Items where Subject is "06. Doctrinal texts, conventions and charters"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 262.


Bakarat, Sultan (1994) Analysis of findings from the post-war reconstruction campaigns at Basrah and Fao, Iraq. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 102-112. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Bumbaru, Dinu (1994) Report on round table on cultural heritage at risk held at ICOMOS headquarters, paris 8 and 9 October 1993. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 97-101. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Clement, Etienne (1993) Angkor and the international conventions (dossier). Safeguarding and development of Angkor . pp. 1-10. [Article]

Clement, Etienne and Quinio, Farice (2004) La protection des biens culturels au Cambodge pendant la période des conflits armés, à travers l'application de la Convention de La Haye de 1954. Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge, 86 (854). pp. 389-399. ISSN 1560-7755 [Article]

Ender, Cevat (1977) The Venice Charter under review = Regard sur la Charte de Venise. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 24-39. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Arabic. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 81-84. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Bahasa Indonesia. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 85-88. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Bulgarian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 89-94. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Czech. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 95-100. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Danish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 101-104. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Dutch / Flemish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 105-108. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in English. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 109-112. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Estonian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 113-116. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Finnish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 117-120. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in French. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 121-124. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Georgian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 125-130. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in German. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 131-136. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Greek. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 137-140. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Hebrew. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 141-144. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Hindi. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 145-150. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Hungarian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 151-156. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Italian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 157-160. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Japanese. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 161-164. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Lithuanian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 165-168. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Portuguese. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 169-172. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Romanian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 173-178. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Russian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 179-184. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Sinhalese. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 185-188. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Spanish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 189-192. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Swedish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 193-198. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Thai. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 199-202. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Turkish. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 203-206. [Article]

ICOMOS, International (1994) The Venice Charter translated in Ukrainian. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 207-211. [Article]

Jokilehto, Jukka (1995) Comments on the Venice Charter with illustrations. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 61-76. [Article]

Lemaire, Raymond (1995) À propos de la Charte de Venise. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 56-58. [Article]

López Morales, Francisco Javier and Vidargas, Francisco (2018) Patrimonio, terrorismo y desastres naturales. ¿Cómo prevenir y abordar los enormes daños al patrimonio cultural mundial? Una visión desde la UNESCO. Revista PH (93). pp. 144-151. ISSN 23-40-7565 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2009) Conservation and actuality in ancient environments. From the 1931 Athens Charter to the 2008 Bethlehem Charter. EDA, Esempi di Architettura, 7 . pp. 31-41. ISSN 978-88-6336-070-7 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia, Lee, Eric Yong and Ramachanderan, Ramya (2021) Diplomacy in the Age of the Internet: Challenges for the World Heritage Convention. EDA Esempi di Architettura, 2 (1). pp. 1-12. [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia and Schafer, D. Paul (2021) Tokyo Charter. Reconnecting with your culture. Education, Culture, heritage and children. EDA, Esempi di Architettura, 2 . pp. 1-6. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Ruiz Lanuza, Agustin and Pulido Fernández, Juan Ignacio (2015) El impacto del Turismo en los Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Una revisión de las publicaciones científicas de la base de datos Scopus / The impact of tourism on the World Heritage Sites. A review of scientific publications Scopus database. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13 (5). pp. 1247-1264. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Silva, Roland (1983) The significance of the Venice Charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites, with special reference to Eastern countries = Importance de la Charte internationale de Venise pour la conservation et la restauration des monuments et des sites, particulièrement dans les pays d'Asie. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 40-49. [Article]

Vidargas, Francisco (2021) Antecedentes de una visión integradora de la conservación. Conservación y Restauración (23). pp. 7-23. ISSN 2395-9754 [Article]

Vidargas, Francisco and Tovar, Ana (2012) La protección del Patrimonio Mundial en México. Hereditas (17/18). pp. 62-73. [Article]

Wijesuriya, Gamini (2017) Towards the de-secularisation of heritage. Built Heritage (2). pp. 1-15. [Article]


Conference or Workshop Item

Anguelova, Rachelle (1979) Résolution de la réunion du Comité International de l'Architecture vernaculaire - Plovdiv, 17-20 octobre 1979. In: ICOMOS International comittee on vernacular architecture - 2nd session, october 17-20, 1979, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brooks, Graham (2008) Developing Guiding Principles and Policies for World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism – A Major UNESCO World Heritage Centre Initiative. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Burke, Sheridan (2008) Transmitting the Spirit of Place in the Age of Web Wisdom? In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

CLEMENT, Etienne (2017) A historical perspective on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict: from The Hague 1907 Convention and the Roerich Pact, to the 2003 UNESCO Declaration concerning the intentional destruction of cultural heritage. In: ICLAFI Conference and Annual meeting, Tallinn, Estonia, 2016, 12-13 October 2016, Tallinn. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2017) Crossing Boundaries: Linking Intangible Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, and Identity. In: Pagtib-ong: UP Visayas International Conference on Intangible Heritage, May 25-26, 2017, Iloilo City, Philippines. [Conference or Workshop Item] (In Press)

Craig, Jennifer (2008) Multinational Approaches to an International Convention. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Deacon, Harriet, Dondolo, L., Mrubata, M. and Prosalendis, S. (2003) Legal and financial instruments for safeguarding our intangible heritage. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Draye, Anne Mie (2008) Legal protection of monuments in their settings: a means of maintaining the spirit of the place. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Egloff, Brian and Comer, Douglas C. (2008) Conserving the Archaeological Soul of Places: Drafting guidelines for the ICAHM Charter. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fu, Chao-Ching (2005) Cultural sensitivity towards intangible values in monuments and sites - A comparison between Eastern Asian and Western countries. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kirova, Tatiana K. (2008) Tangible and intangible heritage in the management of WH Sites in Italy. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Larsen, Peter Bille, Franceschini, Nicole and Kari, Susanna (2016) Scaling up partnerships on rights-based and equitable World Heritage conservation. In: Scaling up Partnerships on Rights-Based and Equitable World Heritage Conservation: Report of the session held at the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016, 4 September 2016, Hawai'i USA. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Submitted)

