Items where Subject is "09. Philosophy of conservation"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 129.


Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2019) The moral philosophy of nature: Spiritual Amazonian conceptualizations of the environment. Open Journal of Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 149-190. ISSN 2612-6966 [Article]

Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2019) The rethinking and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage of the cultural landscapes: the case of Sečovlje and Janubio saltpans. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 17 (4). pp. 671-693. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Aktürk, Gül and Lerski, Martha (2021) Intangible cultural heritage: a benefit to climate-displaced and host communities. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences . ISSN 2190-6483 [Article]

Arkoun, Mohammed (1994) The meaning of cultural conservation in Muslim societies. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 45-49. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Barthélemy, Jean (1994) La notion d'authenticité dans son contexte et sa perspective. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 56-62. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Benson, Ciaran (2018) ‘Authenticity’ for the visited or for the visitors? ‘collective memory’, ‘collective imagination’ and a view from the future. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-11. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Bumbaru, Dinu (1994) Authenticité : patrimoine véritable ou illusion désincarnée ? ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 61-62. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Crișan, Rodica (2018) Uses and Abuses of Reconstruction. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-19. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

DETRY, Nicolas (1999) « La viva continuità dell’Opera creatrice. Pierre Prunet e il restauro del chiostro del Grand Moûtier nell’Abbazia di Fontevraud ». Controspazio (1/99). pp. 4-11. [Article]

DETRY, Nicolas and VESCHAMBRE, Vincent (2015) De l’urbicide à la réparation : le cas de la bibliothèque de Sarajevo. URBANITES (5). pp. 1-13. [Article]

Falser, Michael (2015) Theory-Scapes transkulturell. Zur Karriere des Begriffs der Authentizität in der globalen Denkmalpflege. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege, LXIX (1/2). pp. 33-40. [Article]

Garraffoni, Renata Senna (2018) Heritage and multivocal history: Can past inspire new futures? ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-13. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Jokilehto, Jukka (1994) Questions about 'authenticity'. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 69-75. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Juvanec, Borut (2011) Stone, the Karst Plateau, architecture. AR Architecture, Research, XII (3). pp. 5-14. ISSN ISSN 1581-6974 [Article]

Khalaf, Roha W. (2018) An extended viewpoint on reconstruction in the World Heritage context: towards new guidance. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-17. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Kowalski, Wojciech (2017) Legal Framework of Protection of Monuments under Polish Law. Shared Global Experiences for Protection of Built Heritage . pp. 49-55. ISSN 9788192798141 [Article]

Lemaire, Raymond (1994) Quelle doctrine de sauvegarde pour demain ? ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 50-55. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Lemaire, Raymond (1995) À propos de la Charte de Venise. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 56-58. [Article]

Munawar, Nour A. (2018) Rebuilding Aleppo: Public Engagement in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-18. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2020) Da Pitagora alla Società 5.0. Verso un processo di valorizzazione del Patrimonio Umano. DIALOGHI MEDITERRANEI, 45 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2384-9010 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia Il Patrimonio Umano prima ancora del Patrimonio dell’Umanità. CITIES OF MEMORY, 1 (1). [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2020) La biografia della città. DIALOGHI MEDITERRANEI, 42 (1). pp. 299-304. ISSN 2384-9010 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2020) La biografía cultural de la ciudad histórica en la edad contemporanea. EDA, Esempi di Architettura, 2 (2). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2020) L’ospite inquietante: verso una risignificazione del Patrimonio Culturale. Esempi di architettura, 1 (1/2020). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2020) Por un proceso significante del Patrimonio Cultural. Entre Cultura y Etica. DIALOGHI MEDITERRANEI, 44 . pp. 1-11. ISSN 2384-9010 [Article]

Okahashi, Junko (2018) Identification of “exceptional circumstances” where reconstruction of cultural heritage is accepted. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-9. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

PAQUET, Pierre (2010) La reconnaissance de l’architecture moderne en Wallonie. Art&Fact, 29 . pp. 14-19. [Article]

Piazzoni, Maria Francesca (2018) In Support of Stylistic Reconstructions: Some Thoughts on Authenticity and Justice. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-14. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Silva, Roland (1983) The significance of the Venice Charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites, with special reference to Eastern countries = Importance de la Charte internationale de Venise pour la conservation et la restauration des monuments et des sites, particulièrement dans les pays d'Asie. ICOMOS Scientific Journal = Journal scientifique ICOMOS = Revista científica ICOMOS, 4 . pp. 40-49. [Article]

