Items where Subject is "02. Theory and doctrinal texts"

Group by: Item Type | Authors
Number of items at this level: 296.


Barthélemy, Jean (1994) La notion d'authenticité dans son contexte et sa perspective. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 56-62. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Benson, Ciaran (2018) ‘Authenticity’ for the visited or for the visitors? ‘collective memory’, ‘collective imagination’ and a view from the future. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-11. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Berti, Maurizio and Carbonara, Giovanni (2023) L’elogio alla manutenzione delle mura di Padova. Galileo - Rivista di informazione, attualità e cultura degli Ingegneri di Padova (263). pp. 32-36. ISSN 1122-9160. [Article]

DETRY, Nicolas (2014) « Le patrimoine martyr », Résurrection des monuments historiques en Europe après 1945 ». Les Cahiers de la Recherche Architecturale et Urbaine (CRAU) (30-31). pp. 67-89. ISSN 978-2-7577-0379-3 [Article]

Domicelj, Joan and Marshall, Duncan (1994) Diversity, place and the ethics of conservation. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 28-33. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Falser, Michael (2015) Theory-Scapes transkulturell. Zur Karriere des Begriffs der Authentizität in der globalen Denkmalpflege. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege, LXIX (1/2). pp. 33-40. [Article]

Feilden, Bernard M. and Jokilehto, Jukka (1994) Appendix - Extracts from: Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 76-79. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Holtorf, Cornelius (2018) Conservation and heritage as future-making. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-13. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Jokilehto, Jukka (1994) Questions about 'authenticity'. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 69-75. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Juvanec, Borut (2011) Stone, the Karst Plateau, architecture. AR Architecture, Research, XII (3). pp. 5-14. ISSN ISSN 1581-6974 [Article]

Khalaf, Roha (2016) A viewpoint on the reconstruction of destroyed UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 23 (3). pp. 261-274. ISSN DOI: 10.1080/13527258.2016.1269239 [Article]

López Morales, Francisco Javier and Vidargas, Francisco (2018) Patrimonio, terrorismo y desastres naturales. ¿Cómo prevenir y abordar los enormes daños al patrimonio cultural mundial? Una visión desde la UNESCO. Revista PH (93). pp. 144-151. ISSN 23-40-7565 [Article]

McBryde, Isabel (1994) 'To know the place for the first time': consideration of diverse values for an Australian World Heritage site. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 34-44. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2013) Concepto de valor para el patrimonio cultural y diferentes métodos de restauración a nivel internacional = The concept of value for cultural patrimony and different methods of restoration at an international level. HORIZONTES . pp. 3-9. ISSN 2007-2759 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2014) Inheritance and identity of Cultural Heritage. Advances in Literary Study, 2 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2327-4050 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia (2012) Introducción al concepto de valor para el patrimonio cultural. Arquitectura y Urbanismo, XXXIII (3). pp. 103-107. ISSN 1815-5898 [Article]

Niglio, Olimpia, KURODA, T., AOKI, S., CHIKAZUMI , A., CHIKAZUMI, S., MIYAMOTO, K., IMPERADORI, M., VISENTIN, C., FLORE, A. and CORTE, V. (2011) Architectural restoration: a comparison between Japan and Italy. ESEMPI DI ARCHITETTURA, 5 . pp. 7-18. [Article]

Piazzoni, Maria Francesca (2018) In Support of Stylistic Reconstructions: Some Thoughts on Authenticity and Justice. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-14. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Stovel, Herb (1994) Conservation techniques: buildings. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 20-22. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Stovel, Herb (1994) Notes on authenticity. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 63-68. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Sulfaro, Nino (2018) Reconstruction And Conservation In The Post-Truth Era. Historical Lies, Authenticity, Material Evidence. ICOMOS University Forum . pp. 1-11. ISSN 2616-6968 [Article]

Warren, John (1994) Ethics and aesthetics in conservation. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 15-19. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Wijesuriya, Gamini (2017) Towards the de-secularisation of heritage. Built Heritage (2). pp. 1-15. [Article]

[s.n.], [s.n.] (1994) Guidelines for the recording of monuments, groups of buildings and site: draft. ICOMOS Scientific Journal, 3 . pp. 26-27. ISSN (ISBN) 955-613-054-3 [Article]

Conference or Workshop Item

Alatalu, Riin, Mathisen, Bente, Shangha Rai, Gurmeet, Shaffrey, Gráinne and Paulus, Ave (2019) Knowledge Café 1.2: Rights-Based Approaches in Rural Heritage - Principles and Practice. In: ICOMOS 2019 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium - Rural Heritage - Landscapes and Beyond, 17 October 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Anguelova, Rachelle (1979) Résolution de la réunion du Comité International de l'Architecture vernaculaire - Plovdiv, 17-20 octobre 1979. In: ICOMOS International comittee on vernacular architecture - 2nd session, october 17-20, 1979, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Black, Mairi (2005) The protection of the settings of archaeological sites in Scotland. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Carneiro, Ana Rita Sá, Figueirôa Silva, Aline de and Mafra, Fátima (2008) Conserving the spirit of Burle Marx gardens in Recife, Brazil. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Chaudhuri, Jana (2018) World Heritage from the Perspective of Conflict. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Deacon, Harriet, Dondolo, L., Mrubata, M. and Prosalendis, S. (2003) Legal and financial instruments for safeguarding our intangible heritage. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Elwazani, Salim and Sohoni, Ashutosh (2018) Democracy, Knowledge, and Heritage Interface: The U.S. Heritage Programs. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Fill, Barbara (2005) Is there such a thing as a historic setting in the 21st Century metropolis? St John's heritage area, a case study. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Genovese, Rosa Anna (2008) Protecting the spirit of place in order to construct a policy for life. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Ientile, Rosalba, Bellanca, Calogero and Naretto, Monica (2008) Authenticité et sauvegarde de l'architecture vernaculaire quelle "esprit du lieu". In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Jerome, Pamela (2010) Recommendations from the ICOMOS Scientific Council Symposium: Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: Technological Change and Cultural Heritage. In: ICOMOS Scientific Council Symposium: Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: Technological Change and Cultural Heritage, 8 October 2009, La Valletta, Malta. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Markeviciene, Jurate (2008) Genius loci and Homo Faber: A heritage-making dilemma. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Miller, Murray G. (2005) What do you think "inappropriate development" of heritage means? A New Zealand response to threats to heritage character and city identity. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Niglio, Olimpia (2012) Cerca al concepto de valor en la protección sismica de la arquitectura histórica. In: Sismos 2012. Por una gestion estratégica de riesgos de desastres, 8 -11 de mayo de 2012, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Niglio, Olimpia (2011) La Estación ferrocarril de Picaleña en Ibagué (Colombia). Memoria histórica como oportunidad de desarollo social y cultural. In: VII Encuentro Internacional Ciudad Imagen y Memoria, 16-19 May 2011, Santiago de Cuba. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Niglio, Olimpia (2021) Reuse and regenerations of the cultural religious heritage in world: comparison among cultures. Intercultural meeting 2021, PRERICO, June 2021. In: Reuse and regenerations of the cultural religious heritage in world: comparison among cultures, 10 June 2021, ICOMOS webinar. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Onesti, Anna, Biancamano, Paolo Franco and Bosone, Martina (2018) From tangible to intangible and return: hybrid tools for operationalizing historic urban landscape approach. In: ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium "Heritage and Democracy", 13-14th December 2017, New Delhi, India. [Conference or Workshop Item]

O’Donnell, Patricia M. (2005) The evolving concept of universal values in cultural landscapes: From the Athens and Venice Charters to the 2004 combined World Heritage Criteria. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Petrulis, Vaidas (2008) Facing the modern movement: Post-Soviet laboratory of memory. Case of Lithuania. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Suárez-Inclán Ducassi, María Rosa (2005) A new category of heritage for understanding, cooperation and sustainable development. Their significance within the macrostructure of cultural heritage. The role of the CIIC of ICOMOS: Principles and methodology. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Tomaszewski, Andrzej (2005) Intellectual context of monuments and sites in their setting. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Walker, Meredith (2005) Understanding, protecting and celebrating the settings of monuments and sites. In: 15th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Monuments and sites in their setting - conserving cultural heritage in changing townscapes and landscapes’, 17 – 21 oct 2005, Xi'an, China. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Yuan, Wang (2008) The conservation of intangible cultural heritage in historic areas. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]

