Items where Year is 1987

Group by: Item Type | Authors | No Grouping
Number of items: 144.

(1987) Images du patrimoine industriel = Pictures of industrial heritage. Conference Volume. Section Française de l'ICOMOS, Paris, 109p. Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France, 07. [Book]

Araoz, Gustavo F. and Schmuecker, Brian L. (1987) Discrepancies between U.S. national preservation policy and the Charter of Venice. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 829-836. [Book Section]

Barthélemy, Jean (1987) De la Charte de Venise à celle des villes historiques. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, United States, pp. 1-6. [Book Section]

Beasley, Ellen (1987) The Impact of the Public Review Process on New Design in Historic Districts in the United States. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 7-14. [Book Section]

Bellanca, Calogero (1987) Rural Architecture in Sicily. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 514-521. [Book Section]

Bellante, E. Lawrence and Cliver, E. Blaine (1987) Restoring the Statue of Liberty: Construction or Conservation? In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 267-274. [Book Section]

Benavides Solis, Jorge (1987) Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Arqueología: Propuesta para una restauración. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 15-22. [Book Section]

Berti, Maurizio (1987) Funzioni proprie delle volte in mattoni: il caso della volta a schifo della Loggia Cornaro in Padova. In: Conoscenze e sviluppi teorici per la conservazione di sistemi costruttivi tradizionali in muratura : atti del convegno di Studi Bressanone 23 - 26 Giugno 1987. Scienza e beni culturali . Libreria Progetto Editore, Padova, pp. 1-9. [Book Section]

Bevitt, Emogene A. (1987) The Skills Development Plan for Historical Architects in the National Park Service. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 247-252. [Book Section]

Biörnstad, Margareta (1987) Managing the Archaeological Heritage as an International, National and Local Resource. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 837-845. [Book Section]

Bo, Shen (1987) Steps taken in preservation of traditional identity in Beijing. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 174-180. [Book Section]

Bureau, Pierre (1987) La photographie aérienne oblique, une technique nouvelle de perception et de sauvegarde des cultures anciennes dans la Province de Québec, Canada. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 253-259. [Book Section]

Burke, Sheridan (1987) The Garden City Idea in Australia Before the Great War. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 525-533. [Book Section]

Cahen-Salvador, J. (1987) Sauvegarde et avenir du petit patrimoine rural, usuel et culturel, dans les pays membres d'ICOMOS. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 534-542. [Book Section]

Chapman, William (1987) Preservation in the Virgin Islands: Problems in Translating Cultural Values. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 846-853. [Book Section]

Choay, Françoise (1987) Preservation du patrimoine et pédagogie. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 260-266. [Book Section]

Comp, T. Allan (1987) Virginia City, Nevada: Time, Change and Integrity in an Historic Place. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 543-550. [Book Section]

Cummings, Calvin R. (1987) Research Programs for the Management of Cultural Resources in Marine Protected Areas. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 854-861. [Book Section]

Cummings, Patricia J. (1987) Sacred Sites in Contemporary Cultures. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 551-557. [Book Section]

Czerner, Olgierd (1987) We seek Aid for Polish Architecture in the Traditional. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 558-565. [Book Section]

De Dijn, C. G. (1987) Some experiences on monument preservation on the provincial level in Flanders. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 862-868. [Book Section]

De Oliveira Lyra, Cyro Illidio Corrêa (1987) Reformulation of strategies developed in Brazil for the conservation of historical centers = Reformulation des stratégies développés au Brésil pour la conservation des centres historiques. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 946-953. [Book Section]

De Vos, Ashley (1987) A Monument of Dual Parentage: The Preservation of the Historic City Centre of Galle, Sri Lanka. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 23-30. [Book Section]

Denhez, Marc (1987) Pacta Sont Servanda: Reinterpreting the World Heritage Convention. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 869-875. [Book Section]

Di Torio, Graciela Maria, Clinckspoor, Herman, Demarchi, Nora and Arias Incolla, Maria de las Nieves (1987) El Río de la Plata, la memoria de una región y la recuperación de sus identidades culturales. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 566-573. [Book Section]

Diaz-Berrio, S. (1987) La Formación de especialistas en conservacion del patrimonio cultural inmueble en Mexico. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 275-284. [Book Section]

Dick, Jerry A. (1987) The Vistula Mennonite House in Poland, the Soviet Union and America. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 574-581. [Book Section]