Mitchell, Nora J., Brown, Steve, Scazzosi, Lionella, Lennon, Jane and Barrett, Brenda (2019) Knowledge Café 4.2: Principles Text in action in outstanding and ordinary landscapes. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mouton, Benjamin and Schneider, Dominique (2019) Retour à l’esprit de la charte de Venise : synthèse et conclusions. In: Journée technique, 18 octobre 2018, Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine Charenton-le-Pont. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Nethery, William H. (2008) Things and Places, Hearts and Minds: Interpreting Heritage Interpretation in New South Wales. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Park, Sohyun (2012) Precautions for heritage to be a driver for regional development: A critical review of related principles manifested in the ICOMOS charters from a development perspective. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Petroncelli, Elvira (2005) The setting: A contribution from the European Landscape Convention. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Suárez-Inclán Ducassi, María Rosa (2005) A new category of heritage for understanding, cooperation and sustainable development. Their significance within the macrostructure of cultural heritage. The role of the CIIC of ICOMOS: Principles and methodology. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Von Truetzschler, Werner (2005) The evolution of "cultural heritage" in international law. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yildirim, Ege (2019) Panel 4 Paper 4.1: ICOMOS perspective on addressing CultureNature integration in the implementation of the SDGs. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yuan, Wang (2008) The conservation of intangible cultural heritage in historic areas. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zhang, Wei (2005) The problems encounter in the protection of UCH. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Zhou, Lv (2005) Cultural routes and the network construction of the World Cultural Heritage conservation. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

(2023) ميثاق البندقية (1964) - الميثاق الدولي للحفاظ على المعالم والمواقع وترميمها [The Venice charter: the international charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 8-9. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق فلورنسا (1981) - ميثاق إيكوموس والاتحاد الدولي لمكتبات الحدائق التاريخية بشأن الحدائق التاريخي [The Florence charter: the ICOMOS-IFLA charter on historic gardens. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق واشنطن (1987) - ميثاق إيكوموس للحفاظ على المدن والمناطق العمرانيّة التاريخيّة [The Washington charter: the ICOMOS charter for the conservation of historic towns and urban areas. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 26-27. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس لحماية وإدارة التراث الأثريّ (1990) [The ICOMOS charter for the protection and management of archaeological heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 28-31. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The ICOMOS guidelines for education and training in the conservation of monuments, ensembles and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 32-35. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The ICOMOS principles for the recording of monuments, groups of buildings, and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 42-45. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The Nara document on authenticity. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 36-37. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول حماية وإدارة التراث الثقافيّ المغمور بالمياه (1996) [The ICOMOS charter for the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 38-41. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس للتراث المبنيّ العامّيّ (1999) [The ICOMOS charter on the built vernacular heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 56-57. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس لحفظ المُنشَآت الخشبية التاريخيّة (1999) [The ICOMOS principles for the preservation of historic timber structures. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 58-59. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس الدوليّ للسياحة الثقافيّة (1999): إدارة السياحة في الأماكن التي تحمل دلالة تراثية [The ICOMOS international cultural tourism charter: managing tourism at places of heritage significance. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس لمبادئ التحليل والحفاظ والترميم الإنشائيّ للتراث المعماريّ (2003) [The ICOMOS principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 64-65. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس للحفظ والحفاظ – ترميم اللوحات الجدارية (2003) [The ICOMOS principles for the preservation and conservation-restoration of wall paintings. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 60-63. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول المسارات الثّقافيّة (2008) [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول تفسير مواقع التّراث الثّقافيّ وعرضها (2008) [The ICOMOS charter on the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 76-79. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان كِيبيك حول حفظ روح المكان (2008) [The Québec declaration on the preservation of the spirit of place. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 80-81. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان باريـس حول التّراث كمحفِّزٍ للتّنمية (2011) [The Paris declaration on heritage as a driver of development. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 92-95. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ فاليتَّا لصون المدن والحواضر والمناطق الحضريّة التّاريخيّة وإدارتها (2011) [The Valletta principles: the ICOMOS principles for the safeguarding and management of historic cities, towns and urban areas. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 82-87. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ دَبْلين (2011) - المبادئ المشتركة لإيكوموس واللجنة الدولية للحفاظ على التّراث الصّناعي (تي.آي.سي.سي.آي.إتش) حول الحفاظ على مواقع ومُنشَآت ومناطق ومشاهد التراث الصناعي [The Dublin principles: joint ICOMOS-TICCIH principles for the conservation of industrial heritage sites, structures, areas and landscapes. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 88-91. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق بورا (2013) - ميثاق إيكوموس-أستراليا للأماكن ذات الدلالة الثقافية [The Burra charter: the Australia ICOMOS charter for places of cultural significance. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 10-21. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان فلورنسا حول التّراث والمشهد كقيمٍ إنسانيّة (2014) [The Florence declaration on heritage and landscape as human values. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 96-101. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) وثيقة إيكوموس - إيفلا حول الحدائق العامّة الحَضرَيَّة التاريخيَّة (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA document on historic urban public parks. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 108-111. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس – إيفلا بشأن المشاهد الرّيفيّة بصفتها تراثاً (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA principles concerning rural landscapes as heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 102-107. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات صلالة (2017) - توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشاديّة لإدارة المواقع الأثريّة العامّة [The Salalah guidelines: ICOMOS guidelines for the management of public archaeological sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 112-117. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس للحفاظ على التراث الخشبيّ المبنيّ (2017) [The ICOMOS principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 118-121. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس الدوليّ للسياحة الثقافيّة (2022): تعزيز حماية التراث الثقافي والمرونة المجتمعية من خلال إدارة السياحة المسؤولة والمستدامة [The ICOMOS international cultural heritage tourism charter: reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 50-55. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(1990) Brazil: Recommendations to the 9th General Assembly of ICOMOS about the Charter of Venice = La Charte de Venise = A Carta de Veneza. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 91-97. [Book Section]

