Perspektive industrijskog naslijeđa = Perspectives on industrial heritage
Oglethorpe, Miles, Ifko, Sonja, Palinić, Nana, Stamatović Vučković, Slavica, Kocevska, Ivana, Draganić, Anica, Arčabić, Goran, Veljković, Tijana and Pličanić, Maja (2024) Perspektive industrijskog naslijeđa = Perspectives on industrial heritage. Documentation. ICOMOS Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 187p. ISBN 978-9926-8463-4-3. [Book]
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Abstract (in English)
This publication aims to shed light on a segment of heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, much of which remains alive in living memory but has unfortunately been overlooked, along with its potential to enhance the everyday environment. Today, it is impossible to discuss the transformation of cities, society, and culture without recognising the vital role of industrial heritage. The industrial and technological developments of the past century, with all their positive and negative effects, have been both drivers and companions of societal processes and phenomena that have shaped modern society. Without them, modern society would not be what it is: planned settlements, expanding cities, growing urban density, reliance on mass transportation and communication, the rise of consumer culture, mechanized agriculture, environmental preservation, and the introduction of ecological standards. The publication Perspectives on Industrial Heritage brings together research from experts in countries that emerged after the breakup of the SFR Yugoslavia, highlighting a shared culture of modernisation and its variations across different contexts. The common thread linking these works offers a framework for essential interaction and exchange of experiences in addressing the challenges of integrating industrial heritage into modern life. The outcomes of the recently initiated de-industrialisation processes – whether they involve uncertainty or securing a place for industrial heritage in the present and future – depend largely on the character of a society, its ambitions, and its level of cultural and ethical awareness. [Extract from the foreword by Elša Turkušić Jurić, President of the National Committee of ICOMOS in Bosnia and Herzegovina]
Izdavanjem publikacije nastoji se osvjedočiti segment naslijeđa u Bosni i Hercegovini, koje je najvećim dijelom još uvijek prisutno u živoj memoriji, a nažalost, odbačeno sa svojim mogućnostima za unapređenje svakodnevnog ambijenta. Danas je nemoguće promišljati transformaciju gradova, društva i kulture bez shvatanja uloge industrijskog naslijeđa u njima. Industrijski i tehnološki procesi koji su se odvijali u proteklom stoljeću, sa svim svojim pozitivnim i negativnim učincima, bili su pokretači i pratitelji društvenih procesa i fenomena bez kojih suvremeno društvo ne bi bilo ono što jeste: izgradnja planskih cjelovitih naselja, ekspanzija novih gradova, povećanje gradske gustoće, ovisnost o masovnom transportu i komunikacijama, uspon populističke i potrošačke kulture, mehanizirana poljoprivreda, očuvanje prirodnog okoliša i uvođenje ekoloških standarda. Publikacija „Perspektive industrijskog naslijeđa“ sažima naučno-istraživačke radove stručnjaka iz zemalja nastalih raspadom SFR Jugoslavije, ukazujući na zajedničku kulturu modernizacijskih tokova uz njihove varijacije unutar različitih konteksta. Nit koja ih povezuje nudi okvir za neophodno međudjelovanje i razmjenu iskustava s izazovima uključivanja industrijskog naslijeđa u suvremene tokove života. Ishodi nedavno započetih procesa deindustrijalizacije – bilo da je riječ o neizvjesnosti ili sigurnom mjestu za industrijsku baštinu u sadašnjosti i budućnosti – značajno ovise o karakteru i snazi ambicija jednog društva, njegove razine kulturne i etičke svijesti. [Izvod iz predgovora Elše Turkušić Jurić, Predsjednice Nacionalnog komiteta ICOMOS u Bosni i Hercegovini]
Item Type: | Book (Documentation) |
Authors: | Authors Email Oglethorpe, Miles UNSPECIFIED Ifko, Sonja UNSPECIFIED Palinić, Nana UNSPECIFIED Stamatović Vučković, Slavica UNSPECIFIED Kocevska, Ivana UNSPECIFIED Draganić, Anica UNSPECIFIED Arčabić, Goran UNSPECIFIED Veljković, Tijana UNSPECIFIED Pličanić, Maja UNSPECIFIED |
Editors: | Editors Email Pličanić, Maja UNSPECIFIED |
Languages: | Bosnian, English |
Keywords: | industrial heritage; climate change; sustainable development; theory of conservation; industrial development; industrial architecture; textile factories; deindustrialization; methodology; integrated conservation; re-use; planning; protection of industrial heritage; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro; Croatia; Serbia; North Macedonia; Yugoslavia; case studies; photographs |
Subjects: | A. THEORETICAL AND GENERAL ASPECTS > 12. Theory of conservation E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 05. Sites E. CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 07. Management H. HERITAGE TYPOLOGIES > 16. Industrial and technical heritage J. HERITAGE ECONOMICS > 05. Heritage and sustainable development P. GEOGRAPHIC AREAS > 05. Europe |
Name of monument, town, site, museum: | Rijeka, Croatia; Novi Sad, Serbia; Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
National Committee: | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Number of Pages: | 187 |
ISBN: | 978-9926-8463-4-3 |
Depositing User: | ICOMOS DocCentre |
Date Deposited: | 21 Jan 2025 18:07 |
Last Modified: | 23 Jan 2025 09:09 |
URI: | |
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