Dolske, Donald A. and Petuskey, William T. (1987) Monitoring Air Pollution Impacts on Anasazi Ruins at Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 285-292. [Book Section]

Fawcett, Jane (1987) The Impact of Visitors on the Medieval Cathedrals and Abbeys of England. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 876-883. [Book Section]

Feilden, Bernard M. (1987) Between Two Earthquakes: The Management of Cultural Property in Seismic Zones. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 582-589. [Book Section]

Fenn, Dennis B., Rutenbeck, Todd, Knab, Lawrence I., Clifton, James R. and Nistal-Moret, Benjamin B.G. (1987) Structural Monitoring of Castillo de San Marcos National Monument. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 400-407. [Book Section]

Fidler, John (1987) Historic Buildings at Risk: a strategy to identify redundant (under-used) and dilapidated buildings and to rescue them. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 884-891. [Book Section]

Fowler, Daryl (1987) Urban Regeneration and Design Control in Historic Districts. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 31-36. [Book Section]

Freeman, Peter (1987) Completion of the Bell Tower and Spire, The Cathedral Church of Saint Saviour, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 37-44. [Book Section]

Furlan, V. and Girardet, F. (1987) Vitesse d'Accumulation des Polluants Soufrés sur les Pierres en Oeuvre. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 293-300. [Book Section]

Garcia, Andrés M. (1987) Hacia una preservacion de asentamientos palafiticos en el Lago de Maracaibo (Estado Zulia, Venezuela). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 598-605. [Book Section]

Glemza, Jonas (1987) The Trends of Monument Preservation, Restoration and Use in the Towns of Lithuanian SSR (USSR). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 45-50. [Book Section]

Gradis, Bernadette M. (1987) Sensibiliser les jeunes au patrimoine en France. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 301-308. [Book Section]

Green, Annette (1987) German Settlements in South Australia: The Adaptation and Modification of a Traditional Rural Lifestyle in a New World. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 606-613. [Book Section]

Griffith, Richard J. (1987) Monitoring the Effect of Historic Building Controls in London. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 892-899. [Book Section]

Groll, C. L. Temminck (1987) Dutch Colonial Architecture and Town Planning. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 614-621. [Book Section]

Gupta, Narayani (1987) British Architecture in the Four Metropolitan Cities of India - What to Conserve and for Whom? In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 622-628. [Book Section]

Hartung, Giselher (1987) Monument Preservation and Postmodern Architecture in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 51-58. [Book Section]

Hatsagortsian, Zaven A. (1987) Possibility of Increasing the Durability of Stone by Changing its Porous Structure. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 309-316. [Book Section]

Heiman, J.L. (1987) The Influence of Temperature and Moisture on Sandstone Masonry Movements. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 317-324. [Book Section]

Hengeveld, J. M. (1987) An Illustration of Preservation Work in the Netherlands. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 900-905. [Book Section]

Hicks, B.B. and Kumari, Manju (1987) Marble Discoloration at the Taj Mahal: A Proposed Explanation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 325-332. [Book Section]

Howard, James Murray (1987) Thomas Jefferson's University of Virginia: Restoration of the Academical Village. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 64-71. [Book Section]

Jaccottet, Claude (1987) Restauration d'une maison ancienne dans une petite ville historique. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 72-78. [Book Section]

Jacob, Judith (1987) The Beginnings of a Tradition: The Adoption of the Log House by the Chipewyan of the Northwest Territories,Canada. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 629-636. [Book Section]

James, Peter C. and McCallum, Sandra K. (1987) Private Initiatives to Protect Heritage Monuments and Sites (with particular reference to monuments). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 914-921. [Book Section]

Javault, Bernard (1987) De la difficulté, en Europe, d'être et de demeurer asiatique: le cas du temple de Nogent-sur-Marne. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 637-644. [Book Section]

Jung, Diane A. (1987) Partnership in Preservation: Historic Property Leasing in Hot Springs National Park. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 922-929. [Book Section]

Kaila, Panu (1987) Sunshine: the worst enemy of wooden façades. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 333-338. [Book Section]

Kaplan, Marilyn E. (1987) The Impact of Building Regulations and Standards on Preservation and Conservation: A Global Perspective. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 339-346. [Book Section]

Kelly, Roger E. (1987) Issues From Maritime Law Regarding Heritage Resources of Pacific Rim Nations. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 930-937. [Book Section]