(1990) Bulgarie: 25 ans de Charte de Venise. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 99-108. [Book Section]

(1990) Comité International de Photogrammétrie Architecturale. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 481-495. [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Amsterdamit: miratuar në Kongresin për Trashëgiminë Arkitekturore Evropiane në Amsterdam, 21 - 25 tetor 1975. In: Kora, Sonila, Plyku Demaj, Marcela and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 34-40. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e ICOMOS-it në shënimin e 50-vjetorit të Deklaratës universale të të drejtave të njeriut: Stokholm, 11 shtator 1998. In: Kora, Sonila and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 188-191. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Limës mbi menaxhimin e trashëgimisë kulturore në lidhje me riskun nga fatkeqësitë: simpoziumi ndërkombëtar, 3 dhjetor 2010. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 179-183. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Parisit mbi trashëgiminë si motor zhvillimi: miratuar në Paris, selia e UNESCO-s, e enjte më 1 dhjetor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Tlaxcala-s për rijetëzimin e vendbanimeve të vogla: simpoziumi i 3-të ndër-amerikan mbi konservimin e trashëgimisë ndërtimore (1982), shkruar me 11 janar 2012. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 145-148. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Xi’an-it (Sianit) mbi konservimin e mjedisit rrethues të strukturave, siteve dhe zonave të trashëgimisë: miratuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 15-të e ICOMOS-it në Xi’an (Sian), Kinë, më 21 tetor 2005. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 83-86. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Dokumenti i Narës mbi autenticitetin: dokumenti u hartua nga 35 pjesëmarrësit në Konferencën e Narës mbi Autenticitetin në lidhje me Konventën e Trashëgimisë Botërore, mbajtur në Nara, Japoni, nga 1-6 nëntor 1993. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 87-89. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(1990) Finland: Future prospects for ICOMOS = Perspectives futures pour l'ICOMOS. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 139-152. [Book Section]

(1990) France: ICOMOS, un quart de siècle d'existence. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 155-210. [Book Section]

(2016) ICOMOS ADCOM recommendation 2016: resolution 2016 Advisory Committee meeting. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) The Advisory Body “Our Common Dignity Initiative” on rights-based approaches in World Heritage: taking stock and looking forward. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, Norway, p. 44. [Book Section]

(2017) ICOMOS Norway: report on training course. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) The Advisory Body “Our Common Dignity Initiative” on rights-based approaches in World Heritage: taking stock and looking forward. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, Norway, pp. 16-18. [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e Burrës: Karta e Australia ICOMOS Inc. për vendet me rëndësi kulturore. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 41-56. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it mbi shtigjet (itineraret) kulturore: përgatitur nga Komiteti Shkencor Ndërkombëtar i Shtigjeve Kulturore (“CIIC”) pranë ICOMOS-it, ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 16-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, Québec (Kanada), më 4 tetor 2008. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 117-125. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it parimet e analizës, konservimit dhe restaurimit të strukturave të trashëgimisë arkitekturore: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 14-të e ICOMOS-it, mbajtur pranë Ujëvarave të Viktorias, Zimbabve, në vitin 2003. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 67-70. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it për interpretimin dhe prezantimin e siteve të trashëgimisë kulturore: përgatitur nën kujdesin e Komitetit Shkencor Ndërkombëtar të ICOMOS-it mbi Interpretimin dhe Prezantimin e Siteve të Trashëgimisë Kulturore. Ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 16-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, Québec (Kanada), më 4 tetor 2008. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 126-131. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e trashëgimisë së ndërtimeve popullore konservimi dhe restaurimi: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 12-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, në Meksikë, tetor 1999. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 64-66. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e turizmit kulturor ndërkombëtar - Menaxhimi i turizmit në vendndodhjet e rëndësishme të trashëgimisë: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në Asamblenë e 12-të në Meksikë, tetor 1999. In: Agolli, Esmeralda and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 105-110. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e turizmit kulturor: seminari ndërkombëtar mbi turizmin bashkëkohor dhe humanizmin, Belgjikë, 8 dhe 9 nëntor 1976. In: Agolli, Esmeralda and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 102-104. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta ndërkombëtare e konservimit dhe restaurimit të monumenteve dhe siteve: miratuar në Kongresin e II-të Ndërkombëtar të arkitektëve dhe teknikëve të monumenteve historike, mbledhur në Venecie prej 25-31 maj 1964. In: Riza, Emin and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 80-82. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e trashëgimisë arkeologjike: përgatitur nga Komiteti Ndërkombëtar për Menaxhimin e Trashëgimisë Arkeologjike (ICAHM) dhe miratuar nga Asambleja e 9-të e Përgjithshme në Lozanë, në vitin 1990. In: Bekjo, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 160-164. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e trashëgimisë kulturore nënujore: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 11-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Sofje, Bullgari, tetor 1996. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 165-169. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për ruajtjen e qyteteve historike dhe zonave historiko-urbane - Karte e Washingtonit: miratuar nga Ansambleja e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Uashington, DC, tetor 1987. In: Plyku Demaj, Marcela and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 61-63. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Kopshtet historike - Karte e Firences: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në dhjetor të vitit 1982. In: Çaushi, Edlira and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 57-60. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2003) Mednaroda listina o ohranjanju in obnovi spomenikov in spomeniških območij (Beneška listina). In: Komac, Polona and Grobovšek, Jovo, (eds.) Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS = Doctrine 1: ICOMOS international charters. Zbirka Doktrina konservatorstva = Series Conservation Doctrine (1). ICOMOS Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 25-28. [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e ICOMOS-it për ruajtjen, konservimin dhe restaurimin e pikturave murale: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 14-të e ICOMOS-it në Victoria Falls, Zimbabve, në vitin 2003. In: Çaushi, Edlira and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 71-75. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e Valettës për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e qyteteve historike dhe zonave historiko-urbane: miratuar nga Asambleja e 17-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it më 28 nëntor 2011. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 170-178. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e përbashkëta ICOMOS-TICCIH për konservimin e siteve, strukturave, zonave dhe peizazheve të trashëgimisë industriale - Parimet e Dublinit: miratuar nga Asambleja e 17-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it më 28 nëntor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 76-79. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e regjistrimit të monumenteve, ansambleve të ndërtesave dhe siteve: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 11-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Sofje, tetor 1996. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 132-139. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet për konservimin e trashëgimisë së ndërtuar me lëndë drusore: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në Asamblenë e 19-të të përgjithshme në Nju Delhi, Indi, më 15 dhjetor 2017. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 111-116. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(1990) Poland: A report of the Colloquium of the Polish National Committee ICOMOS held on 18th April, 1989, on the occasion of the International Day of the protection of relics in Warsaw = Compte-rendu du colloque organisé par le Comité national polonais de l'ICOMOS à l'occasion de la journée internationale des monuments historiques, le 18 avril 1989, Varsovie. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 291-300. [Book Section]

