Items where Subject is "04. Social practices, rituals and festive events"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 74.


Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2019) The moral philosophy of nature: Spiritual Amazonian conceptualizations of the environment. Open Journal of Humanities, 1 (1). pp. 149-190. ISSN 2612-6966 [Article]

Acevedo Merlano, Alvaro Alfonso (2015) Ventas de comida popular en Santa Marta, la ciudad turística de la informalidad. PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 13 (5). pp. 1183-1198. ISSN 1695-7121 [Article]

Aktürk, Gül and Lerski, Martha (2021) Intangible cultural heritage: a benefit to climate-displaced and host communities. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences . ISSN 2190-6483 [Article]

Bonacini, Elisa (2012) Cultura e Internet: il patrimonio culturale siciliano e la sua visibilità sul web. StrumentiRes, 4 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2279-6851 [Article]

Bonacini, Elisa (2012) Il museo partecipativo sul web: forme di partecipazione dell’utente alla produzione culturale e alla creazione di valore culturale. IL CAPITALE CULTURALE Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, 5 . pp. 93-125. ISSN 2039-2362 [Article]

Carvajal Mahecha, Jhon Alejandro (2020) La Pesca tradicional en Honda. Un Oficio Ancentral: Antecedentes secundarios y Contemporaneidad. Esempi di architettura, 2 (2020). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Carvajal Mahecha, Jhon Alejandro (2019) La pesca tradicional en Honda. Un oficio ancestral antecedentes precolombinos - Colonia. Esempi di architettura, 3 (16). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2035-7982 [Article]

Karakul, Özlem (2007) Folk Architecture in Historic Environments: Living Spaces for Intangible Cultural Heritage. Milli Folklor-International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies, 19 . pp. 151-163. ISSN 1300-3984 [Article]

Pecquet, Luc (2014) Choosing a mason (Lyela country, Burkina Faso). 9th International Masonry Conference 2014 in Guimarães, Portugal . [Article]

Pecquet, Luc (2016) Un interdit des maçons lyela et sa transgression (Burkina Faso). Système de pensée en Afrique noire, [Comparer les systèmes de pensée. Hommage à la mémoire de Michel Cartry] (19). pp. 117-145. [Article]

Vidargas, Francisco (2005) El gremio de plateros y las fiestas inmaculistas. Ventana interior, VI (32). pp. 44-48. [Article]

Conference or Workshop Item

Araoz, Gustavo F. (2011) Vernacular Heritage, the Caribbean and Tourism 2011 Vernacular Architecture Forum. In: 2011 Vernacular Architecture Forum, May 31-June 5, 2011, Falmouth, Jamaica. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Arsenault, Daniel and Maclaren, Fergus (2012) Reinforcing the authenticity and spirit of place of indigenous peoples to promote cultural tourism at world heritage sites as a development approach: Learning from the Canadian experience. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bhattacharya, Abira (2018) Buddhist Monastic Centers of Eastern India and Southeast Asia: Revisiting their Cross-Cultural Linkages. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Bhattacharya, Ananya (2011) Developing sustainable tourism destinations offering authentic folk experiences. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Colletta, Teresa (2008) Une réflexion sur l'esprit du lieu de la ville méditerranéenne. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Croker, Alan (2008) The temple as a metaphor for the journey within. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Dasgupta, Shalini (2018) Community empowerment for sustainable development and examining its impact on built heritage - case : Mathura- Vrindavan& the Braj region of India. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Du Cros, Hilary (2008) Partying on and on: Can we reconcile celebratory intangible heritage practices, spirit of place and sustainability? In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Eboreime, Joseph (2003) The installation of a Benin Monarch: Rite de passage in the expression of ethnic identity in Nigeria. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Erginsoy, Fatma Güliz (1998) Sweet as an Almond: From Gliki to ‘Bademli’ Full Time and Part Time Citizenship. In: International conference on the Exchange of Populations between Greece and Turkey: An Assessment of the Consequences of the Treaty of Lausanne. 17-20 September 1998 – University of Oxford Refugee Studies Center, 17-20 September 1998, Oxford, United Kingdom. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Escudero, Sandra and Núñez Camelino, Maria (1999) Lo sagrado y lo profano: Religión, ciencia y ética en torno a los primeros pobladores de Rosario. In: Presentación del Patrimonio en el siglo XXI, su conservación y gestión en el cambio de milenio, 5 y 6 de Noviembre de 1999, Rosario (Argentina). [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Fleming, Arlene (2018) Stimulating Local and Global Citizen Involvement in Heritage Stewardship through Digital Empowerment. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Friedman, Leslie A. (2008) The Making of Place: Myth and Memory at the site of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Gondran, François (2014) Bien en série ou itinéraire culturel discontinu? Le cas des Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en France. In: Les biens en série du patrimoine mondial : nouvel enjeu, nouveaux critères, 17-18 December 2012, Poitiers, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