Kennedy, Brian P. (1987) The Traditional Irish Rural Dwelling. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 645-652. [Book Section]

Kennedy, C. Barrett, Jones, Dennis B., Schubert, Robert P. and Yamarik, Michael G. (1987) A New Documentation Methodology: Videographic Architectural Analysis. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 347-354. [Book Section]

Kingston, Marguerite J. and Rowan, Lawrence C. (1987) Application of Near-Infrared Spectral Reflectance Measurements for Detection of Acid Damage to Building Stones. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 355-362. [Book Section]

Kiss, Zsolt Istvan (1987) The adaptive use of certain ancient water mills as industrial vemacular monuments in Hungary. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 79-86. [Book Section]

Klok, R.H.J. (1987) Managing Megalithic Tombs as a National Resource in the Netherlands. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 938-945. [Book Section]

Krestev, Todor (1987) Sauvegarde de la caractéristique nationale de l'environnement dans un monde en changement. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 653-660. [Book Section]

Kurtovic Folic, Nadja (1987) Interaction Between Urban Planning and Traditionally Vernacular Architecture (some examples from Yugoslavia). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 590-597. [Book Section]

Laine, Christian (1987) Air Pollution and Conservation: A National Action Plan. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 661-668. [Book Section]

Lamei Mostafa, Saleh (1987) Historic Cairo: Causes of Deterioration and Suggestions for Preservation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 762-767. [Book Section]

Langenbach, Randolph (1987) A Certain Kind of Spirit: The Preservation of the Character and the Conservation of Fabric in Historic Structures. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 669-676. [Book Section]

Larsen, Knut Einar (1987) Some aspects of the development of the wooden towns in the Nordic countries until the 20th century. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 677-684. [Book Section]

Lecharpentier, Mathilde and Caisso, Denise (1987) Rivaud : Un quartier nouveau dans la ville historique de Poitiers. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 150-157. [Book Section]

Livingston, Richard A. (1987) The Protection of Monuments Against Air Pollution. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 371-378. [Book Section]

Livingston, Richard A. and Frassetto, Roberto (1987) Non-Destructive Diagnosis of Building Condition. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 363-370. [Book Section]

Lowenthal, David (1987) Where Does Our Architectural Heritage Belong? In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 685-692. [Book Section]

Malachowicz, Edmund (1987) Archaeological-Architectonic Discoveries and Expositions in Wroclaw. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 87-94. [Book Section]

Malisius, Ulrich (1987) The Stone Town of Zanzibar -Conservation of a difficult heritage. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 95-102. [Book Section]

Marstein, Nils (1987) Fire prevention in Norway's listed buildings. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 379-386. [Book Section]

Mattos-Cardenas, Leonardo (1987) Trazados Urbanos Históricos en América Latina: El Caso Peruano. Propuestas para Su Preservacion. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 693-700. [Book Section]

Mayr, Vincent (1987) Design of new additions in Rothenburg after the year 1945. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 103-110. [Book Section]

McConney, Charles (1987) The preservation of cultural sites and artistic treasures in war areas: past efforts and needed new initiatives. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 954-960. [Book Section]

McDonald, Kimla (1987) Cultural Monuments in the Four Corners: Sacred Land in a Changing World. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 701-708. [Book Section]

Michon, Jean-Louis (1987) Earth Architecture of South Morocco: Problems of Conservation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 961-968. [Book Section]

Miller, Hugh C. (1987) Diagnostic Methods for Evaluating Conditions and Managing Change in Historic Structures. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 387-393. [Book Section]

Mimita, Mohamed Ajmi (1987) Pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine et de l'environnement d'une île méditerranéenne: L'Ile de Djerba, Tunisie. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 111-118. [Book Section]

Monjardino, Alvaro (1987) La Ville Transatlantique: Angra do Heroismo, Ville- Témoin de la Conquête d'un Océan, et des Rapports entre l'Europe et le Nouveau Monde. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 709-714. [Book Section]

Moulin, Claude (1987) Expérience touristique, pierre angulaire du tourisme culturel. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 969-976. [Book Section]

Mouline, Said (1987) Architecture Métissée et Patrimoine. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 715-722. [Book Section]

Mouton, Benjamin (1987) Les Problèmes de la survie des ensembles antiques du Proche-Orient: L'Exemple de Doura Europos. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 119-126. [Book Section]

Mturi, Amini A. (1987) Land Use Planning and the Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites of Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara, Tanzania. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 977-984. [Book Section]