Soufan, Anas (2018) Post-war Reconstruction, Authenticity and Development of Cultural Heritage in Syria. ICOMOS University Forum, 1 . pp. 1-18. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Stovel, Herb (1994) Conservation techniques: buildings. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 20-22. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Stovel, Herb (1994) Notes on authenticity. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 63-68. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Sulfaro, Nino (2018) Reconstruction And Conservation In The Post-Truth Era. Historical Lies, Authenticity, Material Evidence. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-11. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Warren, John (1994) Ethics and aesthetics in conservation. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 15-19. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Conference or Workshop Item

Bergeron, Louis and Maiullari Pontois, Maria Teresa (2011) Le patrimoine industriel entre "patrimonialisation" et développement économique. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Caballero, Gabriel Victor (2016) Understanding the different histories and heritage meanings of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, to interpret its importance to people and the State. In: International Conference on Heritage Education: Historical Education in Asia, Issues & Challenges, 27-29 August 2015, Manila, Philippines. [Conference or Workshop Item]

DETRY, Nicolas (2002) Restauration, ré-utilisation et création dans les monuments historiques en France : ancienne abbaye de Saint-Vincent à Nieul-sur-L’Autize en Vendée et abbaye Notre-Dame à Acey dans le Jura. In: Ier Biennal de la Restauració Monumental, 23-26 Novembre 2000, Barcelone. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leite, Julieta Maria de Vasconcelos (2023) A componente cidadã na conservação patrimonial: uma proposta de integração dos imaginários urbanos na conservação do patrimônio histórico e cultural. In: ICHT 2023 - Colóquio Internacional “Imaginário: Construir e Habitar a Terra”, 30 October - 1 November 2023, São Paulo, Brazil. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mouton, Benjamin and Schneider, Dominique (2019) Retour à l’esprit de la charte de Venise : synthèse et conclusions. In: Journée technique, 18 octobre 2018, Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine Charenton-le-Pont. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Walter, Nigel (2023) English parish churches and sustainability. In: ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2021 - Living heritage and climate change, 9-10 November 2021, online. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Woynar, Marion (2011) To overcome or to overthrow the heritage and sustainable development dichotomy? Proposal for a renovation of the current heritage paradigm. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

(2023) إعلان فلورنسا حول التّراث والمشهد كقيمٍ إنسانيّة (2014) [The Florence declaration on heritage and landscape as human values. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 96-101. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) وثيقة إيكوموس - إيفلا حول الحدائق العامّة الحَضرَيَّة التاريخيَّة (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA document on historic urban public parks. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 108-111. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس – إيفلا بشأن المشاهد الرّيفيّة بصفتها تراثاً (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA principles concerning rural landscapes as heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 102-107. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2014) Statement from the participants - Building capacity to support rights-based approaches in the World Heritage Convention: learning from practice, Workshop in Oslo 1-3 April 2014. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) World Heritage and rights-based approaches - Report from workshop in Oslo 1-3 April 2014. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, Norway, pp. 12-13. [Book Section]

Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2022) Más allá de las operaciones del pensamiento salvaje entre los shuar de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. In: Antropologías hechas en Ecuador. El quehacer antropológico-Tomo IV. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología; editorial Abya-Yala; Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Ecuador), Ecuador, pp. 274-286. ISBN 978-9978-10-686-0 [Book Section]

Barblan, Marc-Antonio (2015) Vignes, riz et dattes:propos hétérodoxes pour une éthique des paysages culturels. In: Au coeur des paysages culturels de l'UNESCO. Lavaux Patrimoine mondial, Grandvaux, pp. 5-25. [Book Section]

Falser, Michael (2001) The Bamiyan Buddhas, performative iconoclasm and the ‘image’ of heritage. In: The image of heritage. Changing perception, permanent responsibilities. ICOMOS Scientific Committee for the Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Preservation, Florence, pp. 157-169. ISBN 978-88-596-0886-8 [Book Section]

Falser, Michael (2010) From Venice 1964 to Nara 1994 - changing concepts of authenticity? In: Conservation and Preservation. Polistampa, Florence, pp. 115-132. ISBN 978-88-596-0746-5 [Book Section]

Falser, Michael and Lipp, Wilfried (2015) Thresholds of Monument Awareness in the Mirror of the European Architectural Heritage Year 1975. An Introduction. In: A Future for Our Past.The 40 th anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015). Bäßler, Berlin, pp. 21-60. ISBN 978-3-945880-03-6 [Book Section]

Myklebust, Dag (1987) Preservation Philosophy: The Basis for Legitimating the Preservation of the Remains of Old Cultures in a Modern World with New Value Systems. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 723-730. [Book Section]

Pieper, Richard (1987) The Preservation of Stone Today: Technology Awaits Philosophy. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 453-458. [Book Section]

Tomaszewski, Andrzej (2002) Towards a pluralistic philosophy of conservation. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 212-215. [Book Section]