Book Section

(2023) ميثاق البندقية (1964) - الميثاق الدولي للحفاظ على المعالم والمواقع وترميمها [The Venice charter: the international charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 8-9. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق فلورنسا (1981) - ميثاق إيكوموس والاتحاد الدولي لمكتبات الحدائق التاريخية بشأن الحدائق التاريخي [The Florence charter: the ICOMOS-IFLA charter on historic gardens. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق واشنطن (1987) - ميثاق إيكوموس للحفاظ على المدن والمناطق العمرانيّة التاريخيّة [The Washington charter: the ICOMOS charter for the conservation of historic towns and urban areas. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 26-27. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس لحماية وإدارة التراث الأثريّ (1990) [The ICOMOS charter for the protection and management of archaeological heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 28-31. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The ICOMOS guidelines for education and training in the conservation of monuments, ensembles and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 32-35. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The ICOMOS principles for the recording of monuments, groups of buildings, and sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 42-45. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشادية للتعليم والتدريب في الحفاظ على المعالم والمجموعات والمواقع (1993) [The Nara document on authenticity. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 36-37. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول حماية وإدارة التراث الثقافيّ المغمور بالمياه (1996) [The ICOMOS charter for the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 38-41. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس للتراث المبنيّ العامّيّ (1999) [The ICOMOS charter on the built vernacular heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 56-57. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس لحفظ المُنشَآت الخشبية التاريخيّة (1999) [The ICOMOS principles for the preservation of historic timber structures. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 58-59. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس الدوليّ للسياحة الثقافيّة (1999): إدارة السياحة في الأماكن التي تحمل دلالة تراثية [The ICOMOS international cultural tourism charter: managing tourism at places of heritage significance. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس لمبادئ التحليل والحفاظ والترميم الإنشائيّ للتراث المعماريّ (2003) [The ICOMOS principles for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 64-65. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس للحفظ والحفاظ – ترميم اللوحات الجدارية (2003) [The ICOMOS principles for the preservation and conservation-restoration of wall paintings. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 60-63. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول المسارات الثّقافيّة (2008) [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 70-75. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس حول تفسير مواقع التّراث الثّقافيّ وعرضها (2008) [The ICOMOS charter on the interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 76-79. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان كِيبيك حول حفظ روح المكان (2008) [The Québec declaration on the preservation of the spirit of place. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 80-81. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان باريـس حول التّراث كمحفِّزٍ للتّنمية (2011) [The Paris declaration on heritage as a driver of development. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 92-95. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ فاليتَّا لصون المدن والحواضر والمناطق الحضريّة التّاريخيّة وإدارتها (2011) [The Valletta principles: the ICOMOS principles for the safeguarding and management of historic cities, towns and urban areas. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 82-87. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ دَبْلين (2011) - المبادئ المشتركة لإيكوموس واللجنة الدولية للحفاظ على التّراث الصّناعي (تي.آي.سي.سي.آي.إتش) حول الحفاظ على مواقع ومُنشَآت ومناطق ومشاهد التراث الصناعي [The Dublin principles: joint ICOMOS-TICCIH principles for the conservation of industrial heritage sites, structures, areas and landscapes. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 88-91. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق بورا (2013) - ميثاق إيكوموس-أستراليا للأماكن ذات الدلالة الثقافية [The Burra charter: the Australia ICOMOS charter for places of cultural significance. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 10-21. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) إعلان فلورنسا حول التّراث والمشهد كقيمٍ إنسانيّة (2014) [The Florence declaration on heritage and landscape as human values. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 96-101. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) وثيقة إيكوموس - إيفلا حول الحدائق العامّة الحَضرَيَّة التاريخيَّة (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA document on historic urban public parks. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 108-111. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس – إيفلا بشأن المشاهد الرّيفيّة بصفتها تراثاً (2017) [The ICOMOS-IFLA principles concerning rural landscapes as heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 102-107. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) توجيهات صلالة (2017) - توجيهات إيكوموس الإرشاديّة لإدارة المواقع الأثريّة العامّة [The Salalah guidelines: ICOMOS guidelines for the management of public archaeological sites. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 112-117. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) مبادئ إيكوموس للحفاظ على التراث الخشبيّ المبنيّ (2017) [The ICOMOS principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 118-121. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(2023) ميثاق إيكوموس الدوليّ للسياحة الثقافيّة (2022): تعزيز حماية التراث الثقافي والمرونة المجتمعية من خلال إدارة السياحة المسؤولة والمستدامة [The ICOMOS international cultural heritage tourism charter: reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 50-55. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

(1990) Brazil: Recommendations to the 9th General Assembly of ICOMOS about the Charter of Venice = La Charte de Venise = A Carta de Veneza. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 91-97. [Book Section]

(1990) Bulgarie: 25 ans de Charte de Venise. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 99-108. [Book Section]

(1990) Comité International de Photogrammétrie Architecturale. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 481-495. [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Amsterdamit: miratuar në Kongresin për Trashëgiminë Arkitekturore Evropiane në Amsterdam, 21 - 25 tetor 1975. In: Kora, Sonila, Plyku Demaj, Marcela and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 34-40. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e ICOMOS-it në shënimin e 50-vjetorit të Deklaratës universale të të drejtave të njeriut: Stokholm, 11 shtator 1998. In: Kora, Sonila and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 188-191. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Limës mbi menaxhimin e trashëgimisë kulturore në lidhje me riskun nga fatkeqësitë: simpoziumi ndërkombëtar, 3 dhjetor 2010. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 179-183. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Parisit mbi trashëgiminë si motor zhvillimi: miratuar në Paris, selia e UNESCO-s, e enjte më 1 dhjetor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Tlaxcala-s për rijetëzimin e vendbanimeve të vogla: simpoziumi i 3-të ndër-amerikan mbi konservimin e trashëgimisë ndërtimore (1982), shkruar me 11 janar 2012. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 145-148. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Deklarata e Xi’an-it (Sianit) mbi konservimin e mjedisit rrethues të strukturave, siteve dhe zonave të trashëgimisë: miratuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 15-të e ICOMOS-it në Xi’an (Sian), Kinë, më 21 tetor 2005. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 83-86. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Dokumenti i Narës mbi autenticitetin: dokumenti u hartua nga 35 pjesëmarrësit në Konferencën e Narës mbi Autenticitetin në lidhje me Konventën e Trashëgimisë Botërore, mbajtur në Nara, Japoni, nga 1-6 nëntor 1993. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 87-89. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(1990) France: ICOMOS, un quart de siècle d'existence. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 155-210. [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e Burrës: Karta e Australia ICOMOS Inc. për vendet me rëndësi kulturore. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 41-56. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it mbi shtigjet (itineraret) kulturore: përgatitur nga Komiteti Shkencor Ndërkombëtar i Shtigjeve Kulturore (“CIIC”) pranë ICOMOS-it, ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 16-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, Québec (Kanada), më 4 tetor 2008. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 117-125. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it parimet e analizës, konservimit dhe restaurimit të strukturave të trashëgimisë arkitekturore: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 14-të e ICOMOS-it, mbajtur pranë Ujëvarave të Viktorias, Zimbabve, në vitin 2003. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 67-70. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e ICOMOS-it për interpretimin dhe prezantimin e siteve të trashëgimisë kulturore: përgatitur nën kujdesin e Komitetit Shkencor Ndërkombëtar të ICOMOS-it mbi Interpretimin dhe Prezantimin e Siteve të Trashëgimisë Kulturore. Ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 16-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, Québec (Kanada), më 4 tetor 2008. In: Bejko, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 126-131. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e trashëgimisë së ndërtimeve popullore konservimi dhe restaurimi: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 12-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it, në Meksikë, tetor 1999. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 64-66. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e turizmit kulturor ndërkombëtar - Menaxhimi i turizmit në vendndodhjet e rëndësishme të trashëgimisë: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në Asamblenë e 12-të në Meksikë, tetor 1999. In: Agolli, Esmeralda and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 105-110. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta e turizmit kulturor: seminari ndërkombëtar mbi turizmin bashkëkohor dhe humanizmin, Belgjikë, 8 dhe 9 nëntor 1976. In: Agolli, Esmeralda and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 102-104. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta ndërkombëtare e konservimit dhe restaurimit të monumenteve dhe siteve: miratuar në Kongresin e II-të Ndërkombëtar të arkitektëve dhe teknikëve të monumenteve historike, mbledhur në Venecie prej 25-31 maj 1964. In: Riza, Emin and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 80-82. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e trashëgimisë arkeologjike: përgatitur nga Komiteti Ndërkombëtar për Menaxhimin e Trashëgimisë Arkeologjike (ICAHM) dhe miratuar nga Asambleja e 9-të e Përgjithshme në Lozanë, në vitin 1990. In: Bekjo, Lorenc and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 160-164. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e trashëgimisë kulturore nënujore: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 11-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Sofje, Bullgari, tetor 1996. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 165-169. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Karta për ruajtjen e qyteteve historike dhe zonave historiko-urbane - Karte e Washingtonit: miratuar nga Ansambleja e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Uashington, DC, tetor 1987. In: Plyku Demaj, Marcela and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 61-63. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Kopshtet historike - Karte e Firences: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në dhjetor të vitit 1982. In: Çaushi, Edlira and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 57-60. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e ICOMOS-it për ruajtjen, konservimin dhe restaurimin e pikturave murale: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e 14-të e ICOMOS-it në Victoria Falls, Zimbabve, në vitin 2003. In: Çaushi, Edlira and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 71-75. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e Valettës për mbrojtjen dhe menaxhimin e qyteteve historike dhe zonave historiko-urbane: miratuar nga Asambleja e 17-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it më 28 nëntor 2011. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 170-178. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e përbashkëta ICOMOS-TICCIH për konservimin e siteve, strukturave, zonave dhe peizazheve të trashëgimisë industriale - Parimet e Dublinit: miratuar nga Asambleja e 17-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it më 28 nëntor 2011. In: Pojani, Iris and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 76-79. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet e regjistrimit të monumenteve, ansambleve të ndërtesave dhe siteve: ratifikuar nga Asambleja e 11-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it në Sofje, tetor 1996. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 132-139. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(2023) Parimet për konservimin e trashëgimisë së ndërtuar me lëndë drusore: miratuar nga ICOMOS-i në Asamblenë e 19-të të përgjithshme në Nju Delhi, Indi, më 15 dhjetor 2017. In: Gjata, Klodjana and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 111-116. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

(1990) Poland: A report of the Colloquium of the Polish National Committee ICOMOS held on 18th April, 1989, on the occasion of the International Day of the protection of relics in Warsaw = Compte-rendu du colloque organisé par le Comité national polonais de l'ICOMOS à l'occasion de la journée internationale des monuments historiques, le 18 avril 1989, Varsovie. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 291-300. [Book Section]

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(2023) Rezolutë e simpoziumit mbi përfshirjen e arkitekturës bashkëkohore brenda zonave të asambleve të ndërtesave historike: Asambleja e 3-të e Përgjithshme e ICOMOS-it (1972), shkruar më 11 janar 2012. In: Mitrojorgji, Joli and Abazi, Boiken, (eds.) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, pp. 140-141. ISBN 9789928801081 [Book Section]

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(2023) إعلان شِي-آن حول الحفاظ على محيط المُنشآت والمواقع والمناطق التراثيّة [The Xi'an declaration on the conservation of the setting of heritage structures, sites and areas. Arabic translation]. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) لمَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 66-69. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6 [Book Section]