Muschter, Martin (1987) Special training for architects in the field of monument preservation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 394-399. [Book Section]

Myklebust, Dag (1987) Preservation Philosophy: The Basis for Legitimating the Preservation of the Remains of Old Cultures in a Modern World with New Value Systems. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 723-730. [Book Section]

Neuwirth, Franz (1987) Values of a Monument in a New World. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 127-133. [Book Section]

Norris, Daniel (1987) The Nova Scotia Heritage Inventory Programme. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 408-415. [Book Section]

Olsen, Carol (1987) Historic Shipwrecks: A Growing Concern of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 985-992. [Book Section]

Orcsik, Eva (1987) Comparative Analysis of Stone Cleaning Technologies Applied in Hungary. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 416-423. [Book Section]

Ottavino, Kate Burns (1987) The Proposed Restoration of the Encaustic Tile Ceiling at Bethesda Terrace, Central Park, New York City. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 424-431. [Book Section]

Pabon de Rocafort, Arleen (1987) The Rehabilitation of the Seminario Conciliar Building in the San Juan Historic Zone: A Fight Against All Odds. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 134-141. [Book Section]

Padfield, Tim (1987) The Dangers of Installing Air Conditioning in Historic Buildings. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 432-439. [Book Section]

Papp, László Kis (1987) Training in "Photogrammetry in monuments preservation" and the application of modern methods of photogrammetry in monuments preservation. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 440-446. [Book Section]

Patricios, Nicholas N. (1987) The Preservation of the Ceremonial Complexes of Easter Island. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 993-1000. [Book Section]

Patricios, Nicholas N. (1987) Venetian Colonial Secular Architecture in the Ionian Islands. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 731-738. [Book Section]

Paula, Alberto de (1987) Tradiciones vernáculas y transculturaciones barrocas en la arquitectura Rioplatense (siglos XVI a XVIII). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 739-746. [Book Section]

Pereira Brandão, Augusto (1987) Lusitanian Patrimony in the World. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 522-524. [Book Section]

Peropadre Muniesa, Angel (1987) Estudio para la Restauración de los Absides de la Catedral del Salvador de Zaragoza (España). In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 142-149. [Book Section]

Petzet, Michael (1987) Preliminary Investigations for the Restoration of the Wies Church. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 447-452. [Book Section]

Pieper, Richard (1987) The Preservation of Stone Today: Technology Awaits Philosophy. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 453-458. [Book Section]

Prohaska, Sharr (1987) A Highway as a Historic Resource. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 158-165. [Book Section]

Prudon, Theodore H. M. (1987) The Seismic Retrofit of the City and County Building in Salt Lake City: A Case Study of the Application of Base Isolation to a Historic Building. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 459-466. [Book Section]

Puccioni, Silvia (1987) Analysis of Structural and Geotechnical Behaviour. Case Study: Consolidation of the Basement Floor of the Catete Palace, Rio de Janeiro. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 467-474. [Book Section]

Raj Isar, Yudhishthir (1987) Historic preservation: a new culture in old worlds? In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 906-913. [Book Section]

Ramirez, Constance Werner (1987) Historic Preservation by the Department of the Army in the United States. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1001-1008. [Book Section]

Regalado Trota, Jose (1987) Bamboo or Brick: the travails of building churches in Spanish Colonial Philippines. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 800-807. [Book Section]

Reich, Ronny (1987) The Archaeologist's Dilemma: On some aspects of archaeology as a 'destructive' scientific discipline. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1009-1015. [Book Section]

Reinhardt, Helmut (1987) A Bathhouse of the late 16th-century at Dieburg/West Germany. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 747-754. [Book Section]

Reinisch, Rainer (1987) Townscape Maintenance and the Preservation of Historic Centres in Austria = Soins des villes et villages et restauration des centres de villes en Autriche. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1016-1017. [Book Section]

Ren-Zhi, Hou (1987) The Ancient Great Wall in a New Era. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 59-63. [Book Section]

Román, András (1987) The Architectural Heritage of the National Minorities of the Carpathian Basin. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 755-761. [Book Section]

Rumble, P.W. (1987) Financing Public Sector Monuments. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1018-1025. [Book Section]

Sandström, Christina (1987) Cultural heritage as part of development strategies in rural areas. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1026-1032. [Book Section]