(2017) 1900-luvun kulttuuriperinnön suojelun periaatteita: Madrid – New Delhi asiakirja 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Finnish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Finnish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) 1900-luvun rakennusperinnön suojelun periatteita : Madridin asiakirja 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Finnish version]. Other. ICOMOS 9p. Madrid Document, Finnish. [Book]

(2015) 中国文物古迹保护准则(2015 年修订)= Principles for the conservation of heritage sites in China (revised 2015). Other. ICOMOS China, Beijing, China, 115p. ISBN 978-7-5010-4400-9. [Book]

(2017) ՔՍԱՆԵՐՈՐԴ ԴԱՐԻ ՃԱՐՏԱՐԱՊԵՏԱԿԱՆ ԺԱՌԱՆԳՈՒԹՅԱՆ ՊԱՀՊԱՆՄԱՆ ՄՈՏԵՑՈՒՄՆԵՐԸ : ՄԱԴՐԻԴ - ՆՈՐ ԴԵԼԻ ՓԱՍՏԱԹՈՒՂԹ 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Armenian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Armenian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) رویکردهایی برای حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی قرن بیستم سند مادرید-دهلی نو 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Farsi version]. Other. ICOMOS 11p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Farsi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) बीसवीं शताब्दीकी सांस्कृतिक विरासतों के संरक्षण संबंधी दृष्टिकोण मैड्रिड- नई दिल्ली दस्तावेज 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Hindi version]. Other. ICOMOS 17p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Hindi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Пристапите на зачувување на светското наследство од дваесеттиот век: Мадрид – Њу Делхи 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Macedonian version]. Other. ICOMOS 17p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Macedonian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Подходы к сохранению культурного наследия хх века : Документ «Мадрид – Нью-Дели» 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Russian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Russian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) マドリッド文書(ドキュメント)2011: 20世紀建築遺産の保存のための取組み手法(アプローチ) 2011年6月 マドリッドにて [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Japanese version]. Other. ICOMOS 12p. Madrid Document, Japanese. [Book]

(2017) 20世纪文化遗产保护方法马德里-新德里文件2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Mandarin version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Chinese. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Abordagens para a conservação do patrimônio cultural do século XX: Documento de Madrid – Nova Deli 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Portuguese version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Portuguese. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Ansätze für die Erhaltung des Kulturerbes des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. German version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, German. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011 = Approche de la sauvegarde du patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle: Document de Madrid 2011 = Criterios de conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX: Documento de Madrid. Other. ICOMOS 92p. Madrid Document, Multilingual. [Book]

(2011) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011 [English version]. Other. ICOMOS 7p. Madrid Document, English. [Book]

(2011) [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Hindi version]. Other. ICOMOS 5p. Madrid Document, Hindi. [Book]

(2014) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2014. Other. ICOMOS 53p. Madrid Document, Multilingual. ISBN 978-2-918086-13-0. [Book]

(2017) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid - New Delhi Document 2017. Other. ICOMOS 314p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Multilingual. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) مقاربات لحفظ التراث الثقافي للقرن العشرين وثيقة مدريد-نيو دلهي٢٠١٧ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Arabic version]. Other. ICOMOS 11p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Arabic. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) বিংশ- শতাব্দীর সাংস্কৃতি ক ঐতি হ্যসংরক্ষণ ধারা সমূহ মাদ্ রিদ-নিউ দি ল্লী দলিল ২০১৭ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Bangla version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Bangla. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) विसाव्या शतकातील सांस्कृति क वारशाच्या संवर्धनासाठी कार्यपद्धती माद्रीद- नवी दिल्ली दस्ता वेज २०१७ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Marathi version]. Other. ICOMOS 15p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Marathi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. [English version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, English. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approcci per la conservazione del patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo: Documento di Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Italian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Italian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approches pour la conservation du patrimoine culturel du XXème siècle : Documents de Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. French version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, French. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Case studies carried out within the ‘Our Common Dignity Initiative 2011-2016: Rights-Based Approaches in World Heritage’. Technical Report. ICOMOS Norge, Oslo, 28p. [Book]

(2013) Celebrating 40 years of the World Heritage Convention. Conference Volume. UNESCO, Paris, 238p. [Book]

(2015) Connecting Practice project: final report. Project Report. ICOMOS & IUCN, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Gland, Switzerland, 18p. [Book]

(2011) Criteri di conservazione del patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo: Documento di Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Italian version]. Other. ICOMOS 7p. Madrid Document, Italian. [Book]

(2017) Criterios para la conservación del patrimonio cultural del siglo XX: Documento de Madrid – Nueva Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Spanish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Spanish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) Criteris de conservació del patrimoni arquitectònic del segle XX : Document de Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Catalan version]. Other. ICOMOS 5p. Madrid Document, Catalan. [Book]

