Items where Subject is "01. Generalities"

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Aarons, George Anthony, Barahona, Amelia, Barrett, Shermaine, Buisseret, David, Curtin, Marguerite, Dunphy, High, Green, Patricia E., Harrison, David, Lampart, Garth, Parrent, James M., Parrent, Maureen Brown and Smith, David (1996) Monuments and sites Jamaica. Documentation. ICOMOS Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 99p. Monuments & Sites (1996), Jamaica, 1996. ISBN 955-613-089-6. [Book]

Adimihardja, Kusnaka, Affandy, Frances B., Alisjahbana, Pia, Ambary, Hasan Muarif, Ardika, I Gede, Atmadi, Parmono, Awal, Han, Cowherd, Robert, Danisworo, Mohammad, Darsoprajitno, H. Soewarno, Gunawan, Myra P., Handinoto, -, Hartono, Dibyo, Heuken, Adolf, Ismael, Made Antonio, Murtiyoso, Sutrisno, Nuryanti, Wiendu, Prihandana, Ramalis S., Prijotomo, Josef, Rachman, Erlita, Saliya, Yuswadi, Sidharta, Amir, Silva, Roland, Siregar, Sandi Aminuddin, Soemardi, Ahmad Rida, Djauhari, Sumintardja, Tardiyana, Achmad D., Tjahjono, Gunawan, van Voorden, Frits W., Widodo, Johannes and Yuwono, Martono (1999) Monuments and sites Indonesia = Monumen dan situs Indonesia. Documentation. ICOMOS Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, 200p. Monuments & Sites (1996), Indonesia, 1999. ISBN 979-9283-03-5. [Book]

Alexander, Caroll, Dahl, John H., Deacon, Jeanette, Haman, Mohaman, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Manyanga, Munyaradzi, Masona, Tafirenyika, Mpulumbusi, Tjako, Mrenge, George Tafirenyika, Munjeri, Dawson, Murambiwa, Ivan, Muringaniza, J. S., Ndoro, Webber, Silva, Roland and Swan, Lorraine M. (1996) ICOMOS Africa = ICOMOS Afrique. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 131p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 7. ISBN 955-613-054-3. [Book]

Amacker, Hans, Bloch, Urs, Camenzind, Urban, Capirone, Markus, Danielli, Giovanni, Elsasser, Kilian T., Geyer, Markus, Habegger, Ueli, Höhmann, Rolf, Kälin, Ursel, Kistler, Hans Peter, Kreis, Georg, Martin, Olivier, Mathieu, Jon, Müller, Eduard, Nuber, Werner, Nydegger, Ruth, Schmid, Adrian, Schueler, Judith, Tischhauser, Marc and Wessels, Hans-Peter (2014) Eine Zukunft für die historische Verkehrslandschaft Gotthard: Publikation zum Symposium vom 6. und 7. September 2013 in Altdorf. Conference Volume. Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Bern, Switzerland, 152p. ISBN 978-3-907835-82-1. [Book]

Arezki, Rabah, Caschili, Simone, Cherif, Reda, Medda, Francesca Romana, Modelewska, Marta, Nijkamp, Peter, O'Brian, John, Ost, Christian G., Piotrowski, John, Rama, Martin, Rojas, Eduardo, Rypkema, Donovan and Throsby, David (2012) The economics of uniqueness: investing in historic city cores and cultural heritage assets for sustainable development. Documentation. World Bank, Washington, D. C., United States, 298p. ISBN 978-0-8213-9650-6 [print] & 978-0-8213-9706-0 [electronic]. [Book]

Ault, Scott (2002) The new tribal campfire. Culture-bases parks and attractions in an era of globalization. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 361-363. [Book Section]


Barrett, Brenda and Mitchell, Nora J. (2012) The Pennsylvania wilds: the role of cultural and natural heritage in landscape scale development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Binder, Regina (2008) Sense of Place in Sustainable Tourism Development. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bonacchi, Chiara and Burtenshaw, Paul (2012) Archaeology for Development: The need for holistic planning, case studies from Jordan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bonder, Regina (2011) A "place-based" approach to reusing industrial and cultural heritage assets. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bosson, Anne, Cortembos, Thérèse, Dupont, André and Van Loo, Anne (2000) La citadelle de Namur, paysage de la ville et lieu "habité"? Documentation. ICOMOS Wallonie-Bruxelles 12p. [Book]

Bouché, Nancy (2005) Sites, hauts lieux culturels et patrimoniaux: Quels projets de gestion et d'aménagement pour quel accueil et dans quelles conditions? In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brooks, Graham (2008) Developing Guiding Principles and Policies for World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism – A Major UNESCO World Heritage Centre Initiative. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brooks, Graham (2005) Guidebook for tourism congestion management at natural and cultural heritage sites, a new publication by the World Tourism Organization. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brooks, Graham (2012) Heritage as a driver for development: Its contribution to sustainable tourism in contemporary society. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Brooks, Graham (2002) The ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Charter: Linking cultural heritage conservation to the celebration of cultural diversity. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 308-310. [Book Section]