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Deiters, Ludwig (1990) Ammerkungen zu den Themen des Symposiums. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 555-559. [Book Section]

Denslagen, W.F. (1990) Pays Bas: La Charte de Venise et la sauvegarde du patrimoine monumental aux Pays-Bas de 1964 à 1990. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 267-281. [Book Section]

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Falser, Michael (2010) From Venice 1964 to Nara 1994 - changing concepts of authenticity? In: Conservation and Preservation. Polistampa, Florence, pp. 115-132. ISBN 978-88-596-0746-5 [Book Section]

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Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda (2008) Aesthetics, ethics, and rock art conservation: How far can we go? The case of recent conservation tests carried out in un-engraved outcrops in the Côa Valley, Portugal. In: Aesthetics and Rock Art III Symposium. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbonne, 4-9 Septembre 2006) Vol. 10, Session C73. BAR International Series (1818). Archaeopress, Oxford, pp. 85-92. ISBN 9781407303048 [Book Section]

Fernandes, António Pedro Batarda (2009) Limites de intervenção na conservação de superfícies de arte rupestre. O caso especifico dos afloramientos gravados do Vale do Côa. In: Arte Prehistórico al aire libre en el Sur de Europa. Junta de Castilla y Léon, Salamanca. España, pp. 437-489. ISBN 978-84-9718-592-9 [Book Section]

Genovese, Rosa Anna (1990) Italie. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 243-265. [Book Section]

Genovese, Rosa Anna (1990) L'intégration des exigences psychologiques et la Charte de Venise. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 567-571. [Book Section]

Glemza, Jonas (1990) USSR / URSS. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 439-447. [Book Section]

González-Valcárcel, José Manuel (1981) Criterios actuales en la defensa de la ciudad histórica. In: Nessun futuro senza passato. 6th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Atti. ICOMOS, Roma, pp. 229-244. [Book Section]

Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro (1990) Spain / España: Carta de Venecia. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 303-332. [Book Section]

Hinsch, Luce (1990) Norvège: bilan et avenir. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 283-288. [Book Section]

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Larsen, Knut Einar (1990) A comment concerning the International Course on Wood Conservation Technology in relation to the Venice Charter. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 589-591. [Book Section]

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Petzet, Michael (2002) Anastylosis or reconstruction - The conservation concept for the remains of the Buddhas of Bamiyan. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 189-192. [Book Section]

Pickard, Robert (2014) Funding, Skills, Integrated Conservation and Enforcement for Heritage Protection in a Period of Economic Recession. In: International Legal Standards for Heritage Protection in a Period of Economic Recession and Tools for Safeguarding Protection Standards. Monographic publications of ICOMOS Slovenia (1). ICOMOS/SI, Ljubljana, pp. 7-21. ISBN 978-961-281-627-8 [Book Section]

Pieper, Richard (1987) The Preservation of Stone Today: Technology Awaits Philosophy. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 453-458. [Book Section]

Román, András (1990) Hongrie: Restauration des monuments historiques en Hongrie dans l'esprit de la Charte de Venise. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 223-235. [Book Section]

Schmid, Alfred A., Wyss, Alfred and Zumthor, Bernard (1990) Switzerland. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 343-378. [Book Section]

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Szmygin, Bogusław (2002) A variety of conservation principles and methods - The basis of contemporary heritage preservation. In: Estrategias relativas al patrimonio cultural mundial. La salvaguarda en un mundo globalizado. Principios, practicas y perspectivas. 13th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Actas. Comité Nacional Español del ICOMOS, Madrid, pp. 196-198. [Book Section]

Viñuales, Graciela Maria (1981) Documentación y evidencias en obra. In: Nessun futuro senza passato. 6th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Atti. ICOMOS, Roma, pp. 151-163. [Book Section]

Wyss, Alfred (1990) General synthesis = Synthèse générale = Generelle Zusammenfassung. In: ICOMOS, a quarter of a century, achievements and future prospects. 9th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Symposium papers. The Swiss National Committee of ICOMOS, Bern, pp. 1-23. [Book Section]


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(2017) 1900-luvun kulttuuriperinnön suojelun periaatteita: Madrid – New Delhi asiakirja 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Finnish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Finnish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) 1900-luvun rakennusperinnön suojelun periatteita : Madridin asiakirja 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Finnish version]. Other. ICOMOS 9p. Madrid Document, Finnish. [Book]

(2015) 中国文物古迹保护准则(2015 年修订)= Principles for the conservation of heritage sites in China (revised 2015). Other. ICOMOS China, Beijing, China, 115p. ISBN 978-7-5010-4400-9. [Book]

(2017) ՔՍԱՆԵՐՈՐԴ ԴԱՐԻ ՃԱՐՏԱՐԱՊԵՏԱԿԱՆ ԺԱՌԱՆԳՈՒԹՅԱՆ ՊԱՀՊԱՆՄԱՆ ՄՈՏԵՑՈՒՄՆԵՐԸ : ՄԱԴՐԻԴ - ՆՈՐ ԴԵԼԻ ՓԱՍՏԱԹՈՒՂԹ 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Armenian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Armenian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) رویکردهایی برای حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی قرن بیستم سند مادرید-دهلی نو 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Farsi version]. Other. ICOMOS 11p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Farsi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) बीसवीं शताब्दीकी सांस्कृतिक विरासतों के संरक्षण संबंधी दृष्टिकोण मैड्रिड- नई दिल्ली दस्तावेज 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Hindi version]. Other. ICOMOS 17p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Hindi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Пристапите на зачувување на светското наследство од дваесеттиот век: Мадрид – Њу Делхи 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Macedonian version]. Other. ICOMOS 17p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Macedonian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Подходы к сохранению культурного наследия хх века : Документ «Мадрид – Нью-Дели» 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Russian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Russian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) マドリッド文書(ドキュメント)2011: 20世紀建築遺産の保存のための取組み手法(アプローチ) 2011年6月 マドリッドにて [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Japanese version]. Other. ICOMOS 12p. Madrid Document, Japanese. [Book]

(2017) 20世纪文化遗产保护方法马德里-新德里文件2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Mandarin version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Chinese. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Abordagens para a conservação do patrimônio cultural do século XX: Documento de Madrid – Nova Deli 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Portuguese version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Portuguese. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Ansätze für die Erhaltung des Kulturerbes des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. German version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, German. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011 = Approche de la sauvegarde du patrimoine bâti du XXe siècle: Document de Madrid 2011 = Criterios de conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico del siglo XX: Documento de Madrid. Other. ICOMOS 92p. Madrid Document, Multilingual. [Book]

(2011) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011 [English version]. Other. ICOMOS 7p. Madrid Document, English. [Book]

(2011) [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Hindi version]. Other. ICOMOS 5p. Madrid Document, Hindi. [Book]

(2014) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2014. Other. ICOMOS 53p. Madrid Document, Multilingual. ISBN 978-2-918086-13-0. [Book]

(2017) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid - New Delhi Document 2017. Other. ICOMOS 314p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Multilingual. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) مقاربات لحفظ التراث الثقافي للقرن العشرين وثيقة مدريد-نيو دلهي٢٠١٧ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Arabic version]. Other. ICOMOS 11p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Arabic. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) বিংশ- শতাব্দীর সাংস্কৃতি ক ঐতি হ্যসংরক্ষণ ধারা সমূহ মাদ্ রিদ-নিউ দি ল্লী দলিল ২০১৭ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Bangla version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Bangla. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) विसाव्या शतकातील सांस्कृति क वारशाच्या संवर्धनासाठी कार्यपद्धती माद्रीद- नवी दिल्ली दस्ता वेज २०१७ [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Marathi version]. Other. ICOMOS 15p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Marathi. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. [English version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, English. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approcci per la conservazione del patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo: Documento di Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Italian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Italian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Approches pour la conservation du patrimoine culturel du XXème siècle : Documents de Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. French version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, French. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2013) Convenciones Unesco. Una visión articulada desde Iberoamérica. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México, 300p. ISBN 978-607-484-460-3. [Book]

(2011) Criteri di conservazione del patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo: Documento di Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Italian version]. Other. ICOMOS 7p. Madrid Document, Italian. [Book]

(2017) Criterios para la conservación del patrimonio cultural del siglo XX: Documento de Madrid – Nueva Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Spanish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Spanish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2011) Criteris de conservació del patrimoni arquitectònic del segle XX : Document de Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Catalan version]. Other. ICOMOS 5p. Madrid Document, Catalan. [Book]

(2003) Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS = Doctrine 1: ICOMOS international charters. Manual. ICOMOS Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 77p. [Book]

(2014) Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in documenti ICOMOS = Doctrine 2: ICOMOS international charters and documents. Manual. ICOMOS Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 100p. ISBN 978-961-281-462-5. [Book]

(2019) European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage. Working Paper. Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 34p. ISBN 978-92-76-03453-7. [Book]

(2020) Europäische Qualitätsgrundsätze für EU-finanzierte Maßnahmen und ihre potenziellen Auswirkungen auf das Kulturerbe [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - First edition. German version]. Manual. ICOMOS International 81p. European Quality Principles, German. [Book]

(2010) ICOMOS New Zealand charter for the conservation of places of cultural heritage value - revised 2010. Other. ICOMOS New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 11p. ISBN 978-0-473-17116-2. [Book]

(2022) ICOMOS-ის საერთაშორისო ქარტიები და დოქტრინები - ICOMOS International Charters and Doctrinal Texts - Georgian Translation. Manual. ICOMOS Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, 147p. [Book]

(2018) Interpretation of sites of memory. Technical Report. UNESCO, Paris, 48p. [Book]

(2010) Les Normes et lignes directrices pour la conservation des lieux patrimoniaux au Canada. Manual. Lieux Patrimoniaux du Canada 288p. ISBN 978-1-100-94762-4. [Book]