(2020) Deuxième document de réflexion de l'ICOMOS : les sites associés aux mémoires de conflits récents et la Convention du patrimoine mondial. Réflexion sur la possibilité et la manière dont ces sites pourraient répondre à l’objectif et au champ de la Convention du patrimoine mondial et ses orientations. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 36p. [Book]

(2022) Heritage at risk special edition 2022 - Heritage under water at risk: threats, challenges and solutions. Technical Report. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 215p. Heritage at Risk (H@R), 2022 Special Edition - Underwater Cultural Heritage. ISBN 978-2-918086-37-6 (print), 978-2-918086-38-3 (PDF). [Book]

(2010) ICOMOS New Zealand charter for the conservation of places of cultural heritage value - revised 2010. Other. ICOMOS New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 11p. ISBN 978-0-473-17116-2. [Book]

(2018) ICOMOS discussion paper: Evaluations of World Heritage nominations related to sites associated with memories of recent conflicts. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS International, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 25p. [Book]

(2020) ICOMOS second discussion paper: sites associated with memories of recent conflicts and the World Heritage Convention: reflection on whether and how these might relate to the Purpose and Scope of the World Heritage Convention and its Operational Guidelines. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 32p. [Book]

(2022) ICOMOS-ის საერთაშორისო ქარტიები და დოქტრინები - ICOMOS International Charters and Doctrinal Texts - Georgian Translation. Manual. ICOMOS Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 147p. [Book]

(2018) Interpretation of sites of memory. Technical Report. UNESCO, Paris, 48p. [Book]

(2017) Mbinu za uhifadhi wa urithi wa kiutamaduni wa karne ya ishirini: Hati ya Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Swahili version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Swahili. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2020) Michael Petzet *12 April 1933 - †29 May 2019*: In memory. Other. ICOMOS German National Committee, Berlin, 149p. [Book]

(2017) Pristopi k ohranjanju kulturne dediščine 20. stoletja: Madridsko-Newdelhijski Dokument 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Slovenian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Slovenian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2010) Te tūtohinga ICOMOS o Aotearoa mō te atawhai i ngā tino wāhi ahurea tuku iho - whakahou 2010 [ICOMOS New Zealand charter for the conservation of places of cultural heritage value - revised 2010. Maori version]. Other. ICOMOS New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 12p. ISBN 978-0-473-17116-2 [PDF] & 978-0-473-17111-7 [print]. [Book]

(2017) Tilgange til bevaringen af det tyvende århundredes kulturarv: Madrid – New Delhi dokumentet 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Danish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Danish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) Wege zur Bewahrung des architektonischen Erbes des 20. Jahrhunderts: Dokument von Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. German version]. Other. ICOMOS 8p. Madrid Document, German. [Book]

(2014) World Heritage and rights-based approaches - Report from workshop in Oslo 1-3 April 2014. Building capacity to support rights-based approaches in the World Heritage Convention: Learning from practice. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, 12p. [Book]

(2011) XX. mendeko arkitektura-ondarea iraunarazteko irizpideak: Madrideko dokumentua 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Basque version]. Other. ICOMOS 6p. Madrid Document, Basque. [Book]