ICOMOS, (2008) Memories of a holy place. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Johnston, Chris and Bell, Damein (2014) Guests on our Country: Creating an Indigenous approach to tourism. In: 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium 'Heritage and Landscape as Human Values', 10-14 November, 2014, Florence, Italy. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

Kourouma, Sékou Kobani (2008) L’esprit des lieux de Gbérédou-Hamana, en Guinée: Réduire les menaces et assurer une protection et une sauvegarde efficaces et durables. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Kwangsik, Kim (2008) Traditions and Spirit of Hahoe. Can they be retained? In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Leite, Edson, Torquato Chotil, Mazé, Caponero, Maria Cristina and Perez, Simone (2011) Le développement du patrimoine culturel immatériel brésilien : la culture qui enrichit l'économie ou l'économie qui peut détruire la culture. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Mbangela, Ethel Nomvula (2003) Processes of identification and documentation. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Niangao, Bély Hermann Abdoul-Karim (2023) Les pratiques cultuelles dans les paysages ruraux comme exemples de conservation des écosystèmes au Burkina Faso. In: ICOMOS Scientific Symposium 2021 - Living heritage and climate change, 9-10 November 2021, online. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ritch Grande Ampudia, James and Becerril Miró, José Ernesto (2008) The sacred itinerary of the Huichol: An example of the complexity of the legal protection of the spirit of the place. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2022) Local materials and traditions in the conservation of vernacular buildings. In: HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability, September 15th-17th, 2022, Valencia, Spain. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2022) Social and cultural elements fostered by earthen building practices and traditions. In: EARTH USA 2022, September 23-25, 2022, Santa Fe, New Mexico. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2022) Traditional building systems and lifestyle practices that subliminally aid conservation of vernacular earthen structures (Goa − India). In: Terra 2022, June 7–10, 2022, Santa Fe, New Mexico. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Submitted)

Segadika, Philippe (2003) Mapping and managing the intangible heritage at the World Heritage Sites. The case of Tsodilo. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Su, Junjie (2019) Panel 5 Paper 5.3 Rural Intangible Cultural Heritage and Ethnic Tourism: Experiences of Yunnan, China. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Subercaseaux, María Inés (2008) When the Spirit of the Place Becomes a Symbol. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Sugio, Kunie (2008) Examples and significance of culture that is created through transmission of the spirituality of space. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tomasin, Aline (2014) Gérer les chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle en France. In: Les biens en série du patrimoine mondial : nouvel enjeu, nouveaux critères, 17-18 December 2012, Poitiers, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Truscott, Marilyn C. (2011) Continuity and identity in Canberra: Can tourism development sustain intangible cultural heritage. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Venturini, Edgardo J. (2012) Tourisme culturel et développement durable: le patrimoine au-delà du spectacle. In: ICOMOS 17th General Assembly, 2011-11-27 / 2011-12-02, Paris, France. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wang, Chun-Hsi and Fu, Chao-Ching (2008) The Significance and Crisis of Religious Rituals in Taiwanese Cultural Landscape. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Wang, Xiaoshi (2018) The Paradise of Gods and Men. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Xueling, Yi (2008) The tangible and intangible value of the Suzhou Classical Gardens. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

Abad Espinoza, Luis Gregorio (2022) Más allá de las operaciones del pensamiento salvaje entre los shuar de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. In: Antropologías hechas en Ecuador. El quehacer antropológico-Tomo IV. Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología; editorial Abya-Yala; Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Ecuador), Ecuador, pp. 274-286. ISBN 978-9978-10-686-0 [Book Section]