Brown, Sharon and Oliver, Alan (2012) Globally Unique or Globally Uniform? Is cultural heritage as a driver of development resulting in the unique or the uniform? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Cadima Ribeiro, José, Vareiro, Laurentina, Remoaldo, Paula, Monjardino, Isabel Cristina, Hernández Chamorro, Laura, Dóniz Páez, Javier, García Romero, Leví, Dias de Carvalho, Adalberto, Pérez González, Elena María, Durán Salado, Isabel, Mármol Reyes, Natalia, Ramos dos Santos Machado, Paulo Germán, Santana Talavedra, Agustín, Mertens de Wilmars, Frederic, Bastos, Bernardo, Pedro, Beatriz, Domínguez, Tomás, Mora, María, Piera Escriva, Eva, Hyeon, Jin Lee, Antolini, Fabrizio, Truglia, Francesco Giovanni, Sarnacchiaro, Pasquale, Gallo, Michele, Menini, Tullio, Di Taranto, Enrico, del Río Rama, María de la Cruz, Flores Romero, Martha Beatriz, Bahaya, Omar, Pérez, Paula, Domínguez Gonzalez, David, Sánchez, Pablo, Soto, Federico, Moreno Gil, Sergio, Marigliano, Piergiorgio and Reyes, Cesáreo (2023) V international conference on tourism dynamics and trends: new frontiers in the tourism and hospitality industry. Book of abstracts. Conference Volume. Universidad Europea de Canarias, La Orotava, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, 87p. ISBN 978- 84-09-54498-1. [Book]

Cheng, Min-Tsung and Fu, Chao-Ching (2011) Beyond heritage, towards the possibility of creative economy: The case of the reuse of the industrial heritage in Taiwan. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Comer, Douglas C. and Willems, Willem J. H. (2012) Tourism and the Archaeological Heritage: Driver to Development or Destruction? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Cossons, Neil (2011) People and places: Industrial landscapes, liability or asset? In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Dawans, Stéphane and Houbart, Claudine (2012) Le patrimoine à l’état gazeux : comment le tourisme détourne notre conception de l’authenticité. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Del Bianco, Paolo (2008) The spirit of place between the intangible and the tangible. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Du Cros, Hilary (2002) Conflicting perspectives on marketing Hong Kong's cultural heritage tourism attractions. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 319-321. [Book Section]


Fakhraddine, Mohamed (2011) Regards sur le patrimoine. Manual. Montada (CAATEEB), Barcelona , 120p. ISBN 978 84 15195 08 5. [Book]


GIPRI, GIPRI Colombia and Muñoz, Guillermo Pinturas rupestres en el Altiplano Cundiboyacense, Colombia: Concentración y diversidad en la Sabana de Bogotá: Municipio de Suacha-Sibaté Cundinamarca. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Graham, Roy Eugene (2005) Two evolving townscapes: comparative case studies for managing change in historic towns in Canada and Slovenia. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Guiraud-Chaumeil, Stéphanie (2011) L'émotion collective au service du projet économique albigeois. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Henriques, Claudia and Custódio, Maria João (2008) Folk Dancing, Tourism and Identity. A Relationship in (de)construction? In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Ketz, Anne and Ketz, David (2008) The Cherokee Cultural Tourism Program: Seeking a Balance Between Authenticity and Economic Development. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Koziol, Christopher (2008) Historic preservation ideology: a critical mapping of contemporary heritage policy discourse. Preservation Education and Research, 1 (1). pp. 41-50. [Article]


Labato, Graciela Isabel (2011) West Montserrat textile and design district. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lapa, Tomas de Alburquerque and Melo, Raphael Ferraz Almeida de (2008) La menace voilée du développement économique à la conservation de l'esprit des lieux. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Lemesle, Isabelle (2011) Le Centre des Monuments Nationaux, un outil de développement de l'attractivité patrimoniale des territoires. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Maneenetr, Thirachaya (2008) Khmer temples of Northeast Thailand: A proposed plan for tourism development. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia (2011) New strategies for cultural tourism planning: Quality and creativity as tools for development. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Masona, Tafirenyika, Matenga, Edward, Munjeri, Dawson, Murambiwa, Ivan, Mvenge, George Tafirenyika, Ndoro, Webber and Swan, Lorraine M. (1996) Monuments and sites Zimbabwe. Documentation. ICOMOS Sri Lanka, Bogotá, Colombia, 149p. Monuments & Sites (1996), Zimbabwe, 1996. ISBN 955-613-096-9. [Book]

Mohammed, Fetha (2012) Salé. Other. Montada (CAATEEB), Salé, 58p. ISBN 978 84 15195 10 8. [Book] (In Press)

Moulin, Claude (1987) Expérience touristique, pierre angulaire du tourisme culturel. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 969-976. [Book Section]

Munyima, Munukayumbwa (2003) Preserving and managing complex heritage as a tourist product. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Rifkind, Carole (1981) Cultural tourism: new opportunity for the industrial city. In: Nessun futuro senza passato. 6th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Atti. ICOMOS, Roma, pp. 197-213. [Book Section]


Sunara, Sagita Mirjam (2011) Historic core of Split and the peristyle of Diocletian's palace: Economic impact of cultural heritage preservation. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Suntikul, Wantanee (2008) The Impact of Tourism on the Monks of Luang Prabang. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Suntikul, Wantanee (2011) Linkages between heritage policy, tourism and business. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]


Venturini, Edgardo J. (2012) Tourisme culturel et développement durable: le patrimoine au-delà du spectacle. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

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