPECIFIED Crotti, Daniele UNSPECIFIED Trif, Andreea UNSPECIFIED Hohnec, Tanja UNSPECIFIED Žarnić, Roko UNSPECIFIED Vodopivec, Barbara UNSPECIFIED Stegnar, Gašper UNSPECIFIED Merše, Stane UNSPECIFIED Gostič, Samo UNSPECIFIED Tomšič, Miha UNSPECIFIED Šijanec Zavrl, Marjana UNSPECIFIED Montero Vilar, Pilar UNSPECIFIED Gómez Tejedor, Jorge García UNSPECIFIED Silapacharanan, Siriwan Ugljen Ademović, Nina UNSPECIFIED Turkušić Jurić, Elša UNSPECIFIED |
Editors: | Editors Email Ifko, Sonja UNSPECIFIED |
Languages: | English, Slovenian |
Keywords: | conservation of cultural heritage; resilience; sustainable development; natural hazards; risk management; risk preparedness; climate change; energy conservation measures; emergency plans; destruction of cultural heritage; urban fabric; revitalization; reuse; repairs; case studies; museums; water management; floods; military architecture; Slovenia; Romania; Spain; Thailand; Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Subjects: | D. URBANISM > 04. Rehabilitation E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 03. Monuments E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 07. Management E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 09. Social and economic aspects of conservation G. DETERIORATION > 03. Climate change G. DETERIORATION > 05. Prevention of deterioration J. HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 05. Heritage and sustainable development P. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS > 04. Asia and Pacific islands P. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS > 05. Europe |
Name of monument, town, site, museum: | Museo Nacional Centro de la Reina Sofía, Spain; Mae Klong river basin, Thailand; Bijela Tabija, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia; Bucharest, Romania |
UNESCO WHC Number: | 1313 |
National Committee: | Slovenia |
ICOMOS Special Collection: | Monographic Publication of Icomos Slovenia |
ICOMOS Special Collection Volume: | 4 |
Volume: | 4 |
Number of Pages: | 190 |
ISBN: | 978-961-94851-4-9 |
Depositing User: | ICOMOS DocCentre |
Date Deposited: | 22 Mar 2023 17:15 |
Last Modified: | 16 Apr 2024 12:19 |
URI: | |
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