Lee, Jack Tsen-Ta (2017) SENCE OF PLACE: THE INTERSECTION BETWEEN BUILT HERITAGE AND INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE IN SINGAPORE. In: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF HERITAGE LEGISLATION. BALANCE BETWEEN LAWS AND VALUES. International conference October 12-13, 2016 Niguliste Museum Tallinn, Estonia Conference proceedings. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia. ICLAFI, ICOMOS Estonia NC, Estonian Academy ofArts, Tallinn, pp. 43-51. ISBN 978-9949-88-197-0 [Book Section]


(2022) Guía gastronómica de las ciudades mexicanas Patrimonio Mundial. Other. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, Mexico, 187p. [Book]

(2022) ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group - Report 1 (15 May 2022). Technical Report. ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 251p. [Book]

(2023) ICOMOS Malaysia New Village Working Group - Report 2 (15 June 2023). Technical Report. ICOMOS Malaysia 340p. [Book]

(2022) Religious heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and changing climates. ICOMOS scientific symposium 2022 book of abstracts. 29-30 October 2022, Fine Arts department, Bangkok, Thailand. Conference Volume. ICOMOS 135p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2022 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. [Book]

Agarwal, Mukul, Banerjee, Kakoli, Banerjee, Santanu, Banerji, Haimanti, Basu, Sanghamitra, Beg, Saleem, Bhattacharya, Ananya, Bhowmik, Puja, Bhowmik, Rinkoo, Borkakoti, Sanjib Kumar, Bose, Kamalika, Burman, Sromona, Chakraborti, Manish, Chakraborty, Bikramjit, Chakravarty, Sumona, Chatterjee, Ranit, Chaudhuri, Amiot, Das, Partha Ranjan, Dasgupta, Shalini, Dudhoria, Darshan, Dutta, Madhura, Gupta, Sumana, Jain, Shikha, Jigyasu, Rohit, Joshi, Nikhil, Kalamdani, Kiran, Kanji, Repaul, Kapur, G. M., Karforma, Anindya, Khan, Sandeep, Kuriakose, Benny, Maharjan, Monalisa, Mandeen, Sunaina, Menon, A. G. K., Mitra, Anjan, Mitra, Soumen, Mitra, Sukanya, Mohta, Sushil, Mukerji, Arjun, Nanda, Ratish, Nayak, Debashish, Pawar, Shama, Ravindran, K. T., Ray, Dhriti, Rypkema, Donovan, Sanyal, Saptarshi, Sen, Rajesh, Sen, Sukrit, Trambadia, Ashish, Unwalla, Kirtida, Virmani, Sandeep and Wolff, Bente (2023) Resilient and sustainable development of historic precincts and areas: focus West Bengal. Documentation. ICOMOS India, New Delhi, India, 233p. ISBN 978-81-936722-0-0. [Book]

Alfter, Dieter, Bińkowska, Iwona, Bradley, Ian, Bratner, Wenzel, Eidloth, Volkmar, Formann, Inken, Gillmeister, Heiner, Jarrassé, Dominique, Kofler Engl, Waltraud, Kuča, Karel, Martin, Petra, Pound, Christopher, Renault, Delphine, Schulze, Katrin, Schwahn, Michael, Vogt, Barbara and von Krosigk, Klaus-Henning (2021) Zwischen Heilung und Zerstreuung: Kurgärten und Kurparks in Europa = Between healing and pleasure: spa parks and spa gardens in Europe. Conference Volume. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern, Germany, 246p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 75. ISBN 978-3-7995-1395-1. [Book]