(2017) Mbinu za uhifadhi wa urithi wa kiutamaduni wa karne ya ishirini: Hati ya Madrid – New Delhi 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Swahili version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Swahili. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2017) Pristopi k ohranjanju kulturne dediščine 20. stoletja: Madridsko-Newdelhijski Dokument 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Slovenian version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Slovenian. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2022) Religious heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and changing climates. ICOMOS scientific symposium 2022 book of abstracts. 29-30 October 2022, Fine Arts department, Bangkok, Thailand. Conference Volume. ICOMOS 135p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2022 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. [Book]

(1981) Restaurer les restaurations. Conference Volume. Section Française de l'ICOMOS, Paris, 137p. Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France, 01. [Book]

(2010) The Standards & Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. Manual. Canada's historic places 288p. ISBN 978-1-100-94762-4. [Book]

(2010) Te tūtohinga ICOMOS o Aotearoa mō te atawhai i ngā tino wāhi ahurea tuku iho - whakahou 2010 [ICOMOS New Zealand charter for the conservation of places of cultural heritage value - revised 2010. Maori version]. Other. ICOMOS New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 12p. ISBN 978-0-473-17116-2 [PDF] & 978-0-473-17111-7 [print]. [Book]

(2017) Tilgange til bevaringen af det tyvende århundredes kulturarv: Madrid – New Delhi dokumentet 2017 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century cultural heritage: Madrid – New Delhi Document 2017. Danish version]. Other. ICOMOS 16p. Madrid-New Delhi Document, Danish. ISBN 978-2-918086-63-5. [Book]

(2023) Trashëgimia kulturore në fokus: botimi i teksteve burimore mbi praktikat e ruajtjes dhe menaxhimit të trashëgimisë kulturore në gjuhën shqipe. Other. Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania & ICOMOS Albania, Tirana, Albania, 193p. ISBN 9789928801081. [Book]

(2011) Wege zur Bewahrung des architektonischen Erbes des 20. Jahrhunderts: Dokument von Madrid 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. German version]. Other. ICOMOS 8p. Madrid Document, German. [Book]

(2014) World Heritage and rights-based approaches - Report from workshop in Oslo 1-3 April 2014. Building capacity to support rights-based approaches in the World Heritage Convention: Learning from practice. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Norway, Oslo, 12p. [Book]

(2011) XX. mendeko arkitektura-ondarea iraunarazteko irizpideak: Madrideko dokumentua 2011 [Approaches for the conservation of twentieth-century architectural heritage: Madrid Document 2011. Basque version]. Other. ICOMOS 6p. Madrid Document, Basque. [Book]

(2023) المَواثيقُ الدوليّةُ لِحفْظِ وتَرميمِ المَعَالِمِ والمَوَاقِع التَاريخِيَّة [The international charters for the conservation and restoration of monuments and historical sites]. Documentation. ICCROM, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 130p. ISBN 978-92-9077-301-6. [Book]

Aberasturi, Ainara, Abreu Hernández, Ithaisa, Aceituno Luengo, Fernando, Acosta Hernández, Fátima Felisa, Alba, Ester, Angás, Jorge, Aranguren Urroz, Gaizka, Arnay de la Rosa, Matilde, Atienza Fuente, Javier, Bassa Garrido, Victoria, Bea Martínez, Manuel, Bruno, Greta, Bueno, Esther, Calero Castillo, Ana Isabel, Callejo, María Jesús, Carballo Pérez, Jared, Carmona Casado, Ana María, Cejador Ambroja, María Ángeles, Cejudo Loro, David, de la Llave Muñoz, Sergio, del Espino Hidalgo, Blanca, Delgado Domínguez, Aquilino, Díez Herrero, Andrés, Díez Marcelo, Ruy, Diosdado Calvo, Beatriz, Domingo, Rafael, Fernández, Sonia, Fernández Izquierdo, Francisco, Fernández Piñar, Carlos, Fierro, Ignacio, Foronda Roblesa, Concepción, Gaitán, Mar, García Ávila, Juan Carlos, García Bueno, Ana, García Criado, J. J., García García, Luis Alejandro, García Gómez, Sergio, García López de Andujar, Vanesa, Garrote Recarey, María, Gil García, Juan Eloy, Gómez Martínez, Vidal, Gómez Vozmediano, Miguel F., González Moratiel, Sara, González Quiel, Jonathan, González Reimers, Emilio, González Rumbo, María, González-Campos Baeza, Yolanda, Hervás Herrera, Miguel Ángel, Ivanova Angelova, Tonka, Lacave Hernández, Alberto, Laorga Fernández, Nuria, Laumain, Xavier, Lázaro Feo, Ana Laia, León, Arabella, López Arquillo, Juan Diego, López Sabater, Angela, López-Martínez, Teresa, Lucendo Díaz, Diego, Luque Rodrigo, Laura, Luri Equiza, Itziar, Macarro Alcalde, Carlos, Magaz Molina, Jorge, Manuel Melero Serrano, Domingo, Marrero Salas, Efraín, Martí i Pérez, Daniel, Martín, Amparo, Martín Afonso, Carmen Gloria, Mauri, Alfred, Medina Pérez, Ana María, Medina-Flórez, Víctor J., Mejías Moreno, Miguel, Melero Serrano, Manuel, Menéndez Menéndez, Andrea, Mira Rico, Juan Antonio, Moral Ruiz, Carmen, Morales Casañas, Diria, Moreno Díaz del Campo, Francisco J., Mosquera Adell, Eduardo, Mosquera Pérez, Clara, Navarro, José, Navarro de Pablos, Javier, Navas Carrillo, Daniel, Niño Mendizábal, Eva, Orellana López de la Franca, Julio, Orera, Víctor M., Oropesa Hernández, Tomás, Ortega Pérez, José Ramón, Ostos Prieto, Javier, Ot, Isidro, Pastor, Paloma, Pérez Cano, María Teresa, Pérez González, Elena María, Pérez Jiménez, Mauricio, Pérez López, Juan Manuel, Quilodrán Rubio, Carolina, Quintanilla Crespo, Verónica, Real López, Inmaculada, Reigosa Lombao, Clara, Rodríguez Lora, Juan Andrés, Rodríguez Suárez, Esther, Rojas Pavón, María, Romero, Gregorio, Ros, Andrés, Rueda Godino, Sebastián M., Rufián Fernández, Francisco José, Ruiz Bazán, Irene, Ruiz González, Hacomar, San Román Vázquez, Elia, Sánchez Bonilla, María Isabel, Sánchez Cañadilla, Elías, Santana Guzmán, Antonio Jesús, Sebastián, Jorge, Serrano Aranda, Claudia, Socorregut, Josep, Suárez Benitez, Carmen, Torres Camacho, Jesús Nicolás, Torres González, Tomás, Torres Más, Miguel, Torres Ramo, Joaquín, Turco, Maria Grazia, Utrilla, Pilar, Velasco Quintana, Pablo H., Viña Rodríguez, Francisco Javier, Vita, Gianluca Emilio Ennio, Vitiello, Maria, Vivar García, Eva, Vives de Delàs, Roser and Zalbidea Muñoz, María Antonia (2020) Actas del I simposio anual de patrimonio natural y cultural ICOMOS España. 21, 22 y 23 noviembre de 2019. Conference Volume. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 565p. ISBN 978-84-9048-826-3. [Book]

Abeyratne, Mohan, Benyahia, Najib, Blair, Sandy, Bouché, Nancy, Connally, Ernest Allen, Croci, Giorgio, Krestev, Todor, Kulatunga, T. G., Lamei Mostafa, Saleh, Muthukumarana, Lalith, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Silva, Roland, Truscott, Marilyn C. and Young, David (1997) New life for old cities = La renaissance des villes anciennes. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 96p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 8. ISBN 955-613-054-8. [Book]

Adachi, Fujio, Afanasiev, A., Amendoeira, Ana Paula, Angelov, Chavdar, Anguelova, Rachelle, Apostolou-Philippa, Marigo, Asatekin, Gül, Auberson, Laurent, Bakaliarova, Pokrovskiy A. V., Barański, Marek, Barthélemy, Jean, Berthe, Mamadou, Bilfinger, Monica, Binan, Can, Borsi, Gian Franco, Boykova, Rossitsa, Brooks, Graham, Bumbaru, Dinu, Burke, Sheridan, Campos, João, Capitanachi, Clio, Casal, Stella Maris, Chitham, Robert, Christodoulopoulou, Rosalie, Christova, Mira, Colletta, Teresa, Conti, Alfredo, Craigo, Steade R., Custodis, Paul-Georg, Dabreteau, Jacques, Davison, Patricia, de Silva, Nimal, Dennis, Stephen Neal, Deraniyagala, Siran, Di Stefano, Roberto, Dinçer, İclal, Dix, Gerald, Djivdjanov, Blagoï, Djivdjanova, Boriana, Docter, Robert, Drocourt, Daniel, Dushkina, Natalia, Ebisawa, Takao, Egloff, Brian, Enlil, Zeynep, Fosseyeux, Jean, Fowler, D. J., Frot, Jean-Louis, Furkov, Yulii, Gantchev, Hristo, García, Emilio José, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Gianatsas, Vassilis, González, Antoni, Grobovšek, Jovo, Gucek, Mojca, Hamade, Hamido, Harboe, Gunny, Ho, Anh-Dung, Hudolin, Jernej, Inoue, Yoichi, Ivanov, Ivan, Jantzen, Michel, Jokilehto, Jukka, Juwayeyi, Yusuf, Kaila, Panu, Kairamo, Maija, Kalfas, A., Kamenova, Todorka, Kandoulkova, Yordanka, Katagata, Shin'ya, Kay, Gersil N., Kelly, Richard, Khayata, Wahid, Koinova, Svetla, Kostov, Dimitur, Krestev, Todor, Lamei Mostafa, Saleh, Larsen, Knut Einar, Lefterov, V., Levitcharov, Ivaylo, Libois, Brigitte, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Macinnes, Lesley, Madran, Emre, Maistrou, Eleni, Manawadu, Samitha, Manev, B., Marstein, Nils, Martínez, Diana, Mattinen, Maire, Mayr, Vincent, Mazakova, Ablena, Mitsuro, Morishita, Munjeri, Dawson, Murtagh, William J., Myklebust, Dag, Nedkov, Simeon, Nickerson, Steve, Nilan, Cooray, Nishiura, Tadateru, Okawa, Naomi, Olsson, Borje, Özgönül, Nimet, Pawłowski, Krzysztof, Petroncelli, Elvira, Petrov, Petur, Potapova, N. A., Precht von Taboritzki, Barbara, Ratnayake, Hema, Román, András, Sadi, Waziri M., Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Sevan, Olga, Shalom, Asi, Silva-Cuervo, Eulalia, Simmins, Geoffrey, Stapleton, Ian, Stokin, Marko, Stoyanova, Ivanna, Strickland, Tim J., Szmygin, Bogusław, Thouin, Stéphane, Truscott, Marilyn C., Van Dun, Peter, van Olst, Ellen L., Vandensande, Tine, Vincent, Jean-Marie, Vutkov, Petur, Wait, Gerald A., Warren, John, Wijesuriya, Gamini, Yamazaki, Yayoi, Yopung, Linda, Yordanov, Emil M., Young, Gregory and Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina (1996) 11th general assembly and international symposium: the heritage and social changes = 11e assemblée générale et symposium international: le patrimoine et les changements sociaux. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria, 647p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 1996, 11th. [Book]

