As Ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-partes, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal Excepcional. "The Railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value"
Lins, APMBC (2015) As Ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-partes, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal Excepcional. "The Railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value". PhD thesis, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. [Thesis]
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Abstract (in English)
The dissertation "The Railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value" has aims at investigating the attribution of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) to railways included on the World Heritage List, through the identification of criteria and requirements for recognition. The research focuses on 03 stages. The first stage is the theoretical framework of the research, aiming at approaching the theoretical problem: an understanding of the railway heritage and of outstanding universal value. Accordingly, there follow an overview of the railways, discussions on the preservation of the railway heritage in the global context, and in the UNESCO context. The second theoretical approach corresponds to the understanding of the value to the Theory of Values (Axiology of Values) and Conservation Theory. The second approach focused on the investigation of the empirical problem: the attribution of outstanding universal value. In this way, three (03) case studies to achieve the central objective of this thesis are highlighted: The Semmering Railway, Austria; the Railway Darjeeling, India; and the Rhaetian Railway, which crosses Switzerland and Italy. The method used for the analysis of that railway is Bardin`s Content Analysis, applied to the documentation corpus, consisting of the Advisory Body Assessment Document of each analyzed railroad. The dissertation is based on the premise that from the railways attributes of identification it is possible to interpret the values that make up the outstanding universal value of the world's railways. Thus, the empirical axis of research, analysis of each of the selected railways performed, leadin to infer that the outstanding universal value of the global railway is composed of a plurality of values dynamic and interdependent and that there is a hierarchy in its relations, point out an order, where the most outstanding values are what should be preserved, as justified by the recognition of the railways as a cultural world.
Item Type: | Thesis (PhD) |
Authors: | Authors Email Lins, APMBC |
Languages: | Portuguese |
Keywords: | Outstanding Universal Value.; Railway Heritage; Cultural Heritage; Value; Conservation Theory; World Heritage. |
Subjects: | A. THEORETICAL AND GENERAL ASPECTS > 09. Philosophy of conservation H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 16. Industrial and technical heritage H.HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 28. World Heritage K.LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES > 06. Doctrinal texts, conventions and charters M.WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION > 05. Criteria M.WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION > 10. Advisory body |
Name of monument, town, site, museum: | Darjeeling Railway, India; Semmering Railway, Austria; Rhaetian Railway, Switzerland and Italy |
UNESCO WHC Number: | 944ter; 785; 1276 |
Number of Pages: | 228 |
Depositing User: | Miss Ana Paula M. de Bitencourt da Costa Lins |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jun 2017 14:29 |
Last Modified: | 22 Jun 2017 14:29 |
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