Ali, Alishah, Arroyo Duarte, Silvia, Attarian, Koorosh, Barci, Leonard, Berros, Maria Valeria, Bhattacharya, Ananya, Brett, Jeremy, Brown, John, Calderón Puente, Cecilia, Chiapa Sánchez, Fernando Roberto, Daly Schelbert, Carmen, Day, Jonathon, Fonseca, Sofía, Gregar, Mario, Hebert, Shelby, Henares, Ivan Anthony S., Kassou, Abderrahim, Katurić, Ivana, Kupka, Karl, Levrand, Norma Elizabeth, Lukić, Katarina, Maingi, Shem, Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Megarry, William, Meija, José Gabriel, Mikkola, Milla, Mota Botello, Graciela Aurora, Niangao, Bély Hermann Abdoul-Karim, Niglio, Olimpia, Nossair, Passent, Pavlova, Irina, Pecchioli, Laura, Renaud, Fabrice, Safar Ali Najar, Behnaz, Sanchez Roldan, Maria Elena, Shetabi, Linda, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Velot, Yvon, Votsis, Athanasios, Walter, Nigel, Wigboldus, Leanna and Zhang, Rouran (2023) Living heritage and climate change: proceedings of ICOMOS scientific symposium 2021, 9-10 November 2021, online. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 205p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2021 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. ISBN 978-2-918086-75-8. [Book]

Ali, Alishah, Arroyo Duarte, Silvia, Attarian, Koorosh, Berros, Maria Valeria, Brett, Jeremy, Brown, John, Calderón Puente, Cecilia, Chiapa Sánchez, Fernando Roberto, Daly Schelbert, Carmen, Day, Jonathon, Gregar, Mario, Hebert, Shelby, Henares, Ivan Anthony S., Kassou, Abderrahim, Katurić, Ivana, Kupka, Karl, Levrand, Norma Elizabeth, Lukić, Katarina, Meija, José Gabriel, Mikkola, Milla, Niangao, Bély Hermann Abdoul-Karim, Nossair, Passent, Pavlova, Irina, Pecchioli, Laura, Renaud, Fabrice, Safar Ali Najar, Behnaz, Sánchez Roldán, María Elena, Shetabi, Linda, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Velot, Yvon, Votsis, Athanasios, Walter, Nigel and Wigboldus, Leanna (2021) Living heritage and climate change. ICOMOS scientific symposium 2021 book of abstracts. 9-10 November 2021, online. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 58p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2021 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. [Book]

Amacker, Hans, Bloch, Urs, Camenzind, Urban, Capirone, Markus, Danielli, Giovanni, Elsasser, Kilian T., Geyer, Markus, Habegger, Ueli, Höhmann, Rolf, Kälin, Ursel, Kistler, Hans Peter, Kreis, Georg, Martin, Olivier, Mathieu, Jon, Müller, Eduard, Nuber, Werner, Nydegger, Ruth, Schmid, Adrian, Schueler, Judith, Tischhauser, Marc and Wessels, Hans-Peter (2014) Eine Zukunft für die historische Verkehrslandschaft Gotthard: Publikation zum Symposium vom 6. und 7. September 2013 in Altdorf. Conference Volume. Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Bern, Switzerland, 152p. ISBN 978-3-907835-82-1. [Book]

Andlar, Goran, Arfaoui, Wided, Aslan, Ahmet Suvar, Azzi Visentini, Margherita, Barata, Filipe Themudo, Barzuna Pérez, Guillermo, Ben Said, Imen, Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz, Blay, Jean-Pierre, Bowman, Ian, Butula, Sonja, Campos Ocampo, Melvin, Chacón, José Luis, Coutinho de Albuquerque, Igor Jordão, de Albuquerque Lapa, Tomás, Dellagi, Dorra Ismaïl, Du, Fanding, Duan, Niudou, Durusoy, Elifnaz, Errickson, Eve, Falzone, Patrizia, Feng, Jian, Fu, Chao-Ching, Gondran, François, González Ibáñez, Ana Lucía, Hamed, Ben, Harman Aslan, Ebru, Haupt, Cecilia, Hlavach, Jeannette, Inoue, Noriko, Kamal, Doaa, Kharrat, Fakher, Kinkela, Olga, Kitamura, Ryo, Li, Xiuqing, Loughlin, Amanda K., Maharjan, Monalisa, Moysiadis, Athanasios, Niglio, Olimpia, Ntzani, Dimitra, Oda, Yumiko, Ribeiro, Daniela, Rojas, Ángela, Sánchez del Real, Cristina, Sheridan, Işılay Tiarnagh, Siandou, Emilia, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, Souissi, Hazar, Tu, Cheng-Yu, Urbanc, Mimi, Wang, Zhaohua, Yoshida, Hiroshi, Zepeda Martínez, María de Guadalupe, Zhang, Jingqiu, Zhang, Liang and Zheng, Yulin (2016) Heritage and landscape as human values: conference proceedings - general interest = Paysage et patrimoine en tant que valeurs humaines : actes de la conférence - intérêt général. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Italy, Rome, Italy, 290p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2014, 18th. [Book]