Aguilar, Berenice, Avendaño Enciso, Ada, Benito Martín, Félix, Chaves, Erick, de Caraffe, Marc, Diamantopoulou, Marikitta, Habánová, Gabriela, Kovanen, Kirsti, Lewis, Miles, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Millán Cuetára, Irán, Okawa, Naomi, Prieto, Valeria, Puodžiukiene, Dale, Smith, Peter, Tanasescu, Ioana, van Olst, Ellen L., Vavatsioulas, Orestis, Villalon, Augusto and Vudstrup, Sören (2002) Vernacular architecture = Architecture vernaculaire = Arquitectura vernácula. Conference Volume. Lipp GmbH, München, 76p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 05. ISBN 3-87490-678-7. [Book]

Ahlberg, Nils, Avgerinou-Kolonias, Sofia, Bedoire, Frederic, Bilfinger, Monica, Bouchenaki, Mounir, Brandt, Sigrid, Burman, Peter, Caviezel, Nott, Cortembos, Thérèse, Cutolo, Davide, de Albuquerque Lapa, Tomás, De Marco, Luisa, Desseilles, François, Ehrström, Margaretha, Falser, Michael, Fejérdy, Tamás, Fröhlich, Martin, Fürniß, Maren, Glendinning, Miles, Gondran, François, Gras, Louise Noelle, Grunwald, Susanne, Hönes, Ernst-Rainer, Jäger-Klein, Caroline, Jeschke, Hans Peter, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kärki, Pekka, Kirschbaum, Juliane, Kiyonaga, Yohei, Kuipers, Marieke, Langini, Alex, Lehne, Andreas, Lipp, Wilfried, Lucena Tinoco, Jorge Eduardo, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Mattinen, Maire, Mintaurs, Mārtiņš, Neuwirth, Franz, Özgönül, Nimet, Petzet, Michael, Pieler, Erika, Roca, Javier Gallego, Rodwell, Dennis G., Salastie, Riitta, Scarrocchia, Sandro, Schädler-Saub, Ursula, Scheurmann, Ingrid, Schnell, Dieter, Singer, Rachel, Sneddon, Andrew, Soheil-Jokilehto, Mehr-Azar, Špikić, Marko, Steudtner, Katharina, Štulc, Josef, Sun, Yanan, Thérond, Daniel, Tomlan, Michael A., Turner, Michael, van Aerschot-van Haeverbeeck, Suzanne and Vollmar, Bernd (2015) Eine Zukunft für unsere Vergangenheit: zum 40. Jubiläum des Europäischen Denkmalschutzjahres (1975–2015) = A future for our past: the 40th anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year (1975–2015) = Un avenir pour notre passé: 40e anniversaire de l'Année européenne du patrimoine architectural (1975–2015). Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 674p. Monumenta (2012- ), 3. ISBN 978-3-945880-03-6. [Book]

Albert, Marie-Theres, Bernecker, Roland, Cave, Claire, Prodan, Anca Claudia, Ripp, Matthias, Avigliano, Esteban, Barrett-Casey, Kristen, Barrientos García, Juan Carlos, Bassa, Lia, Bello, Akeem O., Benavides Castillo, Antonio, Bhatta, Sushma, Boustead, Robin, Cameron, Christina, Capdepon de Bigu-Poirrier, Caroline, Choi, Boyoon, Daly, Cathy, De Maeyer, Philippe, Elcheikh, Zeina, Erkan, Yonca, Fogarty, Irene, Fouseki, Kalliopi, Franceschini, Nicole, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Grünberg, Claudia, Gustafsson, Christer, Hansell, Friederike, Hernández, Mario, Hisari, Lorika, Iakovoglou, Valasia, Ikeda, Mariko, Jones, Zachary M., Kloos, Michael, Koch-Weser, Maritta, Korinth, Elisabeth, Küver, Jan, Lozano, Claudia, Luger, Kurt, Maclaren, Fergus, Manchanda, Pankaj, Megarry, William, Meskell, Lynn, Negredo Fernández, Roger, Olaniyan, Azeez, Ringbeck, Birgitta, Rodwell, Dennis G., Rohde, Michael, Rupp, Isabelle, Schenone, Nahuel, Schipper, Friedrich, Schmedt, Eike Tobias, Schmitt, Thomas M., von Schorlemer, Sabine, Siegmund, Alexander, Tomasi, Giulia, Wallenwein, Fabienne, Webber, Ndoro, Willhalm, Tanja, Zaimes, George N., Zehbe, Klaus-Christian and Zwartjes, Luc (2022) 50 years World Heritage Convention: shared responsibility – conflict and reconciliation. Conference Volume. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 504p. ISBN 978-3-031-05659-8 (print) & 978-3-031-05660-4 (electronic). [Book]

Almuiña, Carlos, Barata Quintas, Daniel, Bogdanowski, Janusz, Bonet Correa, Antonio, Bumbaru, Dinu, Cesari, Carlos, Choay, Françoise, de Marchi, Giovanni, Duro Pifarre, Jaime, Dushkina, Natalya, Feilden, Bernard M., Fejérdy, Tamás, Fowler, Daryl, Fraga Iribarne, Manuel, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Houlet, Jacques, Kpodo-Tay, D. S., Lapidus, Luis, López Alsina, Fernando, Madeira, Angelica, Madeira, Fernando, Mattinen, Maire, Moralejo, Serafín, Morosi, Julio A., Ortiz Lajous, Jaime, Petroncelli, Elvira, Pulin, Fernando, Punin, A. L., Remuñán, Manuel, Román, András, Scannavini, Roberto, Scarelli, Marta, Seara, Iago, Sementsov, S. V., Silva, Roland, Vitalone, Cristina E., Vošahlík, Aleš, Wildeman, Diether and Wright, Russel (1993) Ciudades históricas: conservación de ciudades, pueblos y barrios historicos. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 366p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 2. [Book]

Amit-Cohen, Irit, Balassa, Iván M., Bridgland, Nick, O'Caoimh, Tomas, Chung, Seung-Jin, Fejérdy, Tamás, Deák, Zoltán, Feld, István, Fu, Chao-Ching, Győrfy, Ilona, Harrach, Erzsébet C., Hiller, István, Hollo, Nicolas, Jokilehto, Jukka, Jung, Fang-Chieh, Kacskovics, Fruzsina, Kakouros, Demetri, Kirizsán, Imola, Kövesi, László, Lampert, Rózsa, Lin, Hui-Wen, Lindblad, Henrik, Lipp, Wilfried, Lővei, Pál, Luijendijk, Gert Jan, Marini, Carlos Flores, Márkus, János, Mester, Éva, O'Muiré, Toal, Müller, Eduard, Negy, Gergely, Németh, Györgyi, Novák, István, Nuti, Giancarlo, Petzet, Michael, Piros, László, Reinikainen, Kalle, Roos, Job, Ruane, Pat, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Schubert, Horst, Sedlmayr, János, Šeme, Bláz, Soikkeli, Anu, Spathis, Panagiotis, Staub, Anne, Suikkari, Risto, Szabó, Bálint, Szikra, Éva J., Szilágyi, István, Szili, Katalin, Szmygin, Bogusław, Tar, Imola G., Tripp, Gertrude, Vajda, József, Varga, Zsuzsanna, Verpoest, Luc, Visy, Zsolt, Vladár, Ágnes H., Vuojala, Petri, Walker, Meredith, Wierdl, Zsuzsa, Winkler, Gábor and Young, Christopher (2005) The Venice Charter: 1964-2004-2044? The fortieth anniversary (Hungary, May 22-27, 2004) = La Charte de Venise: 1964-2004-2044? Le quarantième anniversaire (Hongrie, 22-27 mai, 2004). Conference Volume. Építésügyi Tájékoztatási Központ Kft., Budapest, Hungary, 221p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 11. ISBN 963-513-186-0. [Book]