Adachi, Fujio, Afanasiev, A., Amendoeira, Ana Paula, Angelov, Chavdar, Anguelova, Rachelle, Apostolou-Philippa, Marigo, Asatekin, Gül, Auberson, Laurent, Bakaliarova, Pokrovskiy A. V., Barański, Marek, Barthélemy, Jean, Berthe, Mamadou, Bilfinger, Monica, Binan, Can, Borsi, Gian Franco, Boykova, Rossitsa, Brooks, Graham, Bumbaru, Dinu, Burke, Sheridan, Campos, João, Capitanachi, Clio, Casal, Stella Maris, Chitham, Robert, Christodoulopoulou, Rosalie, Christova, Mira, Colletta, Teresa, Conti, Alfredo, Craigo, Steade R., Custodis, Paul-Georg, Dabreteau, Jacques, Davison, Patricia, de Silva, Nimal, Dennis, Stephen Neal, Deraniyagala, Siran, Di Stefano, Roberto, Dinçer, İclal, Dix, Gerald, Djivdjanov, Blagoï, Djivdjanova, Boriana, Docter, Robert, Drocourt, Daniel, Dushkina, Natalia, Ebisawa, Takao, Egloff, Brian, Enlil, Zeynep, Fosseyeux, Jean, Fowler, D. J., Frot, Jean-Louis, Furkov, Yulii, Gantchev, Hristo, García, Emilio José, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Gianatsas, Vassilis, González, Antoni, Grobovšek, Jovo, Gucek, Mojca, Hamade, Hamido, Harboe, Gunny, Ho, Anh-Dung, Hudolin, Jernej, Inoue, Yoichi, Ivanov, Ivan, Jantzen, Michel, Jokilehto, Jukka, Juwayeyi, Yusuf, Kaila, Panu, Kairamo, Maija, Kalfas, A., Kamenova, Todorka, Kandoulkova, Yordanka, Katagata, Shin'ya, Kay, Gersil N., Kelly, Richard, Khayata, Wahid, Koinova, Svetla, Kostov, Dimitur, Krestev, Todor, Lamei Mostafa, Saleh, Larsen, Knut Einar, Lefterov, V., Levitcharov, Ivaylo, Libois, Brigitte, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Macinnes, Lesley, Madran, Emre, Maistrou, Eleni, Manawadu, Samitha, Manev, B., Marstein, Nils, Martínez, Diana, Mattinen, Maire, Mayr, Vincent, Mazakova, Ablena, Mitsuro, Morishita, Munjeri, Dawson, Murtagh, William J., Myklebust, Dag, Nedkov, Simeon, Nickerson, Steve, Nilan, Cooray, Nishiura, Tadateru, Okawa, Naomi, Olsson, Borje, Özgönül, Nimet, Pawłowski, Krzysztof, Petroncelli, Elvira, Petrov, Petur, Potapova, N. A., Precht von Taboritzki, Barbara, Ratnayake, Hema, Román, András, Sadi, Waziri M., Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Sevan, Olga, Shalom, Asi, Silva-Cuervo, Eulalia, Simmins, Geoffrey, Stapleton, Ian, Stokin, Marko, Stoyanova, Ivanna, Strickland, Tim J., Szmygin, Bogusław, Thouin, Stéphane, Truscott, Marilyn C., Van Dun, Peter, van Olst, Ellen L., Vandensande, Tine, Vincent, Jean-Marie, Vutkov, Petur, Wait, Gerald A., Warren, John, Wijesuriya, Gamini, Yamazaki, Yayoi, Yopung, Linda, Yordanov, Emil M., Young, Gregory and Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina (1996) 11th general assembly and international symposium: the heritage and social changes = 11e assemblée générale et symposium international: le patrimoine et les changements sociaux. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, 647p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 1996, 11th. [Book]

Ahlberg, Nils, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Bedoire, Frederic, Bilfinger, Monica, Bouchenaki, Mounir, Brandt, Sigrid, Burman, Peter, Caviezel, Nott, Cortembos, Thérèse, Cutolo, Davide, de Albuquerque Lapa, Tomás, De Marco, Luisa, Desseilles, François, Ehrström, Margaretha, Falser, Michael, Fejérdy, Tamás, Fröhlich, Martin, Fürniß, Maren, Glendinning, Miles, Gondran, François, Gras, Louise Noelle, Grunwald, Susanne, Hönes, Ernst-Rainer, Jäger-Klein, Caroline, Jeschke, Hans Peter, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kärki, Pekka, Kirschbaum, Juliane, Kiyonaga, Yohei, Kuipers, Marieke, Langini, Alex, Lehne, Andreas, Lipp, Wilfried, Lucena Tinoco, Jorge Eduardo, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Mattinen, Maire, Mintaurs, Mārtiņš, Neuwirth, Franz, Özgönül, Nimet, Petzet, Michael, Pieler, Erika, Roca, Javier Gallego, Rodwell, Dennis G., Salastie, Riitta, Scarrocchia, Sandro, Schädler-Saub, Ursula, Scheurmann, Ingrid, Schnell, Dieter, Singer, Rachel, Sneddon, Andrew, Soheil-Jokilehto, Mehr-Azar, Špikić, Marko, Steudtner, Katharina, Štulc, Josef, Sun, Yanan, Thérond, Daniel, Tomlan, Michael A., Turner, Michael, van Aerschot-van Haeverbeeck, Suzanne and Vollmar, Bernd (2015) Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015) = A future for our past: the 40th anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015) = Un avenir pour notre passé: 40e anniversaire de l'Année européenne du patrimoine architectural (1975–2015). Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 674p. Monumenta (2012- ), 3. ISBN 978-3-945880-03-6. [Book]