Sanković Simčić, Vjekoslava (1987) Design of new structures in historic districts. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 181-188. [Book Section]

Saunders, Andrew (1987) A National Initiative to Protect Ancient Monuments in England. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1033-1040. [Book Section]

Schmuckle-Mollard, Christiane (1987) Restauration de l'Hôtel de Croisilles pour l'installation de la bibliothèque des archives et de la salle de la Commission Supérieure des Monuments Historiques. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 166-173. [Book Section]

Sedovic, Walter (1987) Undoing a Miracle Cure-All: Removing an Acrylic Coating from Federal Hall National Memorial. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 475-482. [Book Section]

Sengupta, R. (1987) Preservation and Interpretation of Colonial Gothic Architecture at Allahabad in India. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 768-775. [Book Section]

Simison, Gouhar (1987) Canadian Government Policies: are they Promoting Conservation Principles and Standards? In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1041-1048. [Book Section]

Smets, Marcel (1987) The Reconstruction of Historical cores in Belgian Cities after their Destruction in the First World War. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 776-783. [Book Section]

Smook, Roger A.F. (1987) Preservation and Town Planning: New Elements in an Old Fabric. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 189-196. [Book Section]

Stelzer, Helmut (1987) The conservation of buildings and gardens of the Dessau- Worlitz reformatory work. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 784-791. [Book Section]

Szalay, Gabor (1987) Design of Commercial Fonctions in Historic Areas. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 197-204. [Book Section]

Tampone, Gennaro and Vannucci, Sergio (1987) The Effects of Modern Restoration Techniques on the Prehistoric Temples of the Maltese Islands. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 484-491. [Book Section]

Temple, Helen (1987) Australia's Phoenix -The Re-emergence of First Government House. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 205-211. [Book Section]

Tishler, William H. (1987) European Folk Architecture in Wisconsin: The Transfer of Old World Building Traditions to a New World Setting. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 792-799. [Book Section]

Tomps, Fredi (1987) Complex Preservation and Present-Day Use of Historical Architectural Ensembles in Estonia. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 212-217. [Book Section]

Trotta, Giampaolo (1987) Porto Longone, Today Porto Azzurro, at Elba Island: A Spanish Stronghold in Tuscany, to be recovered in the new environmental context. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 808-814. [Book Section]

Truscott, Marilyn C. (1987) Conflicts Between Old and New: Traditional Owners and Site Managers in Australia. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1049-1056. [Book Section]

Tsitsishvili, Irakli (1987) Preservation and Restoration of Monuments of Svaneti. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 218-226. [Book Section]

Tsitsishvili, Irakli (1987) Reconstruction and Restoration of Old Districts of the City of Tbilisi. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1065-1072. [Book Section]

Ueda, Atsushi (1987) Historical Cities and Post-Modern Architecture. The Rebirth of Machiya in Kyoto: From Moneyland to Loveland. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 815-820. [Book Section]

Uluengin, Nihal and Uluengin, Bülent (1987) The Threats of Petro-boom upon Traditional Houses of Makkah al Mukarramah. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 821-827. [Book Section]

Van Herck, Lucas (1987) The revaluating of the site of the former Cistercian Abbey of Herkenrode by integrating into it a new monastery for the Regular Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 227-238. [Book Section]

Veloz, Nicolas F. (1987) Successful Use of Soft Abrasives (Walnut Shells) for Cleaning Outdoor Bronze Sculpture by Air Jets. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 492-498. [Book Section]

Von Truetzschler, Werner (1987) The protection and preservation of monuments and sites in the Federal Republic of Germany: legal, financial and organizational aspects. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1057-1064. [Book Section]

Wermuth, James A. (1987) New World Evaluation of Wood Degraded by Old Cultures: Evaluation of Residual Strength Characteristics in Micro-organically Degraded Wood. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 499-505. [Book Section]

Wildeman, Diether (1987) Conservation and Revitalisation of Historically Valuable City-cores in West Germany at the end of the 20th century. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 235-238. [Book Section]

Winkler, Gábor (1987) "American Houses" in the Provinces of Hungary. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 239-245. [Book Section]

Woredekal, Solomon (1987) The Preservation Problems of Harar City. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 1073-1078. [Book Section]

Zador, Mihaly (1987) Ancient civilization - New Technologies. In: Old cultures in new worlds. 8th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium. Programme report - Compte rendu. US/ICOMOS, Washington, pp. 506-513. [Book Section]

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