Andlar, Goran, Arfaoui, Wided, Aslan, Ahmet Suvar, Azzi Visentini, Margherita, Barata, Filipe Themudo, Barzuna Pérez, Guillermo, Ben Said, Imen, Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz, Blay, Jean-Pierre, Bowman, Ian, Butula, Sonja, Campos Ocampo, Melvin, Chacón, José Luis, Coutinho de Albuquerque, Igor Jordão, de Albuquerque Lapa, Tomás, Dellagi, Dorra Ismaïl, Du, Fanding, Duan, Niudou, Durusoy, Elifnaz, Errickson, Eve, Falzone, Patrizia, Feng, Jian, Fu, Chao-Ching, Gondran, François, González Ibáñez, Ana Lucía, Hamed, Ben, Harman Aslan, Ebru, Haupt, Cecilia, Hlavach, Jeannette, Inoue, Noriko, Kamal, Doaa, Kharrat, Fakher, Kinkela, Olga, Kitamura, Ryo, Li, Xiuqing, Loughlin, Amanda K., Maharjan, Monalisa, Moysiadis, Athanasios, Niglio, Olimpia, Ntzani, Dimitra, Oda, Yumiko, Ribeiro, Daniela, Rojas, Ángela, Sánchez del Real, Cristina, Sheridan, Işılay Tiarnagh, Siandou, Emilia, Šmid Hribar, Mateja, Souissi, Hazar, Tu, Cheng-Yu, Urbanc, Mimi, Wang, Zhaohua, Yoshida, Hiroshi, Zepeda Martínez, María de Guadalupe, Zhang, Jingqiu, Zhang, Liang and Zheng, Yulin (2016) Heritage and landscape as human values: conference proceedings - general interest = Paysage et patrimoine en tant que valeurs humaines : actes de la conférence - intérêt général. Conference Volume. ICOMOS Italy, Rome, Italy, 290p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2014, 18th. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Arnal, Luis, Bandarin, Francesco, Conti, Alfredo, de Almeida, Luiz Fernando, Fernández-Baca, Román, Flores Marini, Carlos, Franco, María Teresa, Gil, Gabriela, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Magar, Valérie, Noelle, Louise, Pérez, Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Rojas, Ángela, Ruesga, Juan, Schávelzon, Daniel, Vallín, Rodolfo and Vidargas, Francisco (2014) Los nuevos paradigmas de la conservación del patrimonio cultural: 50 años de la Carta de Venecia. Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City, Mexico, 297p. ISBN 978-607-484-533-4. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Barbacci, Norma, Cabeza Monteira, Ángela, de Nordenflycht, José, Denyer, Susan, Equihua, Miguel, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Guerra Chirinos, Diana, Guo, Zhan, Isaza Londoño, Juan Luis, Jokilehto, Jukka, Kerr, Alastair, Laguna Ordóñez, Norma, Leblanc, François, López Morales, Francisco Javier, Luna Erreguena, Pilar, Magadán, Marcelo, Martínez, Luis Pablo, Pérez, María del Carmen, Petzet, Michael, Poblete, Cecilia, Putney, Allen, Robles García, Nelly, Rojas, Ángela, Rosabal, Pedro, Sampaio, Suzanna, Slick, Katherine and Stovel, Herb (2005) Nuevas miradas sobre la autenticidad e integridad en el Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas = New views on authenticity and integrity in the World Heritage of the Americas. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 192p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 13. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F., Barthel-Bouchier, Diane, Bogdanowska, Monika, Burke, Sheridan, Cuffe, Ciarán, de Caraffe, Marc, de Orellana, Juan, Hawke, Stephanie K., Hee, Kyoung Yeo, Ireland, Tracy, Jerome, Pamela, Martire, Augustina, McAleese, Mary, Miranda, Rossana, Negussie, Elene, Silberman, Neil, Sung, Mi Han and Taylor, Martin (2012) Changing world, changing views of heritage: heritage and social change. Proceedings of the ICOMOS scientific symposium, Dublin Castle, 30 October 2010. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 98p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 2010 Advisory Committee Scientific Symposium. ISBN 978-2-918086-04-8. [Book]

Arkoun, Mohammed, Bakarat, Sultan, Barthélemy, Jean, Bumbaru, Dinu, Derer, Peter, Domicelj, Joan, Fielden, B. M., Gamboa de Buen, Jorge, Jokilehto, Jukka, Krestev, Todor, Lemaire, Raymond, McBryde, Isabel, Silva, Roland, Stovel, Herb, Vučenović, Svetislav, Warren, John and Whalen, Timothy P. (1994) Articles of members = Articles des membres. Other. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 167p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 3. ISBN 955-613-054-3. [Book]

Augelli, Francesco, Berggren, Kersti, Calvillo González, Carmen Ivonne, Carrillo Gutiérrez, José Raúl, Çiftçi, Aynur, Ferretto, Peter W., Haupt, Cecilia, Landa, Mikel, Ling, Cai, Martínez, Alejandro, Ochandiano, Alazne, Ortiz Llerenas, Iris Marisol, Palacios Mendoza, Carlos, Rios Silva, Nora Evelia, Sandin, Ylva, Tampone, Gennaro, Uzun, Zeynep, Watanabe, Yasuhiro, Yi, Deng, Zamora Alvarado, Christian Trinidad and Zepeda Martínez, María de Guadalupe (2016) Symposium and discussion of the updating of the principles for the preservation of historic timber structures (1999). Conference Volume. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico, Mexico, 155p. ISBN 978-607-507-539-6. [Book]

Aymerich, Mario, Barsoni, Stefania, Brandt, Julia, Caviezel, Nott, Ernst, Dieter, Fuhrmann, Constanze, Göhner, Wolfgang Karl, Grady, Anne, Gundelach, Herlind, Halder-Hass, Nicola, Harzenetter, Markus, Haspel, Jörg, Johann, Christian, Kautz, Gabriele, Knutsen, Marianne, Kockel, Titus, Leuzzi, Evangelista, Mahringer, Paul, Müller, Marius, Munzinger, Timo, Mūrniece, Baiba, Nypan, Terje, Plate, Ulrike, Püchner, Petra, Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Sneška, Rauhut, Christoph, Rind, Michael M., Romanowski, Anja, Rourke, Grellan D., Schadenberg, Beatrix, Schellenberger, Gunnar, Schultheiß, Jan, Schütz, Katrin, Sciacchitano, Erminia, Selfslagh, Bénédicte, Simon, Stefan, Sloane, Barney, Taubert, Sven and Toubekis, Georgios (2021) Europas Kulturerbe und kulturelle Vielfalt fördern – Wer? Wie? Mit wem? Online-Konferenz im Rahmen der Präsidentschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Rat der Europäischen Union 2020/II, 13.–14. Juli 2020 = Promoting Europe’s Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity – Who? How? With Whom? Online Expert Hearing in the Framework of the EU Council Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2020/II, 13–14 July 2020. Conference Volume. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, 273p. ISBN 978-3-945880-98-2. [Book]

Barthélemy, Jean, Belmont, Yves, Beltrão, Maria, Budihardjo, Eko, Burns Ottavino, Kate, Cantacuzino, Sherban, Cunliffe, Scott, Hajnóczi, Julius Gyula, Sampaio, Suzanna Cruz, Jeschke, Hans Peter, Joway, Hubert-Fernand, Klein, Rudolf, Marasović, Tomislav, Meneses, Ulpiano T. Bezeira, Sampaio, Suzanna Cruz, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Szafrańska, Małgorzata and Usúa Cocke, Francisco (1995) Ethics, principles and methodology = Éthique, principes et méthodologie. Documentation. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 131p. ICOMOS Scientific Journal (1993-1999), 6. ISBN 955-613-054-3. [Book]

Berti, Maurizio (2017) Tecnologias para reabilitação e restauro: apontamentos para o curso da Faculdade de arquitectura e planeamento físico na Universidade Lúrio. Manual.,ção-e-, 310p. ISBN 978-1-326-95099-6. [Book]

Berti, Maurizio (2016) A heritage of coral stone. Other. Coop. Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padova, 311p. ISBN 978 88 6787 535 1. [Book]

Bilfinger, Monica, Descoeudres, Georges, Furrer, Bernhardt, Germann, Georg, Langini, Alex, Lehne, Andreas, Lipp, Wilfried, Machat, Christoph, Müller, Eduard, Neuwirth, Franz, Petzet, Michael, Pieler, Erika, Schädler-Saub, Ursula, Schlichtherle, Helmut, Schönauer, Sabine and Ziesemer, John (2012) Internationale Grundsätze und Richtlinien der Denkmalpflege = Principes et directives internationaux pour la conservation = International principles and guidelines for conservation. Documentation. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 250p. Monumenta (2012- ), 1. ISBN 978-3-8167-8647-4. [Book]

Bumbaru, Dinu, Cassar, May, Ebnöther, Reto, Falser, Michael S., Furrer, Bernhardt, Hassler, Uta, Jäger, Wolfram, King, Joseph, Koellisch, Wolfgang, Langenbach, Randolph, Meier, Hans-Rudolf, Mokhtari Taleqani, Eskandar, Napitupulu, Denny, Nejati, Mahmoud, Petzet, Michael, Polkowski, Dieter, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Štulc, Josef, Thurnherr, Stefan, Vatandust, Rasool, White, Jennifer, Wijeratne, Pali, Wijesuriya, Gamini and Will, Thomas (2008) Heritage at risk special edition 2007 - Cultural heritage and natural disasters: risk preparedness and the limits of prevention = Kulturerbe und Naturkatastrophen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Prävention. Technical Report. TUDPress, Dresden, Germany, 248p. Heritage at Risk (H@R), 2007 Special Edition - Natural Disasters. ISBN 978-3-940046-64-2. [Book]