(2023) Rekomandime mbi peizazhin historiko-urban: Paris, 10 nëntor 2011. In: Agolli, Esmeralda and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 90-97. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

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(1990) Sweden: The Venice Charter: its importance and implementation in Sweden. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 335-340. [Book Section]

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(2015) 中国文物古迹保护准则(2015 年修订)= Principles for the conservation of heritage sites in China (revised 2015). Other. ICOMOS China, Beijing, China, 115p. ISBN 978-7-5010-4400-9. [Book]

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(2013) Convenciones Unesco. Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, 300p. ISBN 978-607-484-460-3. [Book]

(2012) Defending the Military Heritage; Legal, Financial and Administrative Issues. Conference Volume. ICLAFI 134p. [Book]

(2020) Deuxième document de réflexion de l'ICOMOS : les sites associés aux mémoires de conflits récents et la Convention du patrimoine mondial. Réflexion sur la possibilité et la manière dont ces sites pourraient répondre à l’objectif et au champ de la Convention du patrimoine mondial et ses orientations. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 36p. [Book]

(2006) Heritage at risk special edition 2006 - Underwater cultural heritage at risk: managing natural and human impacts. Technical Report. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 104p. Heritage at Risk (H@R), 2006 Special Edition - Underwater Cultural Heritage. [Book]

(2022) Heritage at risk special edition 2022 - Heritage under water at risk: threats, challenges and solutions. Technical Report. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 215p. Heritage at Risk (H@R), 2022 Special Edition - Underwater Cultural Heritage. ISBN 978-2-918086-37-6 (print), 978-2-918086-38-3 (PDF). [Book]

(1993) Historic towns = Villes historiques. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Sri Lanka 178p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), Historic Towns. ISBN 955-613-038-1. [Book]

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(2018) ICOMOS tiesību avoti kultūras mantojuma aizsardzībā. Project Report. "Petergailis" publishing house, Riga, 167p. ISBN 978-9984-33-474-5. [Book]

(2004) International charters for conservation and restoration = Chartes internationales sur la conservation et la restauration = Cartas internacionales sobre la conservación y la restauración. Documentation. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 179p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 01. ISBN 3-87490-676-0. [Book]

(2010) Les Normes et lignes directrices pour la conservation des lieux patrimoniaux au Canada. Manual. Lieux Patrimoniaux du Canada 288p. ISBN 978-1-100-94762-4. [Book]

(1996) Monuments and Sites South Africa. Documentation. ICOMOS SRI LANKA NATIONAL COMMITTEE, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 173p. ISBN 955-613-093-4. [Book]

(2015) Our common heritage, for a National World heritage Strategy 2015-2025. Documentation. Finnish Ministry of Education, Finland, 37p. ISBN 978-952-2633545 (online). [Book]

(2015) Siem Reap Declaration on Tourism and Culture - Building a New Partnership Model / Déclaration de Siem Reap Tourisme et culture - Construire un nouveau partenariat / Declaración de Siem Reap sobre turismo y cultura: Construyendo un nuevo modelo de cooperación. Other. UNWTO/UNESCO 5p. [Book]

(2010) The Standards & Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. Manual. Canada's historic places 288p. ISBN 978-1-100-94762-4. [Book]

(2014) Towards ratification: Papers from the 2013 AIMA Conference workshop. Conference Volume. Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology 37p. [Book]

(1992) Traitement des façades. Conference Volume. ICOMOS France, Paris, 66p. Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France, 10. ISBN 907045-02-5. [Book]

(2023) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Other. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, 193p. ISBN 9789928801081. [Book]

(2017) The UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage: how do we make it work? Proceedings of the ICLAFI – ICUCH Symposium, 29th June – 1st July 2017, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Conference Volume. Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 119p. [Book]

(2016) The UNESCO World Heritage and the role of civil society. Proceedings of the International Conference, Bonn 2015. Conference Volume. World Heritage Watch, Berlin, 230p. ISBN 978-3-00-051953-6. [Book]

(2006) The World Heritage Convention and the Buffer Zone, proceedings of the 2006 symposium of the International Scientific Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues (ICLAFI). Conference Volume. ICOMOS International Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues (ICLAFI) 208p. [Book] (Unpublished)

(2023) المَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة [The international charters for the conservation and restoration of monuments and historical sites]. Documentation. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 130p. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6. [Book]