Albert, Marie-Theres, Bernecker, Roland, Cave, Claire, Prodan, Anca Claudia, Ripp, Matthias, Avigliano, Esteban, Barrett-Casey, Kristen, Barrientos García, Juan Carlos, Bassa, Lia, Bello, Akeem O., Benavides Castillo, Antonio, Bhatta, Sushma, Boustead, Robin, Cameron, Christina, Capdepon de Bigu-Poirrier, Caroline, Choi, Boyoon, Daly, Cathy, De Maeyer, Philippe, Elcheikh, Zeina, Erkan, Yonca, Fogarty, Irene, Fouseki, Kalliopi, Franceschini, Nicole, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Grünberg, Claudia, Gustafsson, Christer, Hansell, Friederike, Hernández, Mario, Hisari, Lorika, Iakovoglou, Valasia, Ikeda, Mariko, Jones, Zachary M., Kloos, Michael, Koch-Weser, Maritta, Korinth, Elisabeth, Küver, Jan, Lozano, Claudia, Luger, Kurt, Maclaren, Fergus, Manchanda, Pankaj, Megarry, William, Meskell, Lynn, Negredo Fernández, Roger, Olaniyan, Azeez, Ringbeck, Birgitta, Rodwell, Dennis G., Rohde, Michael, Rupp, Isabelle, Schenone, Nahuel, Schipper, Friedrich, Schmedt, Eike Tobias, Schmitt, Thomas M., von Schorlemer, Sabine, Siegmund, Alexander, Tomasi, Giulia, Wallenwein, Fabienne, Webber, Ndoro, Willhalm, Tanja, Zaimes, George N., Zehbe, Klaus-Christian and Zwartjes, Luc (2022) 50 years World Heritage Convention: shared responsibility – conflict and reconciliation. Conference Volume. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 504p. ISBN 978-3-031-05659-8 (print) & 978-3-031-05660-4 (electronic). [Book]

Anguelova, Rachelle, Breuer, Tilmann, Darvill, Timothy, Derer, Peter, Fawcett, Edward, Goodschild, Peter, Johannson, Bengt O. H., Laenen, Marc, Luginbühl, Yves, Machat, Christoph, Roseneck, Reinhard, Sevan, Olga and Stoica, Georgeta (1993) Historische Kulturlandschaften. Conference Volume. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 79p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 11. ISBN 3-87490-612-4. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Arnal, Luis, Bandarin, Francesco, Conti, Alfredo, de Almeida, Luiz Fernando, Fernández-Baca, Román, Flores Marini, Carlos, Franco, María Teresa, Gil, Gabriela, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Magar, Valérie, Noelle, Louise, Pérez, Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Rojas, Ángela, Ruesga, Juan, Schávelzon, Daniel, Vallín, Rodolfo and Vidargas, Francisco (2014) Los nuevos paradigmas de la conservación del patrimonio cultural: 50 años de la Carta de Venecia. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico, 297p. ISBN 978-607-484-533-4. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Barbacci, Norma, Cabeza Monteira, Ángela, de Nordenflycht, José, Denyer, Susan, Equihua, Miguel, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Guerra Chirinos, Diana, Guo, Zhan, Isaza Londoño, Juan Luis, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kerr, Alastair, Laguna Ordóñez, Norma, Leblanc, François, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Luna Erreguena, Pilar, Magadán, Marcelo, Martínez, Luis Pablo, Pérez, María del Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Poblete, Cecilia, Putney, Allen, Robles García, Nelly, Rojas, Ángela, Rosabal, Pedro, Sampaio, Suzanna, Slick, Katherine and Stovel, Herb (2005) Nuevas miradas sobre la autenticidad e integridad en el Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas = New views on authenticity and integrity in the World Heritage of the Americas. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 192p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 13. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Barthel-Bouchier, Diane, Bogdanowska, Monika, Burke, Sheridan, Cuffe, Ciarán, de Caraffe, Marc, de Orellana, Juan, Hawke, Stephanie K., Hee, Kyoung Yeo, Ireland, Tracy, Jerome, Pamela, Martire, Augustina, McAleese, Mary, Miranda, Rossana, Negussie, Elene, Silberman, Neil, Sung, Mi Han and Taylor, Martin (2012) Changing world, changing views of heritage: heritage and social change. Proceedings of the ICOMOS scientific symposium, Dublin Castle, 30 October 2010. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 98p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2010 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. ISBN 978-2-918086-04-8. [Book]

Arkoun, Mohammed, Bakarat, Sultan, Barthélemy, Jean, Bumbaru, Dinu, Derer, Peter, Domicelj, Joan, Fielden, B. M., Gamboa de Buen, Jorge, Jokilehto, Jukka, Krestev, Todor, Lemaire, Raymond, McBryde, Isabel, Silva, Roland, Stovel, Herb, Vučenović, Svetislav, Warren, John and Whalen, Timothy P. (1994) Articles of members = Articles des membres. Other. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 167p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 3. ISBN 955-613-054-3. [Book]