Burwitz, Henning, Busen, Tobias, Haverkamp, Laura, Junge, Katrin, Kolhoff, Carolin, Mühl, Simone, Onyshchenko-Shvets, Lilya, Skudelny, Steffen, Strahl, Tobias, Toubekis, Georgios, Wedekind, Wanja and Wolter, Felix (2023) Baudenkmale in Konflikten und Katastrophen: Prävention / Intervention / Nachsorge. Conference Volume. Anton H. Konrad Verlag, Weißenhorn, Germany, 92p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 83. ISBN 987-3-87437-628-0. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) ევროპული ხარისხის პრინციპები ევროკავშირის მიერ დაფინანსებული და კულტურულ მემკვიდრეობაზე პოტენციური ზეგავლენის მქონე ჩარევებისთვის. რეკომენდაციები და შერჩევის კრიტერიუმები, ნოემბერი 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. Georgian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 24p. European Quality Principles, Georgian. ISBN 978-2-918086-55-0. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Европейские принципы качества для финансируемых ЕС мероприятий, имеющих потенциальное влияние на культурное наследие. Рекомендации и Критерии Отбора, ноябрь 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. Russian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 16p. European Quality Principles, Russian. ISBN 978-2-918086-58-1. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2022) Европейски принципи на качеството за финансирани от ЕС интервенции с потенциално въздействие върху културното наследство - Преработено издание ноември 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Bulgarian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 77p. European Quality Principles, Bulgarian. ISBN 978-2-918086-77-2. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2024) Ευρωπαϊκές αρχές ποιότητας για επεμβάσεις που χρηματοδοτούνται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση με πιθανές επιπτώσεις στην πολιτιστική κληρονομιά - Αναθεωρημένη έκδοση νοέμβριος 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition, November 2020. Greek translation]. Manual. ICOMOS International, Paris, 80p. European Quality Principles, Greek. ISBN 978-2-918086-92-5 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2022) Европски начела за квалитет за интервенции финансирани од ЕУ со потенцијално влијание врз културното наследство Ревидирано издание ноември 2020 година [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Macedonian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 40p. European Quality Principles, Macedonian. ISBN 978-2-918086-65-9. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2023) Eiropas kvalitātes principi, ko piemēro ES finansētiem pasākumiem, kuri var ietekmēt kultūras mantojumu [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Latvian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 73p. European Quality Principles, Latvian. ISBN 978-2-918086-76-5. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte Euroopa kvaliteedipõhimõtted EL-i rahastatud sekkumistele, millel on potentsiaalne mõju kultuuripärandile. Soovitused ja valikukriteeriumid, november 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. Estonian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 21p. European Quality Principles, Estonian. ISBN 978-2-918086-54-3. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. Manual. ICOMOS International, Paris, 13p. European Quality Principles, English. ISBN 978-2-918086-40-6 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 72p. European Quality Principles, English. ISBN 978-2-918086-34-5 (print) & 978-2-918086-36-9 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2024) Europese kwaliteitsbeginselen voor door de EU gefinancierde interventies in projecten met mogelijke gevolgen voor cultureel erfgoed: beknopte Nederlandse versie, aanbevelingen en selectiecriteria, maart 2024 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - short Dutch version with recommendations and selection criteria, March 2024]. Manual. ICOMOS International, Paris, 12p. European Quality Principles, Dutch. ISBN 978-2-918086-86-4 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2022) Europos kokybės principai ES finansuojamoms intervencijoms, galinčioms paveikti kultūros paveldą - Peržiūrėta laida. 2020 m. lapkritis [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Lithuanian version]. Manual. ICOMOS & ICOMOS Lithuania, Paris, 72p. European Quality Principles, Lithuanian. ISBN 978-2-918086-36-9 & 978-2-918086-74-1. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Europäische Qualitätsgrundsätze für EU-finanzierte Maßnahmen und ihre potenziellen Auswirkungen auf das Kulturerbe. Überarbeitete Ausgabe, November 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. German version]. Manual. ICOMOS & ICOMOS Germany, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Berlin, Germany, 42p. European Quality Principles, German. ISBN 978-2-918086-56-7 (PDF) & 978-2-918086-57-4 (print). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Evropska načela kakovosti za posege, ki jih financira EU in lahko vplivajo na kulturno dediščino - Posodobljena izdaja, november 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Slovenian version]. Manual. ICOMOS & ICOMOS Slovenia, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Ljubljana, Slovenia, 84p. European Quality Principles, Slovenian. ISBN 978-961-94851-2-5. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2024) Evropski principi kvalitete za intervencije finansirane sredstvima EU-a s potencijalnim efektom na kulturnu baštinu: preporuke i kriteriji za odabir, novembar 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. Bosnian translation]. Manual. ICOMOS International, Paris, 12p. European Quality Principles, Bosnian. ISBN 978-2-918086-91-8. [Book] (Unpublished)

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte Evropské principy kvality pro intervence financované EU s možným vlivem na kulturní dědictví - Revidované znění, listopad 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition, November 2020. Czech translation]. Manual. ICOMOS International, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 13p. European Quality Principles, Czech. ISBN 978-2-918086-99-4 & 978-80-7480-202-7 [PDF]; 978-2-487082-09-0 & 978-80-7480-199-0 [print]. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Principes européens de qualité pour les interventions financées par l’Union européenne ayant un impact potentiel sur le patrimoine culturel - Édition révisée Novembre 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. French version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 77p. European Quality Principles, French. ISBN 978-2-918086-35-2 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Principes européens de qualité pour les interventions financées par l’Union européenne ayant un impact potentiel sur le patrimoine culturel : Recommandations et critères de sélection, novembre 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Recommendations & Selection Criteria, November 2020. French version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 13p. European Quality Principles, French. ISBN 978-2-918086-39-0 (PDF). [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2021) Principi europei di qualità per gli interventi finanziati dall’Unione europea con un impatto potenziale sul patrimonio culturale - Edizione aggiornata Novembre 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Italian version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 77p. European Quality Principles, Italian. ISBN 978-2-918086-60-4. [Book]

Dimitrova, Elena, Lavenir, Marie-Laure, McMahon, Paul, Mūrniece, Baiba, Musso, Stefano Francesco, Nagy, Gergely, Rauhut, Christoph, Rourke, Grellan D., Sciacchitano, Erminia and Selfslagh, Bénédicte (2020) Principios europeos de calidad para intervenciones financiadas por la UE con impacto potencial en el Patrimonio Cultural - Edición revisada Noviembre de 2020 [European Quality Principles for EU-funded Interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage - Revised edition November 2020. Spanish version]. Manual. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 77p. European Quality Principles, Spanish. ISBN 978-2-918086-67-3 (PDF) & 978-2-918086-68-0 (print). [Book]

Ellena, Liliana, Kaasik-Krogerus, Sigrid, Lähdesmäki, Tuuli, Mäkinen, Katja, Passerini, Luisa, Proglio, Gabriele, Trakilović, Milica, Turunen, Johanna, van der Laarse, Rob and van Huis, Iris (2019) Dissonant heritages and memories in contemporary Europe. Documentation. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland, 294p. ISBN 978-3-030-11463-3 (printed) & 978-3-030-11464-0 (PDF). [Book]

Falser, Michael (2008) Zwischen Identität und Authentizität. Zur politischen Geschichte der Denkmalpflege in Deutschland. Other. Thelem, Dresden, 360p. ISBN 978-3-939888-41-3. [Book]

Larsen, Knut Einar (1994) Architectural preservation in Japan. Other. Tara Publishers, Trondheim, Norway, 204p. ISBN 82-519-1432-9. [Book]

Larsen, Knut Einar (1992) A note on the authenticity of historic timber buildings with particular reference to Japan. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS, Paris, France, 25p. [Book]

Larsen, Knut Einar and Marstein, Nils Conservation of historic timber structures: an ecological approach. Manual. Butterworth-Heinemann (2000), Larsen & Marstein (2016), Oxford (2000), Oslo (2016), 140p. [Book]

Marino, Bianca Gioia (2006) Restauro e autenticità: nodi e questioni critiche. Other. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Naples, Italy, 350p. ISBN 88-495-1288-0. [Book]

Mathisen, Bente, Sinding-Larsen, Amund, Robinson, Laura, Ekern, Stener, Larsen, Peter Bille, Wallace, Paulette, Selfslagh, Bénédicte, Ahlberg, Nils, Alatalu, Riin, Archibald, Diane, Careaga, Adriana, Curmi, Angela, Dharshini Karunanithi, Saranya, McDermott, Deirdre, Mota Botello, Graciela Aurora, Paulus, Ave and Shaffrey, Gráinne (2023) Our Common Dignity - Rights-Based Approaches Working Group: history and milestones. Project Report. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France, 132p. ISBN 978-2-918086-94-9. [Book]

Niglio, Olimpia and Hernandez Molina, Rubén (2012) Experiencias y métodos de restauración en Colombia Volumen 2. Project Report. ARACNE EDITRICE, Roma, Rome, 344p. ISBN 978–88–548–4625–8. [Book]

O'Flaherty, Michael (2019) Background research to support the work of the ICOMOS Indigenous Heritage Working Group. Project Report. ICOMOS Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 68p. [Book]

O'Flaherty, Michael (2019) Rapport de recherche pour appuyer le travail du groupe de travail d'ICOMOS sur le patrimoine autochtone. Project Report. ICOMOS Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 80p. [Book]

Orlove, Ben, Dawson, Neil, Sherpa, Pasang, Adelekan, Ibidun, Alangui, Wilfredo, Carmona, Rosario, Coen, Deborah, Nelson, Melissa, Reyes-García, Victoria, Rubis, Jennifer, Sanago, Gideon and Wilson, Andrew (2022) ICSM CHC White Paper I: Intangible cultural heritage, diverse knowledge systems and climate change. Contribution of Knowledge Systems Group I to the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change. Discussion Paper. ICOMOS & ISCM CHC, Charenton-le-Pont, France & Paris, France, 103p. ISBN 978-2-918086-71-0. [Book]

Parent, Michel (1985) Summary Report on the VIIth ICOMOS General Assembly, May 12 to 18,1984. Rostock/Dresden, German Democratic Republic. / Compte-rendu de la VIIème Assemblée Générale de l'ICOMOS.12-18 Mai 1984. Rostock/Dresden, République Démocratique Allemande. Conference Volume. ICOMOS International; ICOMOS German National Committee, Paris, Berlin, 56p. Scientific Symposium (ICOMOS General Assemblies), 1984, 7th. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (2013) Conservation of monuments and sites: international principles in theory and practice = Denkmalpflege: internationale Grundsätze in Theorie und Praxis. Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 268p. Monumenta (2012- ), 2. ISBN 978-3-930388-22-6. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (1992) Grundsätze der Denkmalpflege = Principles of monument conservation = Principes de la conservation des monuments historiques. Documentation. Lipp GmbH, Munich, Germany, 68p. ICOMOS Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, 10. ISBN 3-87490-615-9. [Book]