Abdulkarim, Maamoun, Franco, Dominique, Jigyasu, Rohit, Kono, Toshiyuki, Ohnuki, Misako, Pullan, Wendy and Younès, Chris (2016) Post-trauma reconstruction: proceedings of the 1-day colloquium at ICOMOS headquarters, 4 March 2016, volumes 1 and 2. Conference Volume. ICOMOS International Secretariat, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 34p. ISBN 978-2-918086-09-3 [Vol. 1 en]; 978-2-918086-03-1 [Vol. 1 fr], 978-2-918086-18-5 [Vol. 2 en & fr]. [Book]

Akbar, Omar, Brenne, Winfried, Budantseva, Tatyana, Burke, Sheridan, Buryak, Alexander, Busch, Walter, Casciato, Maristella, Cecil, Clementine, Chepkunova, Irina, Chernikhov, Andrey, Cohen, Jean-Louis, Dushkina, Natalia, Dutlova, Evgenya, Ginzburg, Aleksey, Haspel, Jörg, Jaeggi, Annemarie, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kairamo, Maija, Khan-Magomedov, Selim, Khrustaleva, Marina, Kraizer, Irina, Lozhkin, Alexander, Markgraf, Monika, Martynenko, Igor, Mendgen, Norbert, Pasternak, Boris, Shtiglits, Margarita, Siebenbrodt, Michael, Stubbs, John H., Tsareva, Tatyana, Vinogradova, Tatyana, Vorontsov, Alexey and Zalivako, Anke (2007) Heritage at risk special edition 2006 - The Soviet heritage and European modernism = Наследие в опасности Специальный выпуск 2006 – Советское наследие и Eвропейский модернизм. Technical Report. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 192p. Heritage at Risk (H@R), 2006 Special Edition - Soviet Heritage. ISBN 978-3-930388-50-9. [Book]

Alba Julieta, Elizaga (2019) Presentaciones del Seminario Internacional 'Experiencias de Chile y México para la gestión y conservación de sitios del Patrimonio Mundial', Santiago 7 y 8 Mayo 2018. Conference Volume. Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, Santiago, 151p. ISBN 9789562444507. [Book]

Albert, Marie-Theres, Bernecker, Roland, Cave, Claire, Prodan, Anca Claudia, Ripp, Matthias, Avigliano, Esteban, Barrett-Casey, Kristen, Barrientos García, Juan Carlos, Bassa, Lia, Bello, Akeem O., Benavides Castillo, Antonio, Bhatta, Sushma, Boustead, Robin, Cameron, Christina, Capdepon de Bigu-Poirrier, Caroline, Choi, Boyoon, Daly, Cathy, De Maeyer, Philippe, Elcheikh, Zeina, Erkan, Yonca, Fogarty, Irene, Fouseki, Kalliopi, Franceschini, Nicole, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Grünberg, Claudia, Gustafsson, Christer, Hansell, Friederike, Hernández, Mario, Hisari, Lorika, Iakovoglou, Valasia, Ikeda, Mariko, Jones, Zachary M., Kloos, Michael, Koch-Weser, Maritta, Korinth, Elisabeth, Küver, Jan, Lozano, Claudia, Luger, Kurt, Maclaren, Fergus, Manchanda, Pankaj, Megarry, William, Meskell, Lynn, Negredo Fernández, Roger, Olaniyan, Azeez, Ringbeck, Birgitta, Rodwell, Dennis G., Rohde, Michael, Rupp, Isabelle, Schenone, Nahuel, Schipper, Friedrich, Schmedt, Eike Tobias, Schmitt, Thomas M., von Schorlemer, Sabine, Siegmund, Alexander, Tomasi, Giulia, Wallenwein, Fabienne, Webber, Ndoro, Willhalm, Tanja, Zaimes, George N., Zehbe, Klaus-Christian and Zwartjes, Luc (2022) 50 years World Heritage Convention: shared responsibility – conflict and reconciliation. Conference Volume. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 504p. ISBN 978-3-031-05659-8 (print) & 978-3-031-05660-4 (electronic). [Book]

Alcántara Onofre, Saúl, Amendoeira, Ana Paula, Cabeza Monteira, Ángel, Conti, Alfredo, Fa, Darren A., Fernández, Humberto, Finlayson, Clive, Finlayson, Geraldine, Gallina, Maria Pia, Garrido Patrón, Francisco Javier, Gómez Arriola, Ignacio, Gunny Harboe, T., Kuri Haddad, Viviana, Lasheras, José Antonio, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Malpica Uribe, Samuel, Martínez, Luis Pablo, Martorell Carreño, Alberto, Ogarrio, Rodolfo, Petzet, Michael, Robles García, Nelly, Sampaio, Suzanna, Sarria, Rafael, Suárez-Inclán Ducassi, María Rosa, Tavares López, Edgar and Viagas, Carl (2004) La representatividad en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial: el patrimonio cultural y natural de Iberoamérica, Canada y Estados Unidos. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, Mexico, 160p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 09. [Book]

Almuiña, Carlos, Barata Quintas, Daniel, Bogdanowski, Janusz, Bonet Correa, Antonio, Bumbaru, Dinu, Cesari, Carlos, Choay, Françoise, de Marchi, Giovanni, Duro Pifarre, Jaime, Dushkina, Natalya, Feilden, Bernard M., Fejérdy, Tamás, Fowler, Daryl, Fraga Iribarne, Manuel, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Houlet, Jacques, Kpodo-Tay, D. S., Lapidus, Luis, López Alsina, Fernando, Madeira, Angelica, Madeira, Fernando, Mattinen, Maire, Moralejo, Serafín, Morosi, Julio A., Ortiz Lajous, Jaime, Petroncelli, Elvira, Pulin, Fernando, Punin, A. L., Remuñán, Manuel, Román, András, Scannavini, Roberto, Scarelli, Marta, Seara, Iago, Sementsov, S. V., Silva, Roland, Vitalone, Cristina E., Vošahlík, Aleš, Wildeman, Diether and Wright, Russel (1993) Ciudades históricas: conservación de ciudades, pueblos y barrios historicos. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 366p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 2. [Book]