Bacher, Ernst, Börsch-Supan, Helmut, Breuer, Tilmann, Bunsmann, Walter J. M., Dieckmann, Friedrich, Huse, Norbert, Lipp, Wilfried, Mörsch, Georg, Petzet, Michael, Sauerländer, Willibald and Will, Thomas (2020) Denkmal ohne Grenzen. Deutschsprachige Texte - vom Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahr 1975 zum Europäischen Kulturerbejahr 2018 = Heritage without Borders. German-Language – Texts from the European Architectural Heritage Year 1975 to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 = Patrimoine sans frontières. Textes en langue allemande – de l’Année européenne du patrimoine architectural 1975 à l’Année européenne du patrimoine culturel 2018. Other. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, 263p. Monumenta (2012- ), 4. ISBN 978-3-945880-49-4. [Book]

Barthélemy, Jean, Belmont, Yves, Beltrão, Maria, Budihardjo, Eko, Burns Ottavino, Kate, Cantacuzino, Sherban, Cunliffe, Scott, Hajnóczi, Julius Gyula, Sampaio, Suzanna Cruz, Jeschke, Hans Peter, Joway, Hubert-Fernand, Klein, Rudolf, Marasović, Tomislav, Meneses, Ulpiano T. Bezeira, Sampaio, Suzanna Cruz, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Szafrańska, Małgorzata and Usúa Cocke, Francisco (1995) Ethics, principles and methodology = Éthique, principes et méthodologie. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 131p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 6. ISBN 955-613-054-3. [Book]

Berger, Laura, Kovanen, Kirsti, Enqvist, Johanna, Rahola, Ulla, Ehrström, Margaretha, Silver, Minna and Kivilaakso, Aura (2017) Kriisin jälkeen - rekonstruktio? Post-trauma reconstruction. Conference Volume. ICOMOS-Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 88p. ISBN 978-952-68812-1-8. [Book]

Berti, Maurizio (2024) La Fortezza São Sebastião di Ilha de Moçambique. Diario n. 2. Documentation. Il Prato, Padova, Italy, 318p. ISBN 978-88-6336-652-5. [Book]

Cameron, Christina and Herrmann, Judith (2018) Guidance and capacity building for the recognition of associative values using world heritage criterion (vi): Final Report. Manual. World Heritage Centre, Paris, 89p. [Book]

Cuno, James B., Weiss, Thomas G., Adams, Simon, Appiah, Kwame Anthony, Bandarin, Francesco, Bokova, Irina, Bowersock, Glen W., Charlier, Benjamin, Chechi, Alessandro, Deknatel, Frederick, Dugan, Dexter W., Eakin, Hugh, Eloundo Assomo, Lazare, Francioni, Francesco, Gerstenblith, Patty, Gowan, Richard, Harris, Rachel, MacGregor, Neil, Hassner, Ron E., Margolies Beitler, Ruth, Montejo, Victor, Mustafayev, Tural, Parzinger, Hermann, Powderly, Joseph, Rai, Ashrutha, Renold, Marc-André, al-Sabouni, Marwa, Sagan, Scott D., Sands, Philippe, Schmidtke, Sabine, von Schorlemer, Sabine, Serageldin, Ismail, Singh, Kavita, Slim, Hugo, Stein, Gil G., Stone, Peter G., Welsh, Jennifer M. and Wise, Paul H. (2022) Cultural heritage and mass atrocities. Other. Getty Publications, Los Angeles (USA), 619p. ISBN 978-1-60606-807-6 (print), 978-1-60606-808-3 (epub), 978-1-60606-809-0 (mobi), 978-1-60606-810-6 (PDF). [Book]

Ellena, Liliana, Kaasik-Krogerus, Sigrid, Lähdesmäki, Tuuli, Mäkinen, Katja, Passerini, Luisa, Proglio, Gabriele, Trakilović, Milica, Turunen, Johanna, van der Laarse, Rob and van Huis, Iris (2019) Dissonant heritages and memories in contemporary Europe. Documentation. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland, 294p. ISBN 978-3-030-11463-3 (printed) & 978-3-030-11464-0 (PDF). [Book]

Falser, Michael (2020) Angkor Wat. A Transcultural History of Heritage (DeGruyter, Berlin 2020). Volume 1: Angkor in France. From Plaster Casts to Exhibition Pavilions. Volume 2: Angkor in Cambodia. From Jungle Find to Global Icon. Other. DeGruyter, Berlin, 1150p. ISBN 978-3-11-033572-9. [Book]

Larsen, Knut Einar and Marstein, Nils Conservation of historic timber structures: an ecological approach. Manual. Butterworth-Heinemann (2000), Larsen & Marstein (2016), Oxford (2000), Oslo (2016), 140p. [Book]