Petzet, Michael (2009) International principles of preservation. Documentation. Hendrik Bäßler Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 106p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), 20. ISBN 978-3-930388-54-7. [Book]

Pickard, Robert, Pirkovič, Jelka, Vodeb, Vlasta, Tomšič, Daniela, Guštin, Mitja, Jogan, Savin, Ifko, Sonja, Čerpes, Ilka, Kovač, Mojca Marjana and de Thyse, Mikhael (2014) International legal standards for heritage protection in a period of economic recession and tools for safeguarding protection standards. Other. ICOMOS & Združenje za ohranjanje spomenikov in spomeniških območij, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 77p. Monographic Publication of Icomos Slovenia, 1. ISBN 978-961-281-627-8. [Book]

Silva, Roland, Petzet, Michael, Luxen, Jean-Louis, Gómez-Ferrer Bayo, Álvaro, Krestev, Todor, Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane, Líbal, Dobroslav, Román, András, Maroević, Ivo, Chitham, Robert, Arnoth, Ádám, Ylimaula, Anna-Maija, Glemža, Jonas, Fowler, D. J., Campos, João, Matoušková, Kamila, Markevičienė, Jūratė, Gilibert, Anna, Waldhäusl, Peter, Yavuz, Ayşıl Tükel, Kairamo, Maija, Ilhan, Nevzat, Plachter, Harald and Jokilehto, Jukka (1996) ICOMOS European conference: authenticity and monitoring - Český Krumlov (Czech Republic), 17-22 October 1995 = Conférence européenne ICOMOS : authenticité et suivi - Český Krumlov (République tchèque), 17-22 octobre 1995. Conference Volume. ICOMOS, Paris (France), 258p. [Book]


Dirección del Patrimonio Mundial (2021) Hereditas 32. , 32. 80p . ISSN 2448-6841 [Journal]


Macaux, Alice (2011) Le projet de reconstruction du château de la ville de Berlin [Berliner Stadtschloss] - Réflexion sur les problèmes soulevés par la reconstruction de monuments historiques. EngD thesis, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. [Thesis]

Pedrosa, Patrícia (2011) Cultural significance as a criterion for the conservation of World Heritage. Masters thesis, Federal University of Pernambuco. [Thesis]

Rodrigues, Chenelle Fatima (2015) Regional Distinctiveness of Earthen Structures: Construction Techniques and Conservation Approaches. A Comparison of Mudwall/Cob Buildings in Perthshire – Scotland and Normandy – France. Masters thesis, The University of Edinburgh. [Thesis]


(2017) Принципы сохранения исторических деревянных построек: приняты на 19 Генеральной Ассамблее ИКОМОС в Индии, г. Дели, в декабре 2017 г. [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Russian version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) إيكوموس المجلس الدولي للصروح والمواقع اللجنة الدولية للخشب مبادئ الحفاظ على التراث المبني من الخشب. تبناها الإيكوموس أثناء الجمعية العمومية التاسعة عشرة في دلهي بالهند، في ديسمبر 2017 [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Arabic version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2022) Руководство ИКОМОС по археологическим исследованиям в Антарктике 2022 [ICOMOS Antarctic archaeology guidelines 2022. Russian version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Ahşap mimari mirasin korunmasi için ilkeler: aralık 2017’de Yeni Delhi’de yapılan 19. ICOMOS Genel Kurulunda kabul edilmiştir [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Turkish version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2013) The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance. Australia ICOMOS, Australia. [Other]

(2023) Carta de ICOMOS-España para la gestión integrada del arte rupestre prehistórico y sus paisajes (Carta de Alicante). ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain. [Other]

(2008) Carta del ICOMOS de itinerarios culturales [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Spanish translation]. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(2014) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe. European Commission, Brussels. [Other]

(2022) Directrices de ICOMOS para la arqueología antártica [ICOMOS Antarctic archaeology guidelines 2022. Spanish version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2022) ICOMOS Antarctic archaeology guidelines 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2008) The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes = Charte ICOMOS des itinéraires culturels. ICOMOS, Paris, France. [Other]

(2021) אמנת איקומוס לדרכי תרבות [The ICOMOS charter on cultural routes. Hebrew translation]. ICOMOS Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. [Other]

(2023) ICOMOS-Spain charter for the integrated management of prehistoric rock art and its landscapes (Alicante Charter) [English translation of : Carta de ICOMOS-España para la gestión integrada del arte rupestre prehistórico y sus paisajes (Carta de Alicante)]. ICOMOS Spain, Madrid, Spain. [Other]

(2024) International charter and guidance on sites with intangible cultural heritage = Carta internacional y directrices de sitios con patrimonio cultural inmaterial. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont. [Other]

(2024) International charter and guidance on sites with intangible cultural heritage = Charte internationale et les orientations sur les sites avec patrimoine culturel immatériel. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont. [Other]

(2022) Lignes directrices à propos de l'archéologie en Antarctique 2022 [ICOMOS Antarctic archaeology guidelines 2022. French version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Principes pour la conservation du patrimoine bâti en bois: adoptés par la 19e Assemblée générale de l’ICOMOS, le 15 décembre 2017, New Delhi, Inde [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly in Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. French version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Principi per la conservazione del patrimonio costruito di legno: adottato dall’ICOMOS alla 19a Assemblea Generale a Delhi, India, Dicembre 2017 [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Italian version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Principios para la conservación del patrimonio construido en madera: adoptados por ICOMOS en la 19a Asamblea General en Delhi, India, Diciembre 2017 [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Spanish version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) 木质建成遗产保护准则 [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Chinese version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Puurakennusperinnön säilyttämisen periaatteet: hyväksytty ICOMOSin 19:nnessä yleiskokouksessa, New Delhissä Intiassa, 15.12.2017 [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Finnish version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2019) Report from the commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation, results and overall assessments of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. European Commission, Brussels. [Other]

(2017) Zasady konserwacji drewnianego dziedictwa budowlanego: dokument przyjęty przez IWC ICOMOS w Delhi (Indie) - 12.2017 r. [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Polish version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) Zurez eraikitako ondarea kontserbatzeko printzipioak: ICOMOSen onartuak Delhin (India) 2017ko abenduan egin 19. Batzar Orokorrean [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Basque version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

(2017) A faanyagú épített örökség megőrzésének alapelvei: elfogadta az ICOMOS 19. Közgyűlése, Újdelhi, India, 2017. december 15.-én [Principles for the conservation of wooden built heritage: adopted by ICOMOS at the 19th General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 15 December 2017. Hungarian version]. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Arnoth, Ádám, Bellanca, Calogero, Brekke, Arnstein, Burgos Vargas, Camila, Carr, Gilly, Cefai, Shirley, Chagovets, Olesya, Chang, Chih-Yuan, Cipolla, Francesca, Cui, Jinze, Dawans, Stéphane, Fayez, Homaira, Genovese, Rosa Anna, Girardelli, Paolo, Gizzi, Stefano, Houbart, Claudine, Klysner Steffensen, Alberte, Martinis, Giacomo, Mora, Susana, Osorio, Katti, Oswalt, Philipp, Paulus, Ave, Solar, Giora, Solymosi, Tamás, Subramaniam, Shantanu, Walter, Nigel, Yıldız, Salman, Yöney, Nilüfer, Zhukova, Olena and Zygomalas, Dimitrios (2024) ICOMOS TheoPhilos ISC conference "Venice Charter at 60: doctrinal documents in the protection of cultural heritage": conference abstracts. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Kerr, James Semple (2013) Conservation Plan, the 7th edition: A guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European cultural significance. Australia ICOMOS. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = Carta Internacional de ICOMOS sobre el Turismo Cultural Patrimonial (2022): Reforzar la protección del patrimonio cultural y la resiliencia de las comunidades mediante una gestión responsable y sostenible del turismo Adoptada por la Asamblea General de ICOMOS (Bangkok, Tailandia) en noviembre de 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = Carta internazionale dell'ICOMOS per il turismo culturale (2022): Rafforzare la tutela del patrimonio culturale e la resilienza delle comunità attraverso una gestione responsabile e sostenibile del turismo. Adottata dall' Assemblea Generale Annuale dell'ICOMOS (Bangkok, Thailandia) in novembre 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = Charte internationale de l'ICOMOS pour le tourisme culturel patrimonial (2022) : renforcer la protection du patrimoine culturel et la résilience des populations grâce à une gestion du tourisme responsable et durable. Adopté par l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle de l'ICOMOS (Bangkok, Thaïlande) en novembre 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): styrkelse af kulturarvsbeskyttelse og samfundsresiliens gennem ansvarlig og bæredygtig turismeforvaltning Vedtaget af ICOMOS Årlige Generalforsamling (Bangkok, Thailand) i november 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = المجلس الدولي للمعالم والمواقع )إيكوموس( - الميثاق الدولي للسياحة الثقافية لعام 2022 : تعزيز حماية التراث الثقافي و المرونة المجتمعية من خلال إدارة السياحة المسؤولة والمستدامة تم اعتماد الميثاق من قبل الجمعية العامة السنوية للمجلس الدولي للمعالم و المواقع )ايكوموس( – بانكوك، تايلاند في نوفمبر 2022. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

Martínez Yáñez, Celia, Maclaren, Fergus, Smith-Christensen, Cecilie, Gowen, Margaret, Donovan, Jim, Kelly, Ian, Millar, Sue, Fonseca, Sofía, Deyá, Tomeu, Bhattacharya, Ananya and Hiriart Pardo, Carlos Alberto (2022) ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism (2022): Reinforcing cultural heritage protection and community resilience through responsible and sustainable tourism management. Adopted by the ICOMOS Annual General Assembly (Bangkok, Thailand) in November 2022 = 国际古迹遗址理事会ICOMOS 国际 文化遗产旅游宪章 2021)):通过负责任和可持续的旅游管理加强文化遗产保护及社区韧性宪章于2022年11月召开的ICOMOS年度大会(泰国曼谷)上通过. ICOMOS, Charenton-le-Pont, France. [Other]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 12:52:16 2025 UTC.