Amit-Cohen, Irit, Balassa, Iván M., Bridgland, Nick, O'Caoimh, Tomas, Chung, Seung-Jin, Fejérdy, Tamás, Deák, Zoltán, Feld, István, Fu, Chao-Ching, Győrfy, Ilona, Harrach, Erzsébet C., Hiller, István, Hollo, Nicolas, Jokilehto, Jukka, Jung, Fang-Chieh, Kacskovics, Fruzsina, Kakouros, Demetri, Kirizsán, Imola, Kövesi, László, Lampert, Rózsa, Lin, Hui-Wen, Lindblad, Henrik, Lipp, Wilfried, Lővei, Pál, Luijendijk, Gert Jan, Marini, Carlos Flores, Márkus, János, Mester, Éva, O'Muiré, Toal, Müller, Eduard, Negy, Gergely, Németh, Györgyi, Novák, István, Nuti, Giancarlo, Petzet, Michael, Piros, László, Reinikainen, Kalle, Roos, Job, Ruane, Pat, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Schubert, Horst, Sedlmayr, János, Šeme, Bláz, Soikkeli, Anu, Spathis, Panagiotis, Staub, Anne, Suikkari, Risto, Szabó, Bálint, Szikra, Éva J., Szilágyi, István, Szili, Katalin, Szmygin, Bogusław, Tar, Imola G., Tripp, Gertrude, Vajda, József, Varga, Zsuzsanna, Verpoest, Luc, Visy, Zsolt, Vladár, Ágnes H., Vuojala, Petri, Walker, Meredith, Wierdl, Zsuzsa, Winkler, Gábor and Young, Christopher (2005) The Venice Charter: 1964-2004-2044? The fortieth anniversary (Hungary, May 22-27, 2004) = La Charte de Venise: 1964-2004-2044? Le quarantième anniversaire (Hongrie, 22-27 mai, 2004). Conference Volume. Építésügyi Tájékoztatási Központ Kft., Budapest, Hungary, 221p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 11. ISBN 963-513-186-0. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Arnal, Luis, Bandarin, Francesco, Conti, Alfredo, de Almeida, Luiz Fernando, Fernández-Baca, Román, Flores Marini, Carlos, Franco, María Teresa, Gil, Gabriela, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Magar, Valérie, Noelle, Louise, Pérez, Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Rojas, Ángela, Ruesga, Juan, Schávelzon, Daniel, Vallín, Rodolfo and Vidargas, Francisco (2014) Los nuevos paradigmas de la conservación del patrimonio cultural: 50 años de la Carta de Venecia. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico, 297p. ISBN 978-607-484-533-4. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Barbacci, Norma, Cabeza Monteira, Ángela, de Nordenflycht, José, Denyer, Susan, Equihua, Miguel, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Guerra Chirinos, Diana, Guo, Zhan, Isaza Londoño, Juan Luis, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kerr, Alastair, Laguna Ordóñez, Norma, Leblanc, François, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Luna Erreguena, Pilar, Magadán, Marcelo, Martínez, Luis Pablo, Pérez, María del Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Poblete, Cecilia, Putney, Allen, Robles García, Nelly, Rojas, Ángela, Rosabal, Pedro, Sampaio, Suzanna, Slick, Katherine and Stovel, Herb (2005) Nuevas miradas sobre la autenticidad e integridad en el Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas = New views on authenticity and integrity in the World Heritage of the Americas. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 192p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 13. [Book]

Augelli, Francesco, Berggren, Kersti, Calvillo González, Carmen Ivonne, Carrillo Gutiérrez, José Raúl, Çiftçi, Aynur, Ferretto, Peter W., Haupt, Cecilia, Landa, Mikel, Ling, Cai, Martínez, Alejandro, Ochandiano, Alazne, Ortiz Llerenas, Iris Marisol, Palacios Mendoza, Carlos, Rios Silva, Nora Evelia, Sandin, Ylva, Tampone, Gennaro, Uzun, Zeynep, Watanabe, Yasuhiro, Yi, Deng, Zamora Alvarado, Christian Trinidad and Zepeda Martínez, María de Guadalupe (2016) Symposium and discussion of the updating of the principles for the preservation of historic timber structures (1999). Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, Mexico, 155p. ISBN 978-607-507-539-6. [Book]

Aymerich, Mario, Barsoni, Stefania, Brandt, Julia, Caviezel, Nott, Ernst, Dieter, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Göhner, Wolfgang Karl, Grady, Anne, Gundelach, Herlind, Halder-Hass, Nicola, Harzenetter, Markus, Haspel, Jörg, Johann, Christian, Kautz, Gabriele, Knutsen, Marianne, Kockel, Titus, Leuzzi, Evangelista, Mahringer, Paul, Müller, Marius, Munzinger, Timo, Mūrniece, Baiba, Nypan, Terje, Plate, Ulrike, Püchner, Petra, Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Sneška, Rauhut, Christoph, Rind, Michael M., Romanowski, Anja, Rourke, Grellan D., Schadenberg, Beatrix, Schellenberger, Gunnar, Schultheiß, Jan, Schütz, Katrin, Sciacchitano, Erminia, Selfslagh, Bénédicte, Simon, Stefan, Sloane, Barney, Taubert, Sven and Toubekis, Georgios (2021) Europas Kulturerbe und kulturelle Vielfalt fördern – Wer? Wie? Mit wem? Online-Konferenz im Rahmen der Präsidentschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Rat der Europäischen Union 2020/II, 13.–14. Juli 2020 = Promoting Europe’s Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity – Who? How? With Whom? Online Expert Hearing in the Framework of the EU Council Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2020/II, 13–14 July 2020. Conference Volume. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, 273p. ISBN 978-3-945880-98-2. [Book]