Mahdy, Hossam (2017) Approaches to the conservation of Islamic cities: the case of Cairo. Other. ICCROM-ATHAR, Sharjah - UAE, 121p. ISBN 978-92-9077-266-8 (print) & 978-92-9077-267-5 (PDF). [Book]

Marino, Bianca Gioia (2006) Restauro e autenticità: nodi e questioni critiche. Other. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, Italy, 350p. ISBN 88-495-1288-0. [Book]

Niglio, Olimpia and Mota Botello, Graciela Aurora (2022) Rumbo a una nueva visión: Gestión, gobernanza y política pública. Conference Volume. Aracne Editrice, Roma, Italy, 243p. [Book]

Orlove, Ben, Dawson, Neil, Sherpa, Pasang, Adelekan, Ibidun, Alangui, Wilfredo, Carmona, Rosario, Coen, Deborah, Nelson, Melissa, Reyes-García, Victoria, Rubis, Jennifer, Sanago, Gideon and Wilson, Andrew (2022) ICSM CHC White Paper I: Intangible cultural heritage, diverse knowledge systems and climate change. Contribution of Knowledge Systems Group I to the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS & ISCM CHC, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Paris, France, 103p. ISBN 978-2-918086-71-0. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (2013) Conservation of monuments and sites: international principles in theory and practice = Denkmalpflege: internationale Grundsätze in Theorie und Praxis. Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 268p. Monumenta (2012- ), 2. ISBN 978-3-930388-22-6. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (1992) Grundsätze der Denkmalpflege = Principles of monument conservation = Principes de la conservation des monuments historiques. Documentation. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 68p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 10. ISBN 3-87490-615-9. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (2009) International principles of preservation. Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 106p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 20. ISBN 978-3-930388-54-7. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (1999) Principles of monument conservation = Principes de la conservation des monuments historiques. Other. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 95p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 30. ISBN 3-87490-668-X. [Book]

Prutsch, Markus J. (2015) EUROPEAN HISTORICAL MEMORY: POLICIES, CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES - STUDY. Working Paper. European Parliament, Brussels, 52p. ISBN 978-92-823-7003-2. [Book]

Silva, Roland, Petzet, Michael, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Krestev, Todor, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Líbal, Dobroslav, Román, András, Maroević, Ivo, Chitham, Robert, Arnoth, Ádám, Ylimaula, Anna-Maija, Glemža, Jonas, Fowler, D. J., Campos, João, Matoušková, Kamila, Markevičienė, Jūratė, Gilibert, Anna, Waldhäusl, Peter, Yavuz, Ayşıl Tükel, Kairamo, Maija, Ilhan, Nevzat, Plachter, Harald and Jokilehto, Jukka (1996) ICOMOS European conference: authenticity and monitoring - Český Krumlov (Czech Republic), 17-22 October 1995 = Conférence européenne ICOMOS : authenticité et suivi - Český Krumlov (République tchèque), 17-22 octobre 1995. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris (France), 258p. [Book]


De Marre, Adélie (2022) Cerner l'ineffable : l'appréciation de la beauté naturelle dans la sélection des sites du patrimoine mondial. PhD thesis, Université de Montréal. [Thesis]

Lins, APMBC (2015) As Ferrovias como Patrimônio Cultural Mundial: Os Estados-partes, a UNESCO e o Valor Universal Excepcional. "The Railways as a World Cultural Heritage: States Parties, UNESCO and the Outstanding Universal Value". PhD thesis, Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE. [Thesis]

Teaching Resource

Muñoz, Guillermo (2011) Curso de Antropologia filosofica: Programa Universitario. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Arnoth, Ádám, Bellanca, Calogero, Brekke, Arnstein, Burgos Vargas, Camila, Carr, Gilly, Cefai, Shirley, Chagovets, Olesya, Chang, Chih-Yuan, Cipolla, Francesca, Cui, Jinze, Dawans, Stéphane, Fayez, Homaira, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Girardelli, Paolo, Gizzi, Stefano, Houbart, Claudine, Klysner Steffensen, Alberte, Martinis, Giacomo, Mora, Susana, Osorio, Katti, Oswalt, Philipp, Paulus, Ave, Solar, Giora, Solymosi, Tamás, Subramaniam, Shantanu, Walter, Nigel, Yıldız, Salman, Yöney, Nilüfer, Zhukova, Olena and Zygomalas, Dimitrios (2024) ICOMOS TheoPhilos ISC conference "Venice Charter at 60: doctrinal documents in the protection of cultural heritage": conference abstracts. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Kerr, James Semple (2013) Conservation Plan, the 7th edition: A guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance. Australia ICOMOS. [Other]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 04:30:03 2025 UTC.