Arokiasamy, Clara (2018) Exploring intangible cultural heritage in museum contexts. Project Report. ICOMOS UK, London, 47p. [Book]

Barela, Liliana, Ferreira, Claudia Marcia, Cabeza, Ángel and Pérez, Enrique (2009) Patrimonio Inmaterial y Pueblos Indígenas de América. Conference Volume. Instituto de Estudios Constitucionales del Estado de Querétaro / INAH, Querétaro, México, 182p. ISBN 978-968-03-0364-9. [Book]

Cotte, Michel, Ryu, Je-Hun, Park, Won-Bae, Koh, Eun-Sol, Itoh, Takashi, Honda, Yasuhiro, Wang, Yinghua, Yang, Bangde, Geng, Tao, Guo, Na, Xu, Zhaoping, Li, Haijing, Zhang, Nianqiang, Tang, Fei, He, Ting, Chen, Tongbin, Liu, Xiangyu, Yu, Sinite, Wu, Zhao-Zong, Ku, Ya-Wen, Ting, Cheh-Shyh, Lin, Szu-Ling, Ho, Ngoc Son, Bui, Tuan Tuan, Hieu, Phung, Le, Anh Tuan, Siriphatthanakun, Hatthaya, Theerasak, Thanusilp and Toulze, Jean-François (2022) The cultural heritages of water in tropical and subtropical Eastern and South-Eastern Asia: thematic study, compilation of articles. Other. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 223p. ICOMOS Thematic studies, Cultural Heritages of Water. ISBN 978-2-918086-62-8. [Book]

Fakhraddine, Mohamed (2011) Regards sur le patrimoine. Manual. Montada (CAATEEB), Barcelona , 120p. ISBN 978 84 15195 08 5. [Book]

Galicia Isasmendi, Erika, Quiles García, Fernando and Ruiz Romero, Zara (2017) Acervo Mexicano. Legado de culturas. Other. E.R.A. Arte, Creación y Patrimonio Iberoamericano en Redes 454p. ISBN 978-84-697-7608-7. [Book]

Martin, Marlon, Jamero, Laurice, Paterno, Maria Cristina, Megarry, William and Hermann, Victoria (2024) Climate vulnerability assessment of the rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Project Report. ICOMOS Philippines, Manila, Philippines, 82p. ISBN 978-2-487082-00-7 [PDF] & 978-2-487082-01-4 [print]. [Book]

Rammah, Mourad (2012) Kairouan. Architecture et spiritualité. Project Report. Montada (CAATEEB), Barcelona, 49p. ISBN 978 84 15195 05 4. [Book]


Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2011) Hereditas. , 15/16. 112p . [Journal]

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (2019) Hereditas. , 29. 96p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2013) Hereditas 19/20. , 19/20. 80p . [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2014) Hereditas 21/22. , 21/22. 100p . [Journal]

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (2019) Hereditas 30. , 30. 80p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

Dirección de Patrimonio Mundial (2020) Hereditas 31. , 31. 87p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]

Association des professionnels de musées du Burkina Faso; ICOMOS Burkina Faso; ICOM Burkina Faso (2024) Sources : la revue professionnelle du patrimoine culturel au Burkina Faso. , 00. 86p . ISSN 2756-7427 [Journal]


Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2020) Comparison of the vernacular earthen architecture in Goa (past Portuguese colony in India) and Alentejo (Portugal): Local building cultures and conservation approaches = Comparaison de l’architecture vernaculaire en terre de Goa (ancienne colonie portugaise en Inde) et de l’Alentejo (Portugal): Cultures constructives locales et approches de conservation. Other thesis, École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble. [Thesis]

Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2015) Regional Distinctiveness of Earthen Structures: Construction Techniques and Conservation Approaches. A Comparison of Mudwall/Cob Buildings in Perthshire – Scotland and Normandy – France. Masters thesis, The University of Edinburgh. [Thesis]

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 15:38:14 2025 UTC.