XX. mendeko arkitektura-ondarea iraunarazteko irizpideak: Madrideko dokumentua 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Basque version]
(2011) XX. mendeko arkitektura-ondarea iraunarazteko irizpideak: Madrideko dokumentua 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Basque version]. Other. ICOMOS 6p. Madrid Document, Basque. [Book]
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Abstract (in English)
The obligation to conserve the heritage of the twentieth century is as important as our duty to conserve the significant heritage of previous eras. More than ever, the architectural heritage of this century is at risk from a lack of appreciation and care. Some has already been lost and more is in danger. It is a living heritage and it is essential to understand, define, interpret and manage it well for future generations. The Madrid Document 2011 seeks to contribute to the appropriate and respectful handling of this important period of architectural heritage. While recognising existing heritage conservation documentsi, the Madrid Document also identifies many of the issues specifically involved in the conservation of architectural heritage. Yet while it specifically applies to architectural heritage in all its forms, many of its concepts may equally apply to other types of twentieth-century heritage. The document is intended for all those involved in heritage conservation processes. Explanatory notes are incorporated where necessary and a glossary of terms completes the document.
XX. mendeko ondarea babesteko eginkizunak beste garaitakoak gordetzeko betebeharrak adina garrantzia du. XX. mendeko ondare arkitektonikoa arriskuan dago estimu eta zaintza faltagatik. Bere zati bat berreskuraezina da dagoeneko, eta beste handiago bat galzorian dago. Ondare bizi bat da, etorriko diren belaunaldientzat era egokian ulertu, zehaztu, interpretatu eta kudeatu behar dena ezinbestean. Madrid 2011 dokumentuak ekarpen bat egiten du kultur ondarearen alderdi garrantzitsu honen kudeaketa zuzenki eta begirunez egin dadin. Ondarearen kontserbazioari buruzko beste zenbait dokumentu aintzat hartzeaz gain, ondare arkitektonikoa bere alor guztietan babesteak dituen arazo espezifikoak identifikatzen ditu, nahiz horrek ez duen eragozten XX. mendeko kultura-ondarearen beste adierazpenetarako ere aplikagarri izatea. Dokumentua ondarearen kontserbazio-prozesu ezberdinetan diharduten guztiei dago zuzendua. Dokumentuaren osagarri, azalpen oharrak eta terminoen bilduma bat bildu dira.
Item Type: | Book (Other) |
Corporate Authors: | ICOMOS International Scientific Committee of Twentieth Century Heritage |
Languages: | Basque |
Keywords: | 20th century architecture; conservation principles; guidelines |
Subjects: | A. THEORETICAL AND GENERAL ASPECTS > 09. Philosophy of conservation C.ARCHITECTURE > 01. Generalities E.CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION > 02. Theory and doctrinal texts |
International Scientific Committee: | 20th Century Heritage |
ICOMOS Special Collection: | Madrid Document |
ICOMOS Special Collection Volume: | Basque |
Number of Pages: | 6 |
Depositing User: | ICOMOS DocCentre |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jun 2022 15:00 |
Last Modified: | 17 Mar 2023 16:48 |
URI: | https://openarchive.icomos.org/id/eprint/2670 |
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