Brodie, Niel, Yates, Donna, Slot, Brigitte, Batura, Olga, van Wanrooij, Niels and op 't Hoog, Gabriëlle Illicit trade in cultural goods in Europe. Characteristics, criminal justice responses and an analysis of the applicability of technologies in the combat against the trade. Final report. Working Paper. European Commission, Publications Office, Luxemburg, 276p. ISBN 978-92-79-99359-6. [Book]

Brunner, Elsa, Fischli, Melchior, Grandits, Doris, Idam, Frédérique, Kain, Günther, Kofler Engl, Waltraud, Kunz, Gerold, Reitmaier, Thomas, Schaer, Andrea, Schnell, Dieter, Selfslagh, Bénédicte, Swittalek, Markus P., Tietz, Jürgen, Turzer, Dominique, von Planta, Cyrill, Voncken, John and Zumthor, Bernard (2022) Das Erbe als Basis der Baukultur = Heritage as the basis of Baukultur = Le patrimoine, base de la culture du bâti. Other. ICOMOS Switzerland, Bern, Switzerland, 168p. Monumenta (2012- ), 5. ISBN 978-3-906440-20-0. [Book]

Clement, Etienne and Askerud, Pernille (1997) Preventing the Illicit Traffic in Cultural Property, a resource handbook for the implementation of the 1970 UNESCO Convention. Manual. UNESCO, Paris, 182p. [Book]

Clément, Etienne (2019) Countering Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Objects in South-East Asia, capacity-building guide and methodologies. Manual. UNESCO, Bangkok, 95p. [Book]

Ehrström, Margaretha, Kivilaakso, Aura, Kovanen, Kirsti, Latvala-Harvilahti, Pauliina and Vahtikari, Tanja (2020) Enabling heritage involvement: participatory models for cultural heritage. Technical Report. ICOMOS Finland, Helsinki, 35p. ISBN 978-952-68812-7-0 [print] & 978-952-68812-8-7 [PDF]. [Book]

Ender, Cevat, Jokilehto, Jukka, Lemaire, Raymond and Silva, Roland (1994) The Venice Charter 1964-1994 = La Charte de Venise 1964-1994. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 213p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 4. [Book]

Flores Marini, Carlos (2004) Souvenirs from the Venice Charter conference 1964-2004-2044? = Reflexiones en torno a la Carta de Venecia 1964-2004-2044? Other. [s.n.], Mexico, 16p. [Book]

Franchi, Elena (2006) ARTE IN ASSETTO DI GUERRA. Protezione e distruzione del patrimonio artistico a Pisa durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Documentation. PLUS - Pisa University Press, Pisa, 124p. [Book]

Harboe, Gunny, Espinosa de los Monteros, Fernando, Landi, Stefania and Normandin, Kyle C. (2021) The Cádiz document: InnovaConcrete guidelines for conservation of concrete heritage. Project Report. ICOMOS International, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 90p. ISBN 978-2-918086-50-82 (print) - 978-2-918086-51-2 (PDF). [Book]

Orlove, Ben, Dawson, Neil, Sherpa, Pasang, Adelekan, Ibidun, Alangui, Wilfredo, Carmona, Rosario, Coen, Deborah, Nelson, Melissa, Reyes-García, Victoria, Rubis, Jennifer, Sanago, Gideon and Wilson, Andrew (2022) ICSM CHC White Paper I: Intangible cultural heritage, diverse knowledge systems and climate change. Contribution of Knowledge Systems Group I to the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS & ISCM CHC, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Paris, France, 103p. ISBN 978-2-918086-71-0. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (1992) Grundsätze der Denkmalpflege = Principles of monument conservation = Principes de la conservation des monuments historiques. Documentation. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 68p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 10. ISBN 3-87490-615-9. [Book]

Prieto Hernández, Diego, Maillet Aránguiz, Carlos, Bahamondez Prieto, Mónica, Herbert Pesquera, Luz de Lourdes, Carrillo Cubillas, Laura Elena, Soledad Lucero, María, Vidargas, Francisco, Rojas, Ángela, Elizaga Coulombié, Julieta, Landa, Mikel, Ochandiano, Alazne, Calderón Martín del Campo, Rosana, Robles García, Nelly, Morales Gamarra, Ricardo, García Medina, Gauri Ivette and Sáinz Lara, Rodrigo (2020) Aproximaciones a una metodología en planes de conservación de sitios Patrimonio Mundial. Conference Volume. Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial, Mexique, 219p. ISBN 978-607-539-463-3. [Book]

Silva, Roland, Petzet, Michael, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Krestev, Todor, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Líbal, Dobroslav, Román, András, Maroević, Ivo, Chitham, Robert, Arnoth, Ádám, Ylimaula, Anna-Maija, Glemža, Jonas, Fowler, D. J., Campos, João, Matoušková, Kamila, Markevičienė, Jūratė, Gilibert, Anna, Waldhäusl, Peter, Yavuz, Ayşıl Tükel, Kairamo, Maija, Ilhan, Nevzat, Plachter, Harald and Jokilehto, Jukka (1996) ICOMOS European conference: authenticity and monitoring - Český Krumlov (Czech Republic), 17-22 October 1995 = Conférence européenne ICOMOS : authenticité et suivi - Český Krumlov (République tchèque), 17-22 octobre 1995. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris (France), 258p. [Book]

Vidargas, Francisco and Calderón Martín del Campo, Rosana (2023) Patrimonio de México y su valor universal. Manual. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico, 137p. ISBN 978-607-539-870-9. [Book]

Wiffen, Graeme, Anne, Mie Draye, Georgiev, Svetoslav, Etienne, Clement, Amaya, Irarrazaval Z., Satu-Kaarina, Virtala, Katri, Nuuja, Roberto, Nunez and Ernesto, Becerril ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Legal, Administrative and Financial Issues (ICLAFI) Annual Conference Warsaw, September 2010. Conference Volume. ICLAFI 69p. [Book]


UNSPECIFIED (2013) América Patrimonio. , 5. 121p . ISSN 0719-0182 [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2014) Hereditas 21/22. , 21/22. 100p . [Journal]

Dirección del Patrimonio Mundial (2021) Hereditas 32. , 32. 80p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2016) Understanding World Heritage in Europe and North America: final report on the second cycle of periodic reporting 2012-2015 = Comprendre le patrimoine mondial en Europe et Amérique du Nord : rapport final sur le deuxième cycle des Rapports périodiques 2012-2015. , 43. 190p . ISSN 978-92-3-100149-9 (ISBN Fre) / 978-92-3-2000958 (ISBN Fre) [Journal]

UNSPECIFIED (2016) The future of the World Heritage Convention for Marine Conservation: celebrating 10 years of the World Heritage Marine Programme = L’avenir de la Convention du patrimoine mondial pour la conservation marine : le Programme marin du patrimoine mondial célèbre ses dix ans. , 45. 147p . ISSN 978-92-3-200144-3 (ISBN Fre) / 978-92-3-100194-9 (ISBN Fre) [Journal]


Berengier, Axel (2016) The Role of Inter-Organisational Collaboration in Countering the Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property. Masters thesis, The University of Glasgow. [Thesis]

De Marre, Adélie (2022) Cerner l'ineffable : l'appréciation de la beauté naturelle dans la sélection des sites du patrimoine mondial. PhD thesis, Université de Montréal. [Thesis]

Lins, APMBC (2015) As Ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-partes, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal Excepcional. "The Railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value". PhD thesis, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. [Thesis]

Robison, Paul (2013) UNESCO and the Preah Vihear Dispute: Challenges Facing Cosmopolitan Minded International Institutions in Dispute Resolution. Masters thesis, The American University of Paris. [Thesis]

Woynar, Marion (2012) Gestion du patrimoine culturel et nouvelle vision du développement : enjeux et défis dans la dynamique historique du Mexique. PhD thesis, CREDESPO - Université de Bourgogne, France. [Thesis]


(2024) Међународна повеља о конзервацији и рестаурацији споменика и споменичких целина (Венецијанска повеља 1964). ICOMOS Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. [Other]

(2024) Հուշարձանների եվ տեսարժան վայրերի պահպանության եվ վերականգնման միջազգային խարտիա (վենետիկի խարտիա 1964). ICOMOS Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia. [Other]

(2024) Abidələr və tarixi yerlərin konservasiyası və bərpası üzrə beynəlxalq xartiya (Venesiya xartiyası 1964). ICOMOS Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan. [Other]

(2002) Benátska charta, o ochrane a obnove pamiatok a pamiatkových sídiel, Benátky 1964. ICOMOS Slovakia, Bratislava, Slovakia. [Other]

(2018) Buenos Aires Declaration marking the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2023) Carta de ICOMOS-España para la gestión integrada del arte rupestre prehistórico y sus paisajes (Carta de Alicante). ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain. [Other]

(2008) Carta del ICOMOS de itinerarios culturales [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Spanish translation]. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(1976) Carta del turismo cultural. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(1976) Charte du tourisme culturel. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(1999) Charte internationale du patrimoine culturel: la gestion du tourisme aux sites de patrimoine significatif. Adoptée par ICOMOS à la 12e assemblée générale au Mexique, octobre 1999. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(1976) Charter of cultural tourism. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(2008) The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes = Charte ICOMOS des itinéraires culturels. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(2021) אמנת איקומוס לדרכי תרבות [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Hebrew translation]. ICOMOS Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. [Other]

(2020) ICOMOS ethical principles = Principes éthiques de l'ICOMOS. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2023) ICOMOS-Spain charter for the integrated management of prehistoric rock art and its landscapes (Alicante Charter) [English translation of : Carta de ICOMOS-España para la gestión integrada del arte rupestre prehistórico y sus paisajes (Carta de Alicante)]. ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain. [Other]

(1999) International cultural tourism charter: managing tourism at places of heritage significance. Adopted by ICOMOS at the 12th General Assembly in Mexico, October 1999. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(1966) Międzynarodowa karta konserwacji i restauracji zabytków i miejsc zabytkowych (Karta Wenecka 1964). Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa, Warsaw, Poland. [Other]

(2010) Mletačka povelja: međunarodna povelja o konzerviranju i restauriranju spomenika i spomeničkih cjelina (1964). ICOMOS Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia. [Other]

(2003) Piagam pelestarian pusaka Indonesia = Indonesia charter for heritage conservation. Pusat Pelestarian Pusaka Arsitektur (Center for Heritage Conservation), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. [Other]

(1974) Resolución de Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. [Other]

(2011) Resolution 17GA 2011/30: Our Common Dignity: rights-based approaches to heritage management. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Unpublished)

(2014) Resolution 18GA 2014/43: Our Common Dignity: advancing rights-based approaches to heritage conservation. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Unpublished)

(2020) Resolution 20GA/19: People-centred approaches to cultural heritage. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Unpublished)

(2017) Resolutions of the 19th General Assembly of ICOMOS (extract). ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other] (Submitted)

Ahlberg, Nils, Andersson, Karin, Blomé, Börje, Hoberg, Birgitta, Laine, Christian and Matell, Hans (2004) Venedig-Chartret: internationellt charter för bevarande och restaurering av minnesmärken och områden av historiskt intresse. ICOMOS Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden. [Other]

Shirazi, Baqer Ayatollahzadeh and Rahimzadeh, Mohammadreza (2008) منشور بین‌المللی حفاظت و مرمت آثار و محوطه‌ها (منشور ونیز ۱۹۶۴). ICOMOS Iran, Tehran, Iran. [Other]

Sollogoub, Igor and Smirnov, Lucile (2011) Restoration and conservation of historic gardens: a bibliography = Restauration et conservation des jardins historiques : une bibliographie. ICOMOS, Paris. [Other]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 05:37:27 